I briefly did therapy, but after a while, I realised it is just like a farmer
complaining about the weather. You can't fix the weather - you just have to get on with it.
Douglas Adams
Will it come like a change in the weather?
Will its greeting be courteous or rough?
Will it alter my life altogether?
O tell me the truth about love.
W. H. Auden
And she was fair as is the rose in May.
Geoffrey Chaucer
Man has been endowed with reason, with the power to create, so that he can add to what he's been given. But up to now, he hasn't been a creator, only a
destroyer. Forests keep disappearing, rivers dry up, wild life's become extinct, the climate's ruined, and the land grows poorer and uglier every day.
Anton Chekhov
There are two powers at which men should never grumble - the weather and their wives.
Benjamin Disraeli
Must, bid the Morn awake,
Sad Winter now declines,
Each Bird doth choose a mate,
This day's Saint Valentine's;
For that good Bishop's sake
Get up, and let us see
What Beauty it shall be
That Fortune us assigns.
Michael Drayton
Beauty for some provides escape,
Who gain a happiness in eyeing
The gorgeous buttocks of the ape
Or Autumn sunsets exquisitely dying.
Aldous Huxley
Silence at the proper season is wisdom, and better than any speech.
You can never be an entrepreneur if you're afraid to lose money. It's like being a pilot who is afraid of bad weather.
Peter de Savary
Crabbed age and youth cannot live together:
Youth is full of pleasure, age is full of care;
Youth like summer morn, age like winter weather;
Youth like summer brave, age like winter bare.
The Passionate Pilgrim
William Shakespeare
Men are April when they woo, December when they wed: maids are May when they are maids, but the sky changes when they are wives.
As You Like It
William Shakespeare
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Sonnet 18
William Shakespeare