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Holy Bible

Topic A
Able - Having the power, skill, means, or opportunity to do something. Having considerable skill, proficiency, or intelligence.
Abnormal - Deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.
Abortion - The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.
About - On the subject of; concerning. Used to indicate movement within an area.
Absence - The state of being away from a place or person.
Absolute - Not qualified or diminished in any way; total. A value or principle which is regarded as universally valid or which may be viewed without relation to other things.
Absorb - Take in or soak up (energy or a liquid or other substance) by chemical or physical action.
Absorbs - The third person singular present form of the verb "to absorb."
Abstain - Restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something.
Abstains - The third person singular present form of the verb "to abstain."
Abuse - Use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse. The improper use of something.
Abuses - The plural noun and third person present of "abuse" and "to abuse."
Accept - Consent to receive or undertake (something offered).
Accepted - Generally believed or recognized to be valid or correct.
Accepts - The third person singular present form of the verb "to accept."
Accident - An unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.
Accidents - The plural form of the noun "accident."
Accomplish - Achieve or complete successfully.
Accomplishes - The third person singular present form of the verb "to accomplish."
Accomplishing - Gerund or present participle of accomplish.
According - (According to) As stated by or in. In a manner corresponding or conforming to. In proportion or relation to. (According as) (Formal) Depending on whether.
Accountant - A person whose job is to keep, inspect, and analyse financial accounts.
Accountants - The plural form of the noun "accountant."
Accounting - The action or process of keeping financial accounts.
Accurate - (Especially of information, measurements, or predictions) correct in all details; exact.
Achieve - Successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective or result) by effort, skill, or courage.
Acknowledge - Accept or admit the existence or truth of.
Acquire - Buy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneself. Learn or develop (a skill, habit, or quality).
Acquisition - An asset or object bought or obtained, typically by a library or museum.
Act - Take action; do something. A thing done; a deed. Advance corporation tax. Australian Capital Territory.
Action - The fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim. Take action on; deal with.
Adapt - Make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify.
Addiction* - The fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity.
Alcohol - A colourless volatile flammable liquid which is produced by the natural fermentation of sugars and is the intoxicating constituent of wine, beer, spirits, and other drinks, and is also used as an industrial solvent and as fuel.
Drug - A medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. Administer a drug to (someone) in order to induce stupor or insensibility.
Drugs - Plural noun and third person present of drug.
Other - Denoting a person or thing that is different or distinct from one already mentioned or known about. A person or thing that is different or distinct from one already mentioned or known about. View or treat (a person or group of people) as intrinsically different from and alien to oneself.
Smoking - The action or habit of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of tobacco by sucking on the end of a lit cigarette, cigar, pipe, etc. Emitting smoke or visible vapour.
Admiration - Respect and warm approval. Something regarded as impressive or worthy of respect. Pleasurable contemplation.
Admire - Regard with respect or warm approval.
Admired - Past participle and past tense of admire.
Advanced - Modern and recently developed.
Advantage - A condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position. Put in a favorable or more favorable position.
Advantages - The plural form of the noun "advantage." Adverse - Preventing success or development; harmful; unfavourable.
Advertise - Describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium in order to promote sales or attendance.
Advice - Guidance or recommendations offered with regard to prudent future action.
Affect - Have an effect on; make a difference to. Pretend to have or feel (something). Emotion or desire as influencing behaviour.
Affection - A gentle feeling of fondness or liking.
Affliction - A cause of pain or harm.
After - In the time following (an event or another period of time). During the period of time following an event. At a later or future time; afterwards. Later.
Against - In opposition to.
Age* - The length of time that a person has lived or a thing has existed. Grow old or older.
Agent - A person who acts on behalf of another person or group.
Aggression - Feelings of anger or antipathy resulting in hostile or violent behaviour; readiness to attack or confront.
Agnostic - A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God.
Agree - Have the same opinion about something; concur.
Ahead - Further forward in space; in the line of one's forward motion. Further forward in time; in advance; in the near future. In the lead.
Alcohol - A colourless volatile flammable liquid which is produced by the natural fermentation of sugars and is the intoxicating constituent of wine, beer, spirits, and other drinks, and is also used as an industrial solvent and as fuel.
Alike - (Of two or more subjects) similar to each other. In the same or a similar way.
Alive - (Of a person, animal, or plant) living, not dead.
All - Used to refer to the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing. Completely. Albanian lek(s).
Allow - Give (someone) permission to do something. Give the necessary time or opportunity for.
Allowing - Gerund or present participle of allow.
Alone - Having no one else present. On one's own.
Alter - Change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way.
Altitude - The height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level.
Always - At all times; on all occasions.
Amateur - A person who engages in a pursuit, especially a sport, on an unpaid rather than a professional basis. Engaging or engaged in without payment; non-professional.
Amaze - Surprise (someone) greatly; fill with astonishment.
Ambition - A strong desire to do or achieve something.
Amendment - A minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc.
Amendments - The plural form of the noun "amendment."
Among - Situated more or less centrally in relation to (several other things).
Amuse - Cause someone to find something funny.
Anarchism - A political theory advocating the abolition of hierarchical government and the organization of society on a voluntary, cooperative basis without recourse to force or compulsion.
Anarchist - A person who advocates or promotes anarchism or anarchy. Relating to or supporting anarchism or anarchy.
Anarchy - A state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems.
Angel - A spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God, conventionally represented in human form with wings and a long robe.
Anger - A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility. Fill (someone) with anger; provoke anger in.
Animal and Plant*
Animal* - A living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli.
Bird - A warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate animal distinguished by the possession of feathers, wings, a beak, and typically by being able to fly.
Birds - Plural noun of bird.
Cat - A small domesticated carnivorous mammal with soft fur, a short snout, and retractable claws. Widely kept as a pet or for catching mice and there are many breeds.
Cats - Plural noun and third person present of cat.
Dog - A domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell, non-retractable claws, and a barking, howling, or whining voice.
Dogs - Plural noun and third person present of dog.
Other - Denoting a person or thing that is different or distinct from one already mentioned or known about. A person or thing that is different or distinct from one already mentioned or known about. View or treat (a person or group of people) as intrinsically different from and alien to oneself.
Pet - A domestic or tamed animal kept for companionship or pleasure. Stroke or pat (an animal) affectionately.
Pets - Plural noun and third person present of pet.
Plant* - A living organism typically growing in a permanent site, absorbing water and inorganic substances and synthesizing nutrients by photosynthesis.
Annual - Occurring once every year. A book or magazine that is published once a year under the same title but with different contents.
Anonymous - (Of a person) not identified by name; of unknown name.
Answer - A thing that is said, written, or done as a reaction to a question, statement, or situation. Say or write something as a reaction to someone or something.
Answerable - Required to explain or justify one's actions to; responsible or having to report to. (Of a question) able to be answered.
Answered - Past participle and past tense of answer.
Answers - The plural noun of "answer" and third person singular present form of the verb "to answer."
Any - Used to refer to one or some of a thing or number of things, no matter how much or how many. One or some of a thing or number of things, no matter how much or how many. At all; in some degree (used for emphasis).
Anyone - Any person or people.
Anything - Used to refer to a thing, no matter what.
Apology - A regretful acknowledgement of an offence or failure.
Apostle - Each of the twelve chief disciples of Jesus Christ.
Appear - Come into sight; become visible or noticeable, especially without apparent cause.
Appears - The third person singular present form of the verb "to appear."
Appearance* - The way that someone or something looks.
Application - A formal request to an authority for something. The action of putting something into operation.
Apply - Make a formal application or request. Put or spread (a substance) on a surface.
Appraise - Assess the value or quality of.
Appreciate - Recognize the full worth of. Be grateful for (something). Understand (a situation) fully; grasp the full implications of. Rise in value or price.
Arbitrary - Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
Architect - A person who is qualified to design buildings and to plan and supervise their construction. Design and configure (a program or system).
Argue - Give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one's view.
Arise - (Of a problem, opportunity, or situation) emerge; become apparent.
Army - An organized military force equipped for fighting on land.
Around - Located or situated on every side. So as to rotate and face in the opposite direction. In or to many places throughout a locality. Randomly or unsystematically; here and there. In existence, in the vicinity, or in active use. Approximately; about. On every side of. In or to many places throughout (a community or locality). So as to pass (a place or object) in a curved or approximately circular route. So as to encircle or embrace (someone or something).
Art* - The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. Archaic or dialect second person singular present of be.
Aspiration - A hope or ambition of achieving something.
Assertive - Having or showing a confident and forceful personality.
Assume - Suppose to be the case, without proof. Take or begin to have (power or responsibility).
Assumes - The third person singular present form of the verb "to assume."
Assumption - A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
Atheist - A person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
Atom - The smallest particle of a chemical element that can exist.
Attention - Notice taken of someone or something; the regarding of someone or something as interesting or important.
Attitude - A settled way of thinking or feeling about something.
Attract - Cause to come to a place or participate in a venture by offering something of interest or advantage.
Audit - An official inspection of an organization's accounts, typically by an independent body. Conduct an official financial inspection of (a company or its accounts).
Augustine - Saint.
Author - A writer of a book, article, or document. Be the author of (a book or piece of writing).
Authority - The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
Autobiography - An account of a person's life written by that person.
Autumn - The season in the northern hemisphere (September-November) and southern hemisphere (March-May).
Available - Able to be used or obtained; at someone's disposal. (Of a person) not otherwise occupied; free to do something. Not currently involved in a sexual or romantic relationship.
Average - A number expressing the central or typical value in a set of data, in particular the mode, median, or (most commonly) the mean, which is calculated by dividing the sum of the values in the set by their number. Constituting the result obtained by adding together several amounts and then dividing this total by the number of amounts. Amount to or achieve as an average rate or amount over a period of time; mean.
Averages - The plural noun of "average" and third person singular present form of the verb "to average."
Avoid - Keep away from or stop oneself from doing (something).
Awake - Stop sleeping; wake from sleep. Not asleep.
Awaken - Rouse from sleep; cause to stop sleeping. Stop sleeping. Rouse (a feeling).
Awakened - The past participle and the past tense form of the verb "to awaken."
Awakening - An act of waking from sleep. An act or moment of becoming suddenly aware of something. Coming into existence or awareness.
Awakenings - The plural form of the noun "awakening."
Awakens - The third person singular present form of the verb "to awaken."
Awakes - The third person singular present form of the verb "to awake."
Award - Give or order the giving of (something) as an official payment, compensation, or prize to (someone). A prize or other mark of recognition given in honour of an achievement.
Awards - The plural noun of "award" and the third person singular present form of the verb "to award."
Aware - Having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.
Away - To or at a distance from a particular place, person, or thing. (Of a sports fixture) played at the opponents' ground. An away match or win.
Axiom - A statement or proposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true.

Topic B
Baby - A very young child. Comparatively small or immature of its kind. Treat (someone) as a baby; pamper or be overprotective towards.
Bachelor - A man who is not and has never been married.
Back - The rear surface of the human body from the shoulders to the hips. In the opposite direction from the one that one is facing or travelling towards. Give financial, material, or moral support to. Of or at the back of something.
Bad - Of poor quality or a low standard. Badly.
Balance - An even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. Put (something) in a steady position so that it does not fall.
Bald - Having a scalp wholly or partly lacking hair.
Bank - The land alongside or sloping down to a river or lake. Heap (a substance) into a mass or mound. A financial establishment that uses money deposited by customers for investment, pays it out when required, makes loans at interest, and exchanges currency. Deposit (money or valuables) in a bank.
Bargain - An agreement between two or more people or groups as to what each will do for the other. Negotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction.
Base - The lowest part or edge of something, especially the part on which it rests or is supported. A conceptual structure or entity on which something draws or depends. Have as the foundation for (something); use as a point from which (something) can develop. Situate as the center of operations.
Baseball - A ball game played between two teams of nine on a diamond-shaped circuit of four bases. It is played chiefly as a warm-weather sport in the U.S,A. and Canada.
Bases - The plural form of "base."
Basis - The underlying support or foundation for an idea, argument, or process. The system or principles according to which an activity or process is carried on. The justification for or reasoning behind something.
Basketball - A game played between two teams of five players in which goals are scored by throwing a ball through a netted hoop fixed at each end of the court.
Battle - A sustained fight between large organized armed forces. Struggle tenaciously to achieve or resist something.
Be - Exist. Used with a present participle to form continuous tenses. The chemical element beryllium. Bachelor of Education. Bachelor of Engineering. Bill of exchange.
Beat - Strike (a person or an animal) repeatedly and violently so as to hurt or injure them, typically with an implement such as a club or whip. A main accent or rhythmic unit in music or poetry. Completely exhausted.
Beauty - A combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. Good; excellent (used as a general term of approval).
Became - Past tense of become.
Because - For the reason that; since.
Become - Begin to be. (Of clothing) look good on or suit (someone).
Becomes - The third person singular present form of the verb "to become."
Been - Past participle of be.
Beer - An alcoholic drink made from yeast-fermented malt flavoured with hops.
Before - During the period of time preceding a particular event or time. In advance of the time when. During the period of time preceding (a particular event or time).
Began - Past tense of begin.
Begin - Perform or undergo the first part of (an action or activity).
Beginning - The point in time or space at which something begins. New or inexperienced.
Beginnings - The plural form of the noun "beginning."
Begins - The third person singular present form of the verb "to begin."
Begun - The past participle form of the verb "to begin."
Behind - At or to the far side of (something), typically so as to be hidden by it. At or to the far side or the back side of something. A person's buttocks.
Being - Present participle of be. Existence. Being alive; living.
Belief - An acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof.
Believe - Accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of. Hold (something) as an opinion; think or suppose.
Believed - Past participle and past tense of believe.
Beloved - Dearly loved. A much loved person.
Benefit - An advantage or profit gained from something. Receive an advantage; profit.
Bereave - Be deprived of a close relation or friend through their death.
Best - Of the most excellent or desirable type or quality. To the highest degree; most (used with verbs suggesting a desirable action or state or a successful outcome). That which is the most excellent, outstanding, or desirable. Outwit or get the better of (someone).
Betray - Expose (one's country, a group, or a person) to danger by treacherously giving information to an enemy.
Betrayed - The past participle and past tense form of the verb "to betray."
Betraying - The present participle form of the verb "to betray."
Betrays - The third person singular present form of the verb "to betray."
Better - More desirable, satisfactory, or effective. More excellently or effectively. The better one; that which is better. Improve on or surpass (an existing or previous level or achievement). Variant spelling of bettor.
Between - At, into, or across the space separating (two objects or regions). In or along the space separating two objects or regions.
Beware - Be cautious and alert to the dangers of.
Beyond - At or to the further side of. At or to the further side of something. The unknown, especially in references to life after death.
Bias - Inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair. Cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something.
Bible* - The inspired Word of God.
Bible - The inspired Word of God.
Big - Of considerable size or extent. Praise or recommend something highly. The major league in a professional sport.
Biography - An account of someone's life written by someone else.
Bird - A warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate animal distinguished by the possession of feathers, wings, a beak, and typically by being able to fly.
Birds - Plural noun of bird.
Birth and Death*
Birth* - The emergence of a baby or other young from the body of its mother; the start of life as a physically separate being. Give birth to (a baby or other young).
Death* - The action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism.
Birthday - The anniversary of the day on which a person was born, typically treated as an occasion for celebration and the giving of gifts.
Blame - Feel or declare that (someone or something) is responsible for a fault or wrong. Responsibility for a fault or wrong.
Blamed - The past participle and past tense of the verb "to blame."
Blames - The third person present of the verb "to blame."
Blaming - The present participle of the verb "to blame."
Bless - Pronounce words in a religious rite in order to confer or invoke divine favour upon; ask God to look favourably on.
Blind - Unable to see because of injury, disease, or a congenital condition. Cause (someone) to be unable to see, permanently or temporarily. A screen for a window, especially one on a roller or made of slats. Without being able to see clearly.
Body, Mind, and Spirit*
Body* - The physical structure, including the bones, flesh, and organs, of a person or an animal. Give material form to something abstract.
Mind* - The element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought. Be distressed, annoyed, or worried by.
Spirit* - The non-physical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.
Bodybuilding - A sport involving strenuous physical exercise in order to strengthen and enlarge the muscles of the body.
Bold - (Of a person, action, or idea) showing a willingness to take risks; confident and courageous. A bold typeface or letter.
Bond - A relationship between people or groups based on shared feelings, interests, or experiences. Join or be joined securely to something else, especially by means of an adhesive substance, heat, or pressure.
Bondage - The state of being a slave. Sexual practice that involves the tying up or restraining of one partner.
Book - A written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers. Reserve (accommodation, a place, etc.); buy (a ticket) in advance.
Books - The plural form of the noun "book" and the third person present form of the verb "to book."
Bored - Feeling weary and impatient because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one's current activity. (Of a gun) having a specified bore.
Bosom - A woman's chest or breasts. (Of a friend) very close or intimate.
Boss - A person who is in charge of a worker, group, or organization. Give (someone) orders in a domineering manner. Excellent; outstanding. A stud on the centre of a shield. A cow. Bureau of State Security.
Bother - Take the trouble to do something. (Of a circumstance or event) worry, disturb, or upset (someone). Effort, worry, or difficulty.
Bothers - The third person singular present form of the verb "to bother."
Bottom - The lowest point or part of something. In the lowest position. (Of a situation) reach the lowest point before stabilizing or improving.
Bought - Past participle and past tense of buy.
Boxing - The sport or practice of fighting with the fists, especially with padded gloves in a roped square ring according to prescribed rules (the Queensberry Rules).
Boy - A male child or youth. Used to express strong feelings, especially of excitement or admiration.
Boys - The plural form of the noun "boy."
Boyfriend - A person's regular male companion with whom they have a romantic or sexual relationship.
Boyfriends - The plural form of the noun "boyfriend."
Brain - An organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the skull of vertebrates, functioning as the coordinating centre of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity. Hit (someone) hard on the head with an object.
Brains - The plural form of the noun "brain" and the third person singular present form of the verb "to brain."
Brand - A type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name. Mark with a branding iron.
Brands - The plural form of the noun "brand" and the third person singular present form of the verb "to brand."
Brave - Ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage. A North American Indian warrior. Endure or face (unpleasant conditions or behaviour) without showing fear.
Braver - Comparative adjective of brave.
Bravery - Courageous behavior or character.
Braves - The plural form of the noun "brave" and the third person singular present form of the verb "to brave."
Bread - Food made of flour, water, and yeast mixed together and baked. Coat (food) with breadcrumbs before cooking.
Breads - The plural form of the noun "bread" and the third person present form of the verb "bread."
Break - Separate or cause to separate into pieces as a result of a blow, shock, or strain. An interruption of continuity or uniformity. Former term for breaking cart. Another term for brake.
Breaks - The plural form of the noun "break" and the third person singular present form of the verb "to break."
Bright - Giving out or reflecting a lot of light; shining. (Of a person, idea, or remark) intelligent and quick-witted.
Brighter - Comparative adjective of bright.
Brightest - Superlative adjective of bright.
Brights - The plural form of the noun "bright."
Brilliance - Intense brightness of light. Vividness of colour. Exceptional talent or intelligence.
Brilliant - (Of light or colour) very bright. Exceptionally clever or talented. Outstanding; impressive. A diamond of brilliant cut.
Bring - Take or go with (someone or something) to a place. Cause (someone or something) to be in a particular state or condition.
Brings - The third person singular present form of the verb "to bring."
Broke - Past (and archaic past participle) of Break. Having completely run out of money.
Broken - Past participle of break. Having been broken. Having ended; given up all hope; despairing.
Brother - A man or boy in relation to other sons and daughters of his parents. Used to express annoyance or surprise.
Brotherhood - The relationship between brothers. The feeling of kinship with and closeness to a group of people or all people. An association or community of people linked by a common interest, religion, or trade. A trade union.
Brothers - The plural form of the noun "brother."
Brought - Past participle and past tense of bring.
Bud - A compact growth on a plant that develops into a leaf, flower, or shoot. (Of a plant or animal) form a bud. A friendly form of address from one boy or man to another.
Buds - The plural form of the noun "bud" and the third person singular present form of the verb "to bud."
Build - Construct (something) by putting parts or material together. The proportions of a person's or animal's body.
Builds - The plural form of the noun "build" in specific contexts, such as software development, and the third person present form of the verb "to build."
Bureaucracies - The plural form of the noun "bureaucracy."
Bureaucracy - A system of government in which most of the important decisions are taken by state officials rather than by elected representatives.
Business* - A person's regular occupation, profession, or trade.
Businesses - The plural form of the noun "business."
Buy - Obtain in exchange for payment. Accept the truth of. A purchase.
Buyer - A person who makes a purchase. A person employed to select and purchase stock or materials for a large retail or manufacturing business.
Buyers - The plural form of the noun "buyer."
Buying - The present participle form of the verb "to buy."
Buys - The plural form of the noun "buy" and the third person singular present form of the verb "to buy."

Topic C
Call - Give (a baby or animal) a specified name. Cry out (a word or words). A cry made as a summons or to attract someone's attention. An act of telephoning.
Calls - Plural noun of call.
Caller - A person who makes a phone call or pays a brief visit. A person who calls out numbers in a game of bingo or directions in a dance.
Callers - Plural noun of caller.
Calling - The loud cries or shouts of an animal or person. A strong urge toward a particular way of life or career; a vocation.
Callings - Plural noun of calling.
Can - Be able to. A cylindrical metal container. Preserve (food) in a can. Prison.
Canada - The second largest country in the world; population 38.25 million (estimated 2021); official languages, English and French; capital, Ottawa.
Candle - A cylinder or block of wax or tallow with a central wick which is lit to produce light as it burns. (Of a poultry breeder) test (an egg) for freshness or fertility by holding it to the light.
Candles - Plural noun and third person present of candle.
Cannot - Contraction of can and not. To be unable or not allowed to.
Cans - Plural noun and third person present of can.
Capabilities - Plural noun of capability.
Capability - The power or ability to do something. The extent of someone's or something's ability. A facility on a computer for performing a specified task.
Capable - Having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing.
Car - A four-wheeled road vehicle that is powered by an engine and is able to carry a small number of people. A railroad vehicle for passengers or freight. The passenger compartment of an elevator, cableway, airship, or balloon. A charlot.
Care - The provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something. Feel concern or interest; attach importance to something.
Cares - Third person present of care.
Career - An occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress. Move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way.
Careers - The plural noun of "career" and the third person singular present form of the verb "to career."
Careless - Not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harm or errors.
Carelessness - Failure to give sufficient attention to avoiding harm or errors; negligence.
Amy Carmichael - Missionary.
Carries - Plural noun and third person present of carry.
Carry - Support and move (someone or something) from one place to another. An act of carrying something from one place to another.
Cars - Plural noun of car.
Case - An instance of a particular situation; an example of something occurring. A container designed to hold or protect something. Surround in a material or substance.
Cases - Plural noun of case.
Cash - Money in coins or notes, as distinct from cheques, money orders, or credit. Give or obtain notes or coins for (a cheque or money order). A coin of low value from China, southern India, or SE Asia.
Casino - A public room or building where gambling games are played.
Casinos - Plural noun of casino.
Cat - A small domesticated carnivorous mammal with soft fur, a short snout, and retractable claws. Widely kept as a pet or for catching mice and there are many breeds.
Cats - Plual noun and third person present of cat.
Caution - Care taken to avoid danger or mistakes. Say something as a warning.
Celebrities - Plural noun of celebrity.
Celebrity - A famous person, especially in entertainment or sport. The state of being well known.
Censor - An official who examines books, films, news, etc. that are about to be published and suppresses any parts that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security. Examine (a book, film, etc.) officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it.
Censors - Plural noun and third person present of censor.
Censorship - The suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security. (In ancient Rome) the office or position of censor.
CEO - A chief executive officer, the highest-ranking person in a company or other institution, ultimately responsible for taking managerial decisions.
CEOs - Plural noun of CEO.
Certain - Able to be firmly relied on to happen or be the case. Some but not all.
Certainly - Undoubtedly; definitely; surely. (In answer to a question or command) yes; by all means.
Certainties - Plural noun of certainty.
Certainty - Firm conviction that something is the case. The quality of being reliably true. A fact that is definitely true or an event that is definitely going to take place.
Challenge - A call to someone to participate in a competitive situation or fight to decide who is superior in terms of ability or strength. Invite (someone) to engage in a contest.
Challenges - Plural noun and third person present of challenge.
Challenger - A person who engages in a contest. A person who disputes the truth of or places themselves in opposition to something.
Challengers - Plural noun of challenger.
Challenging - Testing one's abilities; demanding. Inviting competition; provocative.
Chance - A possibility of something happening. Fortuitous; accidental. Do something by accident or without intending to.
Chances - Plural noun and third person present of chance.
Change - Make (someone or something) different; alter or modify. An act or process through which something becomes different.
Changes - Plural noun and third person present of change.
Changing - Gerund or present participle of change.
Chaos - Complete disorder and confusion. The property of a complex system whose behaviour is so unpredictable as to appear random, owing to great sensitivity to small changes in conditions. The formless matter supposed to have existed before the creation of the universe. The first created being, from which came the primeval deities Gaia, Tartarus, Erebus, and Nyx.
Chaotic - In a state of complete confusion and disorder. Relating to systems which exhibit chaos.
Character - The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. Inscribe or write (something).
Characters - Plural noun and third person present of character.
Characterization - The creation or construction of a fictional character. A description of the distinctive nature or features of someone or something.
Characterize - Describe the distinctive nature or features of. (Of a feature or quality) be typical or characteristic of.
Charitable - Relating to the assistance of those in need. Apt to judge others leniently or favorably.
Charities - Plural noun of charity.
Charity - An organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need.
Charm - The power or quality of delighting, attracting, or fascinating others. Delight greatly. Denoting a flavour (variety) of unstable quark having an electric charge of +2/3. Charm quarks have similar properties to up quarks and top quarks, but are distinguished from them by having an intermediate mass.
Charmer - A person with an attractive and engaging personality, typically one who uses this to impress or manipulate others.
Charming - Pleasant or attractive. (Of a person or manner) polite, friendly, and likable.
Charms - Third person present of charm.
Cheer - Shout for joy or in praise or encouragement. A shout of encouragement, praise, or joy.
Cheerer - A person who, or a thing that cheers.
Cheerers - Plural noun of cheerer.
Cheerful - Noticeably happy and optimistic. Noticeably happy and optimistic.
Cheerfulness - The quality or state of being noticeably happy and optimistic. The quality of causing happiness.
Cheering - Shouting for joy or in praise or encouragement. Giving comfort or support.
Cheers - Plural noun and third person present of cheer. Expressing good wishes before drinking. Expressing good wishes on parting or ending a conversation.
Chemistry - The branch of science that deals with the identification of the substances of which matter is composed.
Cherish - Protect and care for (someone) lovingly.
Cherishes - Third person present of cherish.
Cherishing - Gerund or present participle of cherish.
Child - A young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority.
Children - Plural noun of child.
Chinese Philosophy - Philosophy written in the Chinese tradition of thought.
Choice - An act of choosing between two or more possibilities. (Especially of food) of very good quality.
Choices - Plural noun of choice.
Choose - Pick out (someone or something) as being the best or most appropriate of two or more alternatives.
Chooses - Third person present of choose.
Choosing - Gerund or present participle of choose.
Jesus Christ - The central figure of the Christian religion. The Messiah. The Saviour. God in the flesh.
Christian - A person who has received Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
Christians - Plural noun of Christian.
Christianity - The religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ, or its beliefs and practices.
Christmas - The annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on December 25. Expressing surprise, dismay, or despair.
Church - The Body of Christ. A building used for public Christian worship.
Circulate - Move or cause to move continuously or freely through a closed system or area. Pass or cause to pass from place to place or person to person.
Circulates - Third person present of circulate.
Circulation - Movement to and fro or around something, especially that of fluid in a closed system.
Circulatory - Relating to the circulation of blood or sap.
Cities - Plural noun of city.
City - A large town. An incorporated municipal center.
Civil - Relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, as distinct from military or ecclesiastical matters.
Civilian - A person not in the armed services or the police force. A person who is not a member of a particular profession or group, as viewed by a member of that group.
Civilians - Plural noun of civilian.
Civilization - The stage of human social and cultural development and organization that is considered most advanced.
Civilizations - Plural noun of civilization.
Class - A set or category of things having some property or attribute in common and differentiated from others by kind, type, or quality. Assign or regard as belonging to a particular category. Showing stylish excellence.
Classes - Plural noun and third person present of class.
Classic - Judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind. A work of art of recognized and established value.
Classic Quotations* - The exact words of someone else judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality.
Classical - Relating to ancient Greek or Latin literature, art, or culture. (Typically of a form of art) regarded as representing an exemplary standard; traditional and long-established in form or style.
Classics - Plural noun of classic.
Clean - Free from dirt, marks, or stains. So as to be free from dirt, marks, or unwanted matter. Make clean; remove dirt, marks, or stains from. An act of cleaning something.
Cleans - Third person present of clean.
Clear - Easy to perceive, understand, or interpret. (Of a substance) transparent; unclouded. So as to be out of the way of or away from. Completely. Remove an obstruction or unwanted item or items from. Remove (an obstruction or unwanted item) from somewhere.
Cleared - Past participle and past tense of clear.
Clearing - An open space in a forest, especially one cleared for cultivation.
Clears - Third person present of clear.
Clergy - The body of all people ordained for religious duties, especially in the Christian Church.
Climb - Go or come up (a slope, incline, or staircase), especially by using the feet and sometimes the hands; ascend. Move with effort, especially into or out of a confined space; clamber. An ascent, especially of a mountain or hill, by climbing.
Climbed - Past participle and past tense of climb.
Climber - A person or animal that climbs. A mountaineer. A climbing plant.
Climbing - To ascend, go up, or get to the top of, especially by the use of the hands and feet or feet alone or by continuous or strenuous effort.
Climbs - Plural noun and third person present of climb.
Cloth - Woven or felted fabric made from wool, cotton, or a similar fiber. A piece of cloth for a particular purpose, such as a dishcloth or a tablecloth.
Clothe - Put clothes on (oneself or someone); dress. Provide (someone) with clothes.
Clothes - Items worn to cover the body.
Clothing - Clothes collectively.
Coin - A flat disc or piece of metal with an official stamp, used as money. Make (coins) by stamping metal. Invent (a new word or phrase).
Coins - Plural noun and third person present of coin.
Collect - Bring or gather together (a number of things). (Of a phone call) paid for by the person receiving it. (With reference to making a phone call) in a way that is paid for by the person receiving it. A winning bet. (In church use) a short prayer, especially one assigned to a particular day or season.
Collecting - Gerund or present participle of collect.
Collection - The action or process of collecting someone or something. A group of things or people.
Collections - Plural noun of collection.
Collector - A person who collects things of a specified type, professionally or as a hobby. An official who is responsible for collecting money.
Collectors - Plural noun of collector.
Collects - Third person present of collect.
Colour - (USA color) The property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light. Change the colour of (something) by painting, dyeing, or shading it.
Coloured - (USA colored) Past participle and past tense of colour.
Colouring - (USA coloring) Gerund or present participle of colour.
Colours - (USA colors) Plural noun and third person present of colour.
Combat - Fighting between armed forces. Take action to reduce or prevent (something bad or undesirable).
Combative - Ready or eager to fight; pugnacious.
Combats - Plural noun and third person present of combat.
Combination - A joining or merging of different parts or qualities in which the component elements are individually distinct. A sequence of numbers or letters used to open a combination lock.
Combinations - Plural noun of combination.
Come - Move or travel towards or into a place thought of as near or familiar to the speaker. When a specified time is reached or event happens. Semen ejaculated by a man at an orgasm.
Comedian - An entertainer whose act is designed to make an audience laugh. A comic actor. An amusing or entertaining person.
Comedians - Plural noun of comedian.
Comes - The third person singular present form of the verb "to come."
Comic - Causing or meant to cause laughter. A comedian, especially a professional one.
Comical - Amusing.
Comically - In an amusing, ludicrous, or absurd way.
Comics - Plural noun of comic.
Commandeer - Officially take possession or control of (something), especially for military purposes. Take possession of (something) without authority. Enlist (someone) to help in a task, typically against the person's will.
Commandeering - Gerund or present participle of commandeer.
Commandeers - Third person present of commandeer.
Commander - A person in authority, especially over a body of troops or a military operation.
Commanders - Plural noun of commander.
Commit - Perpetrate or carry out (a mistake, crime, or immoral act).
Committed - Feeling dedication and loyalty to a cause, activity, or job; wholeheartedly dedicated.
Commits - Third person present of commit.
Committee - A group of people appointed for a specific function by a larger group and typically consisting of members of that group.
Committees - Plural noun of committee.
Committing - Gerund or present participle of commit.
Common - Occurring, found, or done often; prevalent. A piece of open land for public use.
Common Sense - Good sense and sound judgment in practical matters.
Commons - A dining hall in a residential school or college. Land or resources belonging to or affecting the whole of a community. Provisions shared in common; rations.
Communication* - The imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium.
Communications* - Plural noun of communication.
Communities - Plural noun of community.
Community - A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
Compact - Closely and neatly packed together; dense. Exert force on (something) so that it becomes more dense; compress. A small flat case containing face powder, a mirror, and a powder puff. A formal agreement or contract between two or more parties. Make or enter into (a formal agreement) with another party or parties.
Companies - Plural noun and third person present of company.
Companionship - A feeling of fellowship or friendship.
Company - A commercial business. Associate with; keep company with.
Compassion - Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
Compete - Strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others.
Competes - Third person present of compete.
Competing - Striving against one another to gain or win something.
Complain - Express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.
Complaining - The expression of dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.
Complains - Third person present of complain.
Compliment - A polite expression of praise or admiration. Politely congratulate or praise (someone) for something.
Complimented - Past participle and past tense of compliment.
Complimenting - Gerund or present participle of compliment.
Compliments - Plural noun and third person present of compliment.
Comprehension - The ability to understand something.
Compromise - An agreement or settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions. Settle a dispute by mutual concession.
Compromised - Past participle and past tense of compromise.
Compromises - Plural noun of compromise.
Compromising - (Of information or a situation) revealing an embarrassing or incriminating secret about someone.
Computer* - An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
Conceive - Create (an embryo) by fertilizing an egg. Become pregnant with (a child). Form or devise (a plan or idea) in the mind.
Conceived - Past participle and past tense of conceive.
Conceives - Third person present of conceive.
Conceiving - Present participle of conceive.
Conclude - Bring or come to an end.
Concluded - Past participle and past tense of conclude.
Concludes - Third person present of conclude.
Concluding - Gerund or present participle of conclude.
Condemn - Express complete disapproval of; censure.
Condemned - Sentenced to a particular punishment, especially death. Officially declared unfit for use.
Condemning - Gerund or present participle of condemn.
Condemns - Third person present of condemn.
Condescend - Show feelings of superiority; be patronizing. Do something in a haughty way, as though it is below one's dignity or level of importance.
Condescending - Having or showing a feeling of patronizing superiority.
Condescends - Third person present of condescend.
Condescension - An attitude of patronizing superiority; disdain.
Confederation - An organization which consists of a number of parties or groups united in an alliance or league.
Confide - Tell someone about a secret or private matter while trusting them not to repeat it to others.
Confides - Third person present of confide.
Confidence - The feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something.
Confidential - Intended to be kept secret. (Of a person's tone of voice) indicating that what one says is private or secret.
Confidentiality - The state of keeping or being kept secret or private.
Confidentially - In a way that is intended to be private or secret; privately.
Conflict - A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one. Be incompatible or at variance; clash.
Conflicted - Past participle and past tense of conflict. Having or showing confused and mutually inconsistent feelings.
Conflicting - Present participle of conflict. Be incompatible or at variance; clash; contradictory.
Conflicts - Plural noun and third person present of conflict.
Conform - Comply with rules, standards, or laws.
Conforms - Third person present of conform.
Confuse - Make (someone) bewildered or perplexed.
Confusion - Uncertainty about what is happening, intended, or required.
Congratulate - Give (someone) one's good wishes when something special or pleasant has happened to them.
Connect - Bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established. Join together so as to provide access and communication. Link to a power or water supply.
Connected - Brought together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established. Associated or related in some respect.
Connecting - Joining or linking things together, especially so as to provide access and communication. (Of a train, aircraft, etc.) timed to depart just after another train, etc. has arrived so that passengers can transfer.
Connects - Third person present of connect.
Conscience - A person's moral sense of right and wrong, viewed as acting as a guide to one's behaviour.
Consent - Permission for something to happen or agreement to do something. Give permission for something to happen.
Consequence - A result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.
Consequences - Plural noun of consequence.
Consequential - Following as a result or effect. Resulting from an act, but not immediately and directly.
Conservation - Prevention of wasteful use of a resource.
Conservationist - A person who advocates or acts for the protection and preservation of the environment and wildlife.
Conservationists - Plural noun of conservationist.
Consider - Think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision.
Considered - Having been thought about carefully.
Considering - Taking (something) into consideration; in view of. Taking the specified thing into consideration; in view of the fact that. Taking everything into account.
Considers - Third person present of consider.
Consist - Be composed or made up of. A set of railway vehicles forming a complete train.
Consisted - Past participle and past tense of consist.
Consistence - Conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness. The achievement of a level of performance that does not vary greatly in quality over time. The way in which a substance, typically a liquid, holds together; thickness or viscosity.
Consistency - Conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness. The achievement of a level of performance that does not vary greatly in quality over time. The way in which a substance, typically a liquid, holds together; thickness or viscosity.
Consistent - Acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate.
Consistently - In every case or on every occasion; invariably. In a fair and impartial way.
Consisting - Present participle of consist.
Consists - Third person present of consist.
Constant - Occurring continuously over a period of time. A situation or state of affairs that does not change.
Constantly - Continuously over a period of time; always.
Constants - Plural noun of constant. A situation or state of affairs that does not change. A quantity or parameter that does not change its value whatever the value of the variables, under a given set of conditions. A number expressing a relation or property which remains the same in all circumstances, or for the same substance under the same conditions.
Constitution - A body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.
Constitutions - Plural noun of constitution.
Consult - Seek information or advice from (someone with expertise in a particular area). An act of consulting a professional; a consultation.
Consultant - A person who provides expert advice professionally.
Consultants - Plural noun of consultant.
Consulted - Past participle and past tense of consult.
Consulting - Present participle of consult. Engaged in the business of giving expert advice to people working in a professional or technical field. The business of giving expert advice to other professionals, typically in financial and business matters.
Consults - Plural noun and third person present of consult.
Contact Form
Contempt - The feeling that a person or a thing is worthless or beneath consideration.
Content - In a state of peaceful happiness. Satisfy (someone). A state of satisfaction. The things that are held or included in something.
Contents - Plural noun and third person present of content.
Contract - A written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law. Decrease in size, number, or range.
Contracted - Past participle and past tense of contract.
Contracting - Present participle of contract.
Contracts - Plural noun and third person present of contract.
Contradict - Deny the truth of (a statement) by asserting the opposite.
Contradicted - Past participle and past tense of contradict.
Contradicting - Present participle of contradict.
Contradicts - Third person present of contradict.
Contrive - Create or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice. Manage to do something foolish or create an undesirable situation.
Contrived - Past participle and past tense of contrive.
Contrives - Third person present of contrive.
Contriving - Present participle of contrive.
Control - The power to influence or direct people's behaviour or the course of events. Determine the behaviour or supervise the running of.
Controlling - Gerund or present participle of control.
Controversy - Prolonged public disagreement or heated discussion.
Conversation - A talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged.
Converse - Engage in conversation. Conversation. A situation, object, or statement that is the reverse of another or corresponds to it but with certain terms transposed. Having characteristics which are the reverse of something else already mentioned.
Convince - Cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of something.
Cook - Prepare (food, a dish, or a meal) by mixing, combining, and heating the ingredients. A person who prepares and cooks food, especially as a job or in a specified way.
Cooperate - Work jointly towards the same end.
Cornerstone - An important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based. A stone that forms the base of a corner of a building, joining two walls.
Corporate - Relating to a corporation, especially a large company or group.
Corporate Culture - The ethos of a particular company, or that of large businesses in general; the approach a company takes towards the working environment of its staff.
Corporates - Plural noun of corporate.
Corporation - A company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law. A group of people elected to govern a city, town, or borough. A paunch.
Corporations - Plural noun of corporation.
Corrupt - Having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain. Cause to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.
Corrupted - Past participle and past tense of corrupt.
Corrupting - Gerund or present participle of corrupt.
Corrupts - Third person present of corrupt.
Cost - (Of an object or action) require the payment of (a specified sum of money) before it can be acquired or done. An amount that has to be paid or spent to buy or obtain something.
Could - Past of can. Used to indicate possibility. Used in making suggestions or polite requests. Used to indicate annoyance because of something that has not been done. Used to indicate a strong inclination to do something.
Count - Determine the total number of (a collection of items). Take into account; include. Be significant. An act of determining the total number of something. An act of reciting numbers in ascending order, up to the specified number. A point for discussion or consideration. The measure of the fineness of a yarn expressed as the weight of a given length or the length of a given weight.
Counting - Present participle of count. Taking account of when reaching a total; including.
Country, Nation, and State*
Country* - A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.
Nation* - A large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory.
State* - A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. The particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time. Plural noun and third person present of state.
Courage - The ability to do something that frightens one; bravery.
Course - The route or direction followed by a ship, aircraft, road, or river. (Of liquid) move without obstruction; flow.
Court - A body of people presided over by a judge, judges, or magistrate, and acting as a tribunal in civil and criminal cases. Be involved with (someone) romantically, with the intention of marrying.
Coward - A person who is contemptibly lacking in the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things. Excessively afraid of danger or pain.
Craft and Hobby*
Craft* - An activity involving skill in making things by hand. Exercise skill in making (an object), typically by hand.
Hobby* - An activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure. A migratory Old World falcon with long, narrow wings, catching dragonflies and birds on the wing.
Create - Bring (something) into existence.
Created - Past participle and past tense of create.
Creates - Third person present of create.
Creating - Gerund or present participle of create.
Creative - Relating to or involving the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. A person who is creative, typically in a professional context.
Creativity - The use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness.
Creator - A person or thing that brings something into existence. Used as a name for God.
Creature - An animal, as distinct from a human being.
Credibility - The quality of being trusted and believed in. The quality of being convincing or believable. Another term for street credibility.
Credible - Able to be believed; convincing. Capable of persuading people that something will happen or be successful.
Credit - The ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future. Publicly acknowledge a contributor's role in the production of (something published or broadcast).
Cricket - An open-air game played on a large grass field with ball, bats, and two wickets, between teams of eleven players.
Crime - An action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law. (Especially in the army) charge with or find guilty of an offence.
Criticize - Indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way.
Cry - Shed tears, typically as an expression of distress, pain, or sorrow. A loud inarticulate shout or scream expressing a powerful feeling or emotion.
Culture - The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. Maintain (tissue cells, bacteria, etc.) in conditions suitable for growth.
Curious - Eager to know or learn something.
Customer Service - The assistance and advice provided by a company to those people who buy or use its products or services.
Cut - Make an opening, incision, or wound in (something) with a sharp-edged tool or object. A stroke or blow given by a sharp-edged implement or by a whip or cane.
Cycle - Ride a bicycle.
Cynic - A person who believes that people are motivated purely by self-interest rather than acting for honourable or unselfish reasons.

Topic D
Dad - One's father (Informal).
Daily - Done, produced, or occurring every day or every weekday. Every day. A newspaper published every day except Sunday.
Dance - Move rhythmically to music, typically following a set sequence of steps. A series of steps and movements that match the speed and rhythm of a piece of music.
Danger - The possibility of suffering harm or injury.
Dangerous - Able or likely to cause harm or injury. Likely to cause problems or to have adverse consequences.
Dangers - Plural noun of danger.
Dare - Have the courage to do something. A challenge, especially to prove courage.
Date - The day of the month or year as specified by a number. Establish or ascertain the date of (an object or event). Go out with (someone in whom one is romantically or sexually interested).
Dating - Gerund or present participle of date.
Daughter - A girl or woman in relation to either or both of her parents.
Day - Each of the twenty-four-hour periods, reckoned from one midnight to the next, into which a week, month, or year is divided, and corresponding to a rotation of the earth on its axis.
Death* - The action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism.
Debate - A formal discussion on a particular matter in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward and which usually ends with a vote. Argue about (a subject), especially in a formal manner.
Debt - A sum of money that is owed or due. A liability or obligation.
Deceit - The action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth.
Deceive - Deliberately cause (someone) to believe something that is not true, especially for personal gain.
Decision - A conclusion or resolution reached after consideration.
Decision-making - The action or process of making decisions, especially important ones.
Decisions - Plural noun of decision.
Declaration - A formal or explicit statement or announcement.
Decline - (Typically of something regarded as good) become smaller, fewer, or less; decrease. Politely refuse (an invitation or offer). A gradual and continuous loss of strength, numbers, quality, or value.
Declines - Plural noun and third person present of decline.
Deep - Extending far down from the top or surface. Very intense or extreme. The sea. Far down or in; deeply.
Deepen - Make or become deep or deeper. (Of a weather system) decrease in barometric pressure.
Deepening - Present participle of deepen. Becoming deeper.
Deepens - Third person present of deepen.
Deeply - Far down or in. Intensely.
Deeps - Plural noun of deep.
Defeat - Win a victory over (someone) in a battle or other contest; overcome or beat. An instance of defeating or being defeated.
Defect - A shortcoming, imperfection, or lack. Abandon one's country or cause in favour of an opposing one.
Define - State or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of.
Defines - Third person present of define.
Delegate - A person sent or authorized to represent others, in particular an elected representative sent to a conference. Entrust (a task or responsibility) to another person, typically one who is less senior than oneself.
Delicate - Very fine in texture or structure; of intricate workmanship or quality. A delicate fabric or garment.
Demand - An insistent and peremptory request, made as of right. Ask authoritatively or brusquely.
Democracy - A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
Democrat - An advocate or supporter of democracy. (In the USA) a member of the Democratic Party.
Democratic - Relating to or supporting democracy or its principles. Favouring or characterized by social equality; egalitarian. (In the USA) relating to the Democratic Party.
Denomination - A recognized autonomous branch of the Christian Church.
Depend - Be controlled or determined by. Be able to trust; rely on. Need for financial or other support. Be grammatically dependent on. Hang down.
Deserve - Do something or have or show qualities worthy of (a reaction which rewards or punishes as appropriate).
Design - A plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is made. Decide upon the look and functioning of (a building, garment, or other object), by making a detailed drawing of it.
Desire - A strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen. Strongly wish for or want (something).
Destiny - The events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future.
Destroy - End the existence of (something) by damaging or attacking it.
Detail - An individual fact or item. Give full information about.
Determine - Cause (something) to occur in a particular way or to have a particular nature.
devil - (In Christian and Jewish belief) the supreme spirit of evil; satan. Act as a junior assistant for a barrister or other professional.
Dictate - Lay down authoritatively; prescribe. Say or read aloud (words to be typed, written down, or recorded on tape).
Dictates - Plural noun of dictate. An order or principle that must be obeyed.
Did - Past tense of do.
Die - (Of a person, animal, or plant) stop living. Singular of dice.
Diet - The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats. Restrict oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food in order to lose weight. A legislative assembly in certain countries.
Difference - A point or way in which people or things are dissimilar. Alter (a coat of arms) to distinguish members or branches of a family.
Different - Not the same as another or each other; unlike in nature, form, or quality. Distinct; separate.
Differently - In a way that is not the same as another or as before. In a novel and unusual way. In varied ways; diversely.
Difficult - Needing much effort or skill to accomplish, deal with, or understand.
Difficulties - Plural noun of difficulty.
Difficulty - The state or condition of being difficult. A thing that is hard to accomplish, deal with, or understand. A situation that is difficult or dangerous.
Digest - Break down (food) in the alimentary canal into substances that can be absorbed and used by the body. A compilation or summary of material or information.
Dignity - The state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect.
Diligence - Careful and persistent work or effort. A public stagecoach.
Diplomacy - The profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations, typically by a country's representatives abroad.
Direct - Extending or moving from one place to another without changing direction or stopping. With no one or nothing in between. Control the operations of; manage or govern.
Directed - Past participle and past tense of direct.
Direction - A course along which someone or something moves.
Disable - (Of a disease, injury, or accident) limit (someone) in their movements, senses, or activities.
Disappear - Cease to be visible.
Disappoint - Fail to fulfil the hopes or expectations of.
Disciple - A personal follower of Christ during his life, especially one of the twelve Apostles.
Discover - Find (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course of a search. Divulge (a secret).
Discovered - Past participle and past tense of discover.
Discoveries - Plural noun of discovery.
Discovering - Gerund or present participle of discover.
Discovers - Third person present of discover.
Discovery - The action or process of discovering or being discovered. A person or thing discovered. The compulsory disclosure, by one party to an action to another, of relevant testimony or documents.
Discriminate - Make an unjust or prejudicial distinction in the treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of ethnicity, sex, age, or disability.
Dispute - A disagreement or argument.
Distance - The length of the space between two points. Make (someone or something) far off or remote in position or nature.
Distress - Extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain. Cause (someone) anxiety, sorrow, or pain.
Divine - Of or like God or a god. A cleric or theologian. Discover (something) by guesswork or intuition.
Division - The action of separating something into parts or the process of being separated.
Divorce - The legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body. Legally dissolve one's marriage with (someone).
Do - A party or other social event. Perform (an action, the precise nature of which is often unspecified). Used before a verb (except be, can, may, ought, shall, will) in questions and negative statements. Variant spelling of doh.
Doctor - A person who is qualified to treat people who are ill. Change the content or appearance of (a document or picture) in order to deceive; falsify.
Doctrine - A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group.
Does - Third person present of do.
Dog - A domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell, non-retractable claws, and a barking, howling, or whining voice.
Dogs - Plural noun and third person present of dog.
Dogma - A principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.
Doing - The activities in which a particular person engages.
Domestic - Relating to the running of a home or to family relations. A person who is paid to help with cleaning and other menial tasks in a person's home.
Dominate - Have power and influence over.
Dominion - Sovereignty or control. Another term for dominium. Another term for dmination.
Done - Past participle of do. (Of food) cooked thoroughly. Used to indicate that the speaker accepts the terms of an offer.
Double - Consisting of two equal, identical, or similar parts or things. Twice as much or as many. At or to twice the amount or extent. A thing which is twice as large as usual or is made up of two standard units or things. A number or amount which is twice as large as a contrasting or usual number or amount. Become twice as much or as many.
Doubles - Plural noun and third person present of double.
Doubt - A feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction. Feel uncertain about.
Doubted - Past participle and past tense of doubt.
Doubts - Plral noun and third person present of doubt.
Down - Towards or in a lower place or position, especially to or on the ground or another surface. From a higher to a lower point of (something). Directed or moving towards a lower place or position. Knock or bring to the ground. A period of unwelcome experiences or negative mood. Soft, fine, fluffy feathers which form the first covering of a young bird or an insulating layer below the contour feathers of an adult bird. A gently rolling hill. One of the Six Counties of Northern Ireland, since 1973 an administrative district; chief town, Downpatrick.
Downright - (Of something bad or unpleasant) utter; complete (used for emphasis). To an extreme degree; thoroughly.
Drama - A play for theater, radio, or television. An exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances.
Dream - A series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. Experience dreams during sleep.
Dreams - Plural noun and third person present of dream.
Drill - A hand tool, power tool, or machine with a rotating cutting tip or reciprocating hammer or chisel, used for making holes. Instruction or training in military exercises. Produce (a hole) in something by or as if by boring with a drill. Subject (someone) to military training exercises.
Drilling - The action of making a hole in something by boring with a drill. Instruction or training in military exercises.
Drills - Plural noun and third person present of drill.
Drink* - Take (a liquid) into the mouth and swallow. A liquid that can be swallowed as refreshment or nourishment.
Drive - Operate and control the direction and speed of a motor vehicle. Determination and ambition to achieve something.
Drug - A medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. Administer a drug to (someone) in order to induce stupor or insensibility.
Drugs - Plural noun and third person present of drug.
Dull - Lacking interest or excitement. Make or become dull or less intense.
Dumb - Temporarily unable or unwilling to speak. Make dumb or unheard; silence.
Duty - A moral or legal obligation; a responsibility.

Topic E
Ear - The organ of hearing and balance in humans and other vertebrates, especially the external part of this. The seed-bearing head or spike of a cereal plant.
Earliest - Superlative adjective of early.
Early - Happening or done before the usual or expected time. Before the usual or expected time. Potatoes which are ready to be harvested before the main crop.
Earn - Obtain (money) in return for labour or services.
Earned - Past participle of earn.
Earth - The planet on which we live; the world. Connect (an electrical device) with the ground.
Easier - Comparative adjective and comparative adverb of easy.
Easiest - Superlative adjective and superlative adverb of easy.
Easter - The most important and oldest festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Christ and held (In the Western Church) between 21 March and 25 April, on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern spring equinox.
Easy - Achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties. (Of a period of time or way of life) free from worries or problems. Without difficulty or effort. Be careful.
Eat - Put (food) into the mouth and chew and swallow it. Light food or snacks. Tanzania (international vehicle registration).
Economics - The branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth.
Economy - The state of a country or region in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services and the supply of money.
Edge - The outside limit of an object, area, or surface. Provide with a border or edge.
Education - The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.
Effect - A change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause. Cause (something) to happen; bring about.
Efficient - (Of a system or machine) achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
Effort - A vigorous or determined attempt.
Ego - A person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance.
Elder - (Of one or more out of a group of associated people) of a greater age. People who are older than one. A small tree or shrub with pithy stems, white flowers, and bluish-black or red berries.
Election - A formal and organized choice by vote of a person for a political office or other position. The action of electing or the fact of being elected.
Elections - Plural noun of election.
Element - An essential or characteristic part of something abstract. The primary constituents of matter. Distinguished by its atomic number. Cannot be broken down.
Else - In addition; besides.
Elsewhere - In, at, or to some other place or other places. Some other place.
Emancipation - The fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions; liberation.
Embarrassment - A feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness. A person or thing causing Embarrassment. Financial difficulty.
Embarrassments - Plural noun of embarrassment.
Emotion - A strong feeling deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
Empire - An extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority, Formerly especially an emperor or empress. a large commercial organization owned or controlled by one person or group. Characteristic of or developed during the first French Empire, 1804-15.
Employee - A person employed for wages or salary, especially at non-executive level.
Employment - The state of having paid work.
Empowerment - Authority or power given to someone to do something.
Empty - Containing nothing; not filled or occupied. Remove all the contents of (a container). A bottle or glass left empty of its contents.
End - A final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a story. Come or bring to a final point; finish.
Endanger - Put (someone or something) at risk or in danger.
Endure - Suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently. Remain in existence; last.
Endured - Past participle and past tense of endure.
Enemy - A person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something.
Energy - The strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.
Engineer - A person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures. Design and build (a machine or structure).
Engineers - Plural noun and third person present of engineer.
Enjoy - Take delight or pleasure in (an activity or occasion).
Enlighten - Give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation. Give (someone) spiritual knowledge or insight. Shed light on (an object).
Enlightened - Past participle and past tense. Having or showing a rational, modern, and well-informed outlook. Spiritually aware.
Enlightening - Present participle of enlighten.
Enlightens - Third person present of enlighten.
Enough - As much or as many as required. As much or as many of something as required. To the required degree or extent (used after an adjective, adverb, or verb).
Entertainment* - The action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment.
Enthusiasm - Intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
Entrepreneur - A person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.
Environment - The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
Envy - A feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck. Desire to have a quality, possession, or other desirable thing belonging to (someone else).
Equal - Being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value. A person or thing that is the same as another in status or quality. Be the same as in number or amount.
Equality - The state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities. A symbolic expression of the fact that two quantities are equal; an equation.
Equally - In the same manner or to the same extent. In amounts or parts that are the same in size. In addition and having the same importance (used to introduce a further comment).
Error - A mistake. The state or condition of being wrong in conduct or judgment.
Essence - The intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, which determines its character.
Essential - Absolutely necessary; extremely important. A thing that is absolutely necessary.
Essentially - Used to emphasize the basic, fundamental, or intrinsic nature of a person or thing.
Esteem - Respect and admiration. Respect and admire.
Estimate - Roughly calculate or judge the value, number, quantity, or extent of. An approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something.
Estimates - Plural noun and third person present of estimate.
Eternal - Lasting or existing forever; without end.
Eternity - Infinite or unending time.
Ethics* - Moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.
Even - Flat and smooth. Equal in number, amount, or value. Make or become Even. Used to emphasize something surprising or extreme.
Ever - At any time.
Every - Used before a singular noun to refer to all the individual members of a set without exception.
Everyone - Every person.
Everything - All things.
Evidence - The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. Be or show evidence of.
Evil - Profoundly immoral and wicked. Profound immorality and wickedness, especially when regarded as a supernatural force.
Evils - Plural noun of evil.
Evolution - The process by which different kinds of living organism are believed to have developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
Exact - Not approximated in any way; precise. Demand and obtain (something) from someone.
Exactly - Without discrepancy (used to emphasize the accuracy of a figure or description). Used as a reply to confirm or agree with what has just been said.
Examination - A detailed inspection or study.
Example - A thing characteristic of its kind or illustrating a general rule. A printed or written problem or exercise designed to illustrate a rule. A person or thing regarded in terms of their fitness to be imitated or the likelihood of their being imitated. Be illustrated or exemplified.
Examples - The plural form of the noun "example."
Excellent - Extremely good; outstanding. Used to indicate approval or pleasure.
Excite - Cause (someone) to feel very enthusiastic and eager.
Excuse - Seek to lessen the blame attaching to (a fault or offence); try to justify. A reason or explanation given to justify a fault or offence.
Executive - Relating to or having the power to put plans or actions into effect. A person with senior managerial responsibility in a business.
Exercise - Activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness. Use or apply (a faculty, right, or process).
Exist - Have objective reality or being. Occur or be found, especially in a particular place or situation. Live, especially under adverse conditions.
Existed - Past participle and past tense of exist.
Exists - Third person present of exist.
Expect - Regard (something) as likely to happen.
Experience - Practical contact with and observation of facts or events. Encounter or undergo (an event or occurrence).
Explain - Make (an idea or situation) clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts.
Explode - Burst or shatter violently and noisily as a result of rapid combustion, decomposition, excessive internal pressure, or other process, typically scattering fragments widely. (Of a violent emotion or a situation) arise or develop suddenly.
Explosive - A substance which can be made to explode, especially any of those used in bombs or shells.
Explosives - Plural noun of explosive.
Eye - Each of a pair of globular organs of sight in the head of humans and vertebrate animals. Look at closely or with interest.

Topic F
Face - The front part of a person's head from the forehead to the chin, or the corresponding part in an animal. Be positioned with the face or front towards (someone or something).
Fact - A thing that is known or proved to be true.
Fail - Be unsuccessful in achieving one's goal. A mark which is not high enough to pass an examination or test.
Failed - (Of an undertaking or a relationship) not achieving its end or not lasting; unsuccessful. (Of a mechanism) not functioning properly; broken-down.
Failing - A weakness, especially in character; a shortcoming. In default of; in the absence of.
Fails - Plural noun and third person present of fail.
Failure - Lack of success. An unsuccessful person, enterprise, or thing.
Failures - Plural noun of failure.
Fair - Treating people equally without favouritism or discrimination. Without cheating or trying to achieve unjust advantage. A beautiful woman. (Of the weather) become fine. A gathering of stalls and amusements for public entertainment. Smooth the lines of (a vehicle, boat, or aircraft) to reduce drag; streamline.
Fairly - With justice. To quite a high degree.
Faith - Complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Said to express surprise or emphasis.
False - Not according with truth or fact; incorrect.
Fame - The state of being known or talked about by many people, especially on account of notable achievements.
Family and Relationship*
Family - A group consisting of two parents and their children living together as a unit.
Brother - A man or boy in relation to other sons and daughters of his parents. Used to express annoyance or surprise.
Brothers - Plural noun of brother.
Sister - A woman or girl in relation to other daughters and sons of her parents.
Sisters - Plural noun of sister.
Baby - A very young child. Comparatively small or immature of its kind. Treat (someone) as a baby; pamper or be overprotective towards.
Child - A young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority.
Children - Plural noun of child.
Boy - A male child or youth. Used to express strong feelings, especially of excitement or admiration.
Boys - Plural noun of boy.
Son - A boy or man in relation to either or both of his parents.
Girl - A female child or youth.
Girls - Plural noun of girl.
Daughter - A girl or woman in relation to either or both of her parents.
Parent - A person's father or mother. Be or act as a parent to (a child).
Father - A man in relation to his child or children. (Of a man) cause a pregnancy resulting in the birth of (a child).
Father-in-Law - The father of one's husband or wife.
Mother - A woman in relation to her child or children. Bring up (a child) with care and affection.
Mother-in-Law - The mother of one's husband or wife.
Husband - A married man considered in relation to his spouse. Use (resources) economically.
Wife - A married woman considered in relation to her spouse.
Grandparent - A parent of one's father or mother; a grandmother or grandfather.
Grandchild - A child of one's son or daughter.
Relationship - The way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected.
Bachelor - A man who is not and has never been married.
Brotherhood - The relationship between brothers. The feeling of kinship with and closeness to a group of people or all people. An association or community of people linked by a common interest, religion, or trade. A trade union.
Court - A body of people presided over by a judge, judges, or magistrate, and acting as a tribunal in civil and criminal cases. Be involved with (someone) romantically, with the intention of marrying.
Divorce - The legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body. Legally dissolve one's marriage with (someone).
Friendship - The emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends.
Boyfriend - A person's regular male companion with whom they have a romantic or sexual relationship.
Boyfriends - Plural noun of boyfriend.
Girlfriend - A person's regular female companion with whom they have a romantic or sexual relationship.
Girlfriends - Plural noun of girlfriend.
Mistress - A woman in a position of authority or control. A woman (other than the man's wife) having a sexual relationship with a married man.
Marriage - The legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship (historically and in some jurisdictions specifically a union between a man and a woman).
Famous - Known about by many people. Excellent.
Famous Authors* - Writers of books, articles, or documents known about by many people.
Famous People* - A quote attributed to a very well known person.
Famous Quotations* - The exact words of someone else known about by many people.
Famous Sayings - Well known wise statements that often have a meaning that is different from the simple meaning.
Famous Speeches - Formal addresses or discourses delivered to an audience and known about by many people.
Fan - An apparatus with rotating blades that creates a current of air for cooling or ventilation. Cool (someone or something) by waving an object to create a current of air. A person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular person or thing.
Fantasy - The faculty or activity of imagining impossible or improbable things. Imagine the occurrence of; fantasize about.
Farm - An area of land and its buildings, used for growing crops and rearing animals. Make one's living by growing crops or keeping livestock.
Farmer - A person who owns or manages a farm.
Fashion - A popular or the latest style of clothing, hair, decoration, or behaviour. Make into a particular form.
Fat - A natural oily substance occurring in animal bodies, especially when deposited as a layer under the skin or around certain organs. (Of a person or animal) having a large amount of excess flesh. Make or become fat.
Fate - The development of events outside a person's control, regarded as predetermined by a supernatural power. Be destined to happen, turn out, or act in a particular way.
Father - A man in relation to his child or children. (Of a man) cause a pregnancy resulting in the birth of (a child).
Father's Day - A day of the year (the second Sunday in June) on which fathers are honored by their children.
Father-in-Law - The father of one's husband or wife.
Fault - An unattractive or unsatisfactory feature, especially in a piece of work or in a person's character. Criticize for inadequacy or mistakes.
Faults - Plural noun and third person present of fault.
Fear - An unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm. Be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or harmful.
Feature - A distinctive attribute or aspect of something. Have as a prominent attribute or aspect.
Features - Plural noun and third person present of feature.
Feedback - Information about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement.
Feel - Be aware of (a person or object) through touching or being touched. An act of touching something to examine it.
Feels - Plural noun and third person present of feel.
Feeling - An emotional state or reaction. Showing emotion or sensitivity.
Fellow - A man or boy. A person in the same position, involved in the same activity, or otherwise associated with another. Sharing a particular activity, quality, or condition with someone or something.
Fellows - Plural noun of fellow.
Female - Of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) which can be fertilized by male gametes. A female animal or plant.
Festival - A day or period of celebration, typically for religious reasons.
Few - A small number of. Used to emphasize how small a number is. A small number of people or things. Used to emphasize how small a number of people or things is. The minority of people; the elect.
Fiction - Literature in the form of prose that describes imaginary events and people.
Fierce - Having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness. Very; extremely.
Fight - Take part in a violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons. A violent confrontation or struggle.
Fill - Cause (a space or container) to become full or almost full. An amount of something which is as much as one wants or can bear.
Fills - Plural noun and third person present of fill.
Fill-In Quotations - Substitute words to take up time and space.
Find - Discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly. A discovery of something valuable, typically something of archaeological interest.
Finds - Plural noun and third person present of find.
Finish - Bring (a task or activity) to an end; complete. An end or final part or stage of something.
Fire - A process in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke; combustion or burning. Discharge a gun or other weapon in order to propel (a bullet or projectile).
Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding surface or structure. Make more solid or resilient. In a resolute and determined manner. A business concern, especially one involving a partnership of two or more people.
First - Coming before all others in time or order; earliest; 1st.
Fishing - The activity of catching fish, either for food or as a sport.
Fitness and Health*
Fitness* - The condition of being physically fit and healthy.
Health* - The state of being free from illness or injury.
Five - Equivalent to the sum of two and three; one more than four, or half of ten; 5. (Also v. V).
Fix - Fasten (something) securely in a particular place or position. A difficult or awkward situation from which it is hard to extricate oneself; a predicament.
Flat - Having a level surface; without raised areas or indentations. In or to a horizontal position. The flat part of something. Lower (a note) by a semitone. A set of rooms forming an individual residence, typically on one floor and within a larger building containing a number of such residences. Live in or share a flat.
Flattery - Excessive and insincere praise, given especially to further one's own interests.
Flea - A small wingless jumping insect which feeds on the blood of mammals and birds. It sometimes transmits diseases through its bite, including plague and myxomatosis.
Flower - The seed-bearing part of a plant, consisting of reproductive organs (stamens and carpels) that are typically surrounded by a brightly coloured corolla (petals) and a green calyx (sepals). (Of a plant) produce flowers; bloom.
Fly - (Of a bird, bat, or insect) move through the air using wings. An opening at the crotch of a pair of trousers, closed with a zip or buttons and typically covered with a flap. A flying insect of a large order characterized by a single pair of transparent wings and sucking (and often also piercing) mouthparts. Flies are of great importance as vectors of disease. Knowing and clever.
Follies - Plural noun of folly.
Folly - Lack of good sense; foolishness.
Food and Drink*
Food* - Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.
Drink* - Take (a liquid) into the mouth and swallow. A liquid that can be swallowed as refreshment or nourishment.
Fool - A person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person. Trick or deceive (someone); dupe. Foolish; silly. A cold dessert made of pureed fruit mixed or served with cream or custard.
Football - Any of various forms of team game involving kicking (and in some cases also handling) a ball, in particular (In the UK) soccer or (In the USA) American football.
Force - Strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement. Make a way through or into by physical strength; break open by force. A waterfall.
Forced - Obtained or imposed by coercion or physical power. (Of a gesture or expression) produced or maintained with effort; affected or unnatural. (Of a plant) having its development or maturity artificially hastened.
Forces - Plural noun of force.
Forehead - The part of the face above the eyebrows.
Foreign - Of, from, in, or characteristic of a country or language other than one's own.
Forget - Fail to remember.
Forgive - Stop feeling angry or resentful towards (someone) for an offence, flaw, or mistake.
Forgiven - Past participle of forgive.
Forgiveness - The action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.
Forgives - Third person present of forgive.
Forgiving - Ready and willing to forgive. (Of a thing) easy or safe to deal with.
Form - The visible shape or configuration of something. A particular way in which a thing exists or appears; a manifestation. Bring together parts or combine to create (something). Make or fashion into a certain shape or form.
Fortune - Chance or luck as an arbitrary force affecting human affairs.
Forward - In the direction that one is facing or travelling; towards the front. Directed or facing towards the front or the direction that one is facing or travelling. An attacking player in football, hockey, or other sports. Send (a letter or email) on to a further destination.
Found - Past and past participle of find. Having been discovered by chance or unexpectedly. Establish or originate (an institution or organization). Melt and mould (metal).
Foundation - The lowest load-bearing part of a building, typically below ground level. An institution established with an endowment, for example a research body or charity.
Founded - Past participle and past tense of found.
Four - Equivalent to the product of two and two; one more than three, or six less than ten; 4. (Also iv, IV).
Fragile - (Of an object) easily broken or damaged. Easily destroyed or threatened. (Of a person) not strong or sturdy; delicate and vulnerable.
Fraud - Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
Free - Able to act or be done as one wishes; not under the control of another. Without cost or payment. Release from confinement or slavery.
Freed - Past participle and past tense of free.
Freedom - The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants.
Frees - Third person present of free.
Frequent - Occurring or done many times at short intervals. Visit (a place) often.
Friction - The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.
Friendship - The emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends.
Fright - A sudden intense feeling of fear. To frighten.
Frighten - Make (someone) afraid or anxious. Deter someone or something from involvement or action by making them afraid. (Of a person) become afraid or anxious.
Frightened - Afraid or anxious.
Frights - Third person present of fright.
Frivolous - Not having any serious purpose or value.
Frown - Furrow one's brows in an expression indicating disapproval, displeasure, or concentration. A facial expression indicating disapproval, displeasure, or concentration, characterized by a furrowing of one's brows.
Full - Containing or holding as much or as many as possible; having no empty space. Straight; directly. The period, point, or state of the greatest fullness or strength. Make (something) full; fill up. Clean, shrink, and felt (cloth) by heat, pressure, and moisture.
Fuller - A worker who cleanses wool through the process of fulling.
Fullest - Superlative adjective of full.
Fulling - The process of cleaning, shrinking, and felting cloth by heat, pressure, and moisture.
Fun - Enjoyment, amusement, or light-hearted pleasure. Amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable. Joke or tease.
Fundamental - Forming a necessary base or core; of central importance. A central or primary rule or principle on which something is based.
Funny - Causing laughter or amusement; humorous. Comic strips in newspapers.
Furnace - An enclosed structure in which material can be heated to very high temperatures, e.g. for smelting metals.
Future - A period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come. At a later time; going or likely to happen or exist.

Topic G
Gamble - Play games of chance for money; bet. Take risky action in the hope of a desired result.
Gambles - Plural noun and third person present of gamble.
Gambling - Gerund or present participle of gamble.
Game - An activity that one engages in for amusement or fun. Eager or willing to do something new or challenging. Manipulate (a situation), typically in a way that is unfair or unscrupulous. (Of a person's leg) permanently injured or disabled.
Garden - A piece of ground adjoining a house, in which grass, flowers, and shrubs may be grown. Cultivate or work in a garden.
General - Affecting or concerning all or most people or things; widespread. A commander of an army, or an army officer of very high rank.
Generation - All of the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively.
Generous - Showing a readiness to give more of something, especially money, than is strictly necessary or expected.
Genius - Exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability. Very clever or ingenious.
Get - Come to have (something); receive. An animal's offspring.
Gets - Plural noun and third person present of get.
Getting - Gerund or present participle of get.
Gift - A thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present. Give (something) as a gift, especially formally or as a donation or bequest. Gamete intrafallopian transfer, a technique for assisting conception by introducing mixed ova and sperm into a fallopian tube.
Girl - A female child or youth.
Girls - Plural noun of girl.
Girlfriend - A person's regular female companion with whom they have a romantic or sexual relationship.
Girlfriends - Plural noun of girlfriend.
Give - Freely transfer the possession of (something) to (someone). Capacity to bend or alter in shape under pressure.
Give Up - Cease making an effort; admit defeat.
Given - Past participle of give. Specified or stated. Taking into account. A known or established fact or situation.
Gives - Third person present of give.
Giving - To present voluntarily and without expecting compensation; bestow.
Glass - A hard, brittle substance, typically transparent or translucent, made by fusing sand with soda and lime and cooling rapidly. It is used to make windows, drinking containers, and other articles. Cover or enclose with glass.
Globalization - The process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.
Glory - High renown or honour won by notable achievements. Take great pride or pleasure in.
Go - Move from one place to another; travel. An attempt or trial at something. Functioning properly. A Japanese board game of territorial possession and capture.
Goal - (In soccer, rugby, hockey, and some other games) a pair of posts linked by a crossbar and typically with a net between, forming a space into or over which the ball has to be sent in order to score. The object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.
God - Our Holy Father. (In Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being. Used for emphasis or to express emotions such as surprise, anger, or distress.
Going - An act or instance of leaving a place; a departure. The condition of the ground viewed in terms of suitability for walking, riding, or other travel (used especially in the context of horse racing).
Golf - A game played on a large open-air course, in which a small hard ball is struck with a club into a series of small holes in the ground, the object being to use the fewest possible strokes to complete the course. Play golf.
Gone - Past participle of go. No longer present; departed. (Of time) past.
Good Old Days - A time in the past when you believe life was better than it is now.
Good - To be desired or approved of.
Gossip - Casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true. Engage in gossip.
Got - Past participle and past tense of get.
Government and Politics* - The process for making official government decisions; the basis for global politics.
Government* - The group of people with the authority to govern a country or state; a particular ministry in office.
Politics* - The activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power.
Grammar - The whole system and structure of a language or of languages in general, usually taken as consisting of syntax and morphology (including inflections) and sometimes also phonology and semantics.
Grand - Magnificent and imposing in appearance, size, or style. A thousand dollars or pounds.
Grandchild - A child of one's son or daughter.
Grandparent - A parent of one's father or mother; a grandmother or grandfather.
Grasp - Seize and hold firmly. A firm hold or grip.
Gratitude - The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
Grave - A hole dug in the ground to receive a coffin or dead body, typically marked by a stone or mound. Giving cause for alarm; serious. Engrave (an inscription or image) on a surface. Clean (a ship's bottom) by burning off the accretions and then tarring it. (As a direction) slowly; with solemnity. Performed in a slow and solemn way.
Great - Of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above average. An important or distinguished person. Very well; excellently.
Greatest - Superlative adjective of great.
Greats - Plural noun of great.
Great Quotations* - Considerably above average; important or distinguished; exact words of someone else.
Greed - Intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.
Greek Philosophy - Philosophy written in the Greek tradition of thought.
Green* - Of the colour between blue and yellow in the spectrum; coloured like grass or emeralds. Green colour or pigment. Make or become green in colour. Concerned with or supporting protection of the environment as a political principle. (Of a product or service) not harmful to the environment.
Grief - Intense sorrow, especially caused by someone's death.
Grind - Reduce (something) to small particles or powder by crushing it. A crushing or grating sound or motion.
Ground - Past and past participle of grind. The solid surface of the earth. Prohibit or prevent (a pilot or an aircraft) from flying. Reduced to fine particles by crushing or mincing.
Grounded - Well balanced and sensible. (Of a pilot or an aircraft) prohibited or prevented from flying.
Growth - The process of increasing in size.
Grudge - A persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult or injury. Be resentfully unwilling to give or allow (something).
Guard - Watch over in order to protect or control. A person who keeps watch, especially a soldier or other person assigned to protect a person or to control access to a place.
Guessing - The present participle form of the verb "to guess."
Guide - A person who shows the way to others, especially one employed to show tourists around places of interest. Show or indicate the way to (someone).
Guilt - The fact of having committed a specified or implied offence or crime. Guilt ascribed to someone not because of any evidence but because of their association with an offender.

Topic H
Habit - A settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up. Be dressed or clothed.
Had - Past participle and past tense of have.
Hallucination - An experience involving the apparent perception of something not present.
Handicapped - Having a condition that markedly restricts one's ability to function physically, mentally, or socially.
Handily - In a skillful manner. Without delay or difficulty; easily. In a way or position that is convenient for use; usefully.
Handy - Convenient to handle or use; useful. Close at hand.
Hang - Suspend or be suspended from above with the lower part dangling free. A downward droop or bend. Used to express a range of strong emotions from enthusiasm to anger.
Happen - Take place; occur. Perhaps; maybe.
Happiness - The state of being happy.
Happy - Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
Hard Work - A great deal of effort or endurance.
Hard - Solid, firm, and rigid; not easily broken, bent, or pierced. With a great deal of effort. A road leading down across a foreshore.
Hardship - Severe suffering or privation.
Harm - Physical injury, especially that which is deliberately inflicted. Physically injure.
Has-been - A person or thing considered to be outmoded or no longer of any significance.
Haste - Excessive speed or urgency of movement or action; hurry. Archaic term for hasten.
Hasten - Be quick to do something.
Hate - Feel intense dislike for. Intense dislike.
Have - Possess, own, or hold. Used with a past participle to form the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect tenses, and the conditional mood. People with plenty of money and possessions.
Having - The present participle form of the verb "to have."
Hazard - A danger or risk. Say (something) in a tentative way.
Hazards - Plural noun and third person present of hazard.
He - Used to refer to a man, boy, or male animal previously mentioned or easily identified. A male; a man. The chemical element helium. High explosive. His Eminence. His or Her Excellency.
Heal - Cause (a wound, injury, or person) to become sound or healthy again.
Health* - The state of being free from illness or injury.
Hear - Perceive with the ear the sound made by (someone or something).
Heart - A hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation. In vertebrates there may be up to four chambers (as in humans), with two atria and two ventricles. Like very much; love.
Heartless - Displaying a complete lack of feeling or consideration.
Heaven - A place regarded in various religions as the abode of God (or the gods) and the angels, and of the good after death, often traditionally depicted as being above the sky.
Hell - A place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering, often traditionally depicted as a place of perpetual fire beneath the earth where the wicked are punished after death. Used for emphasis or to express anger, contempt, or surprise.
Helm - A tiller or wheel for steering a ship or boat. Steer (a boat or ship). A helmet.
Help - Make it easier or possible for (someone) to do something by offering one's services or resources. The action of helping someone to do something. Used as an appeal for urgent assistance.
Helped - Past participle and past tense of help.
Helps - Third person present of help.
Her - Used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a female person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified. Herself. Belonging to or associated with a female person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified. Used in titles.
Here - In, at, or to this place or position. Used to attract someone's attention.
Heredity - The passing on of physical or mental characteristics genetically from one generation to another.
Hero - A person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. A priestess of Aphrodite at Sestos on the European shore of the Hellespont, whose lover Leander, a youth of Abydos on the opposite shore, swam the strait nightly to visit her. One stormy night he was drowned and Hero in grief threw herself into the sea. (1st century), Greek mathematician and inventor; known as Hero of Alexandria. His surviving works are important as a source for ancient practical mathematics and mechanics. He described a number of hydraulic, pneumatic, and other mechanical devices, including elementary applications of the power of steam.
Heroes - Plural noun of hero.
Hers - Used to refer to a thing or things belonging to or associated with a female person or animal previously mentioned.
Herself - Used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a female person or animal previously mentioned as the subject of the clause. She or her personally (used to emphasize a particular female person or animal mentioned).
Hesitate - Pause in indecision before saying or doing something.
Hidden - Past participle of hide. Kept out of sight; concealed.
Hide - Put or keep out of sight. A camouflaged shelter used to observe wildlife at close quarters. The skin of an animal, especially when tanned or dressed. A former measure of land used in England, typically equal to between 60 and 120 acres, being the amount that would support a family and its dependants.
High - Of great vertical extent. A high point, level, or figure. At or to a considerable or specified height.
Higher - Comparative adjective and comparative adverb of high.
Highest - Superlative adjective and adverb of high.
Highs - Plural noun of high.
Himself - Used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a male person or animal previously mentioned as the subject of the clause.
Hindsight - Understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened or developed.
Hire - Obtain the temporary use of (something) for an agreed payment. Employ (someone) for wages. The action of hiring someone or something.
His - Belonging to or associated with a male person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified. Used to refer to a thing or things belonging to or associated with a male person or animal previously mentioned.
History* - The study of past events, particularly in human affairs.
Hobby* - An activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure. A migratory Old World falcon with long, narrow wings, catching dragonflies and birds on the wing.
Hockey - Three variations: Ice, Field, and Street. Two opposing teams try to score a ball or puck into a net using sticks.
Hold - Grasp, carry, or support with one's hands. An act or manner of grasping something; a grip. A large compartment or space in the lower part of a ship or aircraft in which cargo is stowed.
Holidays* - Eextended periods of leisure and recreation, especially those spent away from home or in travelling.
Christmas - The annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on December 25. Expressing surprise, dismay, or despair.
Easter - The most important and oldest festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Christ and held (In the Western Church) between 21 March and 25 April, on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern spring equinox.
Father's Day - A day of the year (the second Sunday in June) on which fathers are honored by their children.
Independence Day - A day celebrating the anniversary of national independence. Another term for Fourth of July in the United States.
Mother's Day - A day of the year (the second Sunday in May) on which mothers are honored by their children.
New Year's Day - The first day of the year; in the modern western calendar, January 1.
Other - Denoting a person or thing that is different or distinct from one already mentioned or known about.
St. Valentine's Day - February 14, a day to send a card to a person one loves or is attracted to.
Thanksgiving - An annual national holiday marked by religious observances and a traditional meal.
Holy Bible* - The inspired Word of God.
Home and House*
Home* - The place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.
House* - A building for human habitation.
Honest - Free of deceit; truthful and sincere. Used to persuade someone of the truth of something.
Honor - High respect; great esteem. Regard with great respect.
Honour - (USA honor) High respect; great esteem. Regard with great respect.
Hope - A feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. Want something to happen or be the case.
Horror - An intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust.
Hot - Having a high degree of heat or a high temperature. (Of food) containing or consisting of pungent spices or peppers which produce a burning sensation when tasted. Passionately enthusiastic, eager, or excited. Involving much activity, debate, or intense feeling. Knowledgeable or skillful. Difficult to deal with. Become or make hot.
Hots - Third person present of hot.
Hotted - Past participle and past tense of hot.
Hotter - Comparative adjective of hot.
Hottest - Superlative adjective of hot.
Hotting - Present participle of hot.
Hour - A period of time equal to a twenty-fourth part of a day and night and divided into 60 minutes. A time of day specified as an exact number of hours from midnight or midday.
Hours - Plural noun of hour.
House* - A building for human habitation.
House of Representatives - The lower house of the US Congress and other legislatures.
How Much - What amount or price.
How - In what way or manner; by what means. A greeting attributed to North American Indians (used in humorous imitation).
However - Used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously.
Huge - Extremely large; enormous. Of considerable importance or seriousness. Very popular or successful.
Human Being - A man, woman, or child of the species homo sapiens, distinguished from other animals by superior mental development, power of articulate speech, and upright stance.
Human Emotions* - Mental states that arise spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and are often accompanied by physiological changes; a feeling.
Human Nature - The general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioural traits of humankind, regarded as shared by all humans.
Human Race - Human beings in general; humankind.
Human Rights* - Rights which are believed to belong to every person.
Human - Relating to or characteristic of humankind. A human being.
Humanity - Human beings collectively. The state of being human. The quality of being humane; benevolence.
Humankind - Human beings considered collectively (used as a neutral alternative to Mankind).
Humans - Plural noun of human.
Humiliate - Make (someone) feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and pride.
Humiliation - The action of humiliating someone or the state of being humiliated.
Humility - The quality of having a modest or low view of one's importance.
Humour* - The quality of being amusing or comic, especially as expressed in literature or speech.
Hundred - The number equivalent to the product of ten and ten; ten more than ninety; 100. (Also c, C). A subdivision of a county or shire, having its own court.
Hundreds - Plural noun of hundred.
Hunger - A feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food, coupled with the desire to eat. Have a strong desire or craving for.
Hurry - Move or act with great haste. Great haste.
Husband - A married man considered in relation to his spouse. Use (resources) economically.
Hypnosis - A contraversial state of consciousness in which a person apparently loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestion or direction.
Hypnotist - A person who carries out hypnosis, either for medical reasons or for entertainment.
Hypocrisy - The practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case.

Topic I
I Am - Self-sufficient and self-existent.
I Believe - To have confidence in the truth, existence, or reliability of something, without absolute proof.
I Can - Be able; permitted to.
I Think - Used to say that one believes that something is true, that a particular situation exists, that something will happen, etc.
I Wonder - If you want to be very polite when you are asking someone to do something, or when you are asking them for their opinion or for information.
Idea - A thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action.
Ideal - Satisfying one's conception of what is perfect; most suitable. A person or thing regarded as perfect.
Identity - The fact of being who or what a person or thing is.
Idioms* - Groups of words established by usage as having meanings not deducible from those of the individual words
Idiot - A stupid person. A person of low intelligence.
Idiots - The plural form of the noun "idiot."
Idle - (Of a person) avoiding work; lazy. Spend time doing nothing.
Ignorance - Lack of knowledge or information.
Ignorant - Lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated. Discourteous or rude.
Ignore - Refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.
Illness - A disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind.
Illumination - Lighting or light.
Illusion - An instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience.
Illusions - The plural form of the noun "illusion."
Imagination - The faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.
Imagine - Form a mental image or concept of.
Imagines - The third person singular present form of the verb "to imagine."
Imitate - Take or follow as a model.
Immortal - Living forever; never dying or decaying. An immortal being, especially a god of ancient Greece or Rome.
Immortality - The ability to live forever; eternal life.
Implies - The third person singular present form of the verb "to imply."
Imply - Indicate the truth or existence of (something) by suggestion rather than explicit reference.
Importance - The state or fact of being of great significance or value.
Important - Of great significance or value.
Impossible - Not able to occur, exist, or be done.
Impress - Make (someone) feel admiration and respect. Make a mark or design on (an object) using a stamp or seal; imprint. Fix an idea in (someone's mind). Apply (an electric current or potential) from an external source. An act of making an impression or mark. Force (someone) to serve in an army or navy.
Impressed - The past participle and the past tense form of the verb "to impress."
Impresses - The third person singular present form of the verb "to impress."
Impressing - The present participle form of the verb "to impress."
Impressionism - A style or movement in painting originating in France in the 1860s, characterized by a concern with depicting the visual impression of the moment, especially in terms of the shifting effect of light and colour.
Impressionist - A painter, writer, or composer who is an exponent of impressionism. Relating to impressionism or its exponents.
Improbable - Not likely to be true or to happen.
Improve - Make or become better. Develop or increase in mental capacity by education or experience. Achieve or produce something better than.
Improved - The past participle and the past tense form of the verb "to improve." Having become or been made better.
Improvement - An example of improving or being improved. The action of improving or being improved. A thing that makes something better or is better than something else.
Improves - The third person singular present form of the verb "to improve."
Improving - The gerund and present participle form of the verb "to improve."
In Fact - Used to emphasize the truth of an assertion, especially one contrary to what might be expected or what has been asserted.
In - Expressing the situation of something that is or appears to be enclosed or surrounded by something else. Expressing a period of time during which an event takes place or a situation remains the case. Expressing movement with the result that someone or something becomes enclosed or surrounded by something else. Expressing the situation of being enclosed or surrounded by something. (Of a person) present at one's home or office. Fashionable. A position of influence with someone powerful or famous.
Inadequate - Lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose. (Of a person) unable to deal with a situation or with life.
Incentive - A thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something.
Inch - A unit of linear measure equal to one twelfth of a foot (2.54 cm). Move along slowly and carefully. A small island or a small area of high land.
Inclined - Leaning or turning away from the vertical or horizontal; sloping.
Increase - Become or make greater in size, amount, or degree. A rise in the size, amount, or degree of something.
Incredible - Impossible to believe. Difficult to believe; extraordinary.
Incredibly - To a great degree; extremely or unusually. Used to introduce a statement that is hard to believe; strangely.
Independence - The fact or state of being independent.
Independence Day - A day celebrating the anniversary of national independence. Another term for Fourth of July in the United States.
Independent - Free from outside control; not subject to another's authority. An independent person or body.
Indispensable - Absolutely necessary.
Individual - Single; separate. A single human being as distinct from a group.
Individuals - The plural form of the noun "individual."
Infamous - Well known for some bad quality or deed.
Infant - Children anywhere from birth to one year old.
Infect - Affect (a person, organism, etc.) with a disease-causing organism.
Infected - (Of a person, organism, etc.) affected with a disease-causing organism.
Infecting - Can function as both the gerund and the present participle form of the verb "to infect."
Infection - The process of infecting or the state of being infected. An infectious disease. The presence of a virus in, or its introduction into, a computer system.
Infectious - (Of a disease or disease-causing organism) likely to be transmitted to people, organisms, etc., through the environment.
Infects - The third person singular present form of the verb "to infect."
Inferior - Lower in rank, status, or quality. A person lower than another in rank, status, or ability.
Infinite - Limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate. A space or quantity that is infinite.
Infirmities - The plural form of the noun "infirmity."
Infirmity - Physical or mental weakness.
Influence - The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself. Have an Influence on.
Influences - Both a plural noun and the third person singular present form of the verb "to influence."
Influential - Having great influence on someone or something. An influential person.
Information - Facts provided or learned about something or someone.
Informed - Having or showing knowledge of a particular subject or situation. (Of a decision or judgment) based on an understanding of the facts of the situation.
Inherit - Receive (money, property, or a title) as an heir at the death of the previous holder.
Inherits - The third person singular present form of the verb "to inherit."
Initiate - Cause (a process or action) to begin. A person who has been initiated into an organization or activity.
Innovate - Make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products.
Insanity - The state of being seriously mentally ill; madness.
Inside - The inner side or surface of something. Situated on or in the inside. Situated with the boundaries or confines of. Within the boundaries or confines of a place.
Insignificant - Too small or unimportant to be worth consideration. (Of a person) without power or influence. Meaningless.
Inspiration* - The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
Inspirational - Providing or showing creative or spiritual inspiration.
Inspire - Fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. Breathe in (air); inhale.
Inspires - The third person singular present form of the verb "to inspire."
Instinct - An innate, typically fixed pattern of behaviour in animals in response to certain stimuli.
Institution - An organization founded for a religious, educational, professional, or social purpose.
Institutions - The plural form of the noun "institution."
Instrument - A tool or implement, especially one for precision work. Equip (something) with measuring instruments.
Instruments - The plural form of the noun "instrument."
Insupportable - Unable to be supported or justified. Unable to be endured; intolerable.
Integrity - The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
Intellect - The faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively, especially with regard to abstract matters.
Intellectual - Relating to the intellect. A person possessing a highly developed intellect.
Intelligence* - The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
Intense - Of extreme force, degree, or strength. (Of an action) highly concentrated. Having or showing strong feelings or opinions; extremely earnest or serious.
Intenser - The comparative adjective of "intense."
Intensest - The superlative adjective of "intense."
Intention - A thing intended; an aim or plan.
Interest - The feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone. Excite the curiosity or attention of (someone).
Internet - A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.
Intimate - Closely acquainted; familiar. A very close friend. State or make known.
Intimates - Both a plural noun and the third person singular present form of the verb "to intimate."
Intuition - The ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.
Invent - Create or design (something that has not existed before); be the originator of.
Invented - Both the past participle and past tense form of the verb "to invent."
Inventing - The present participle form of the verb "to invent."
Invention - The action of inventing something, typically a process or device.
Inventor - A person who invented a particular process or device or who invents things as an occupation.
Inventors - The plural form of the noun "inventor."
Invents - The third person singular present form of the verb "to invent."
Invest - Put (money) into financial schemes, shares, property, or a commercial venture with the expectation of achieving a profit.
Invitation - A written or verbal request inviting someone to go somewhere or to do something.
Invite - Make a polite, formal, or friendly request to (someone) to go somewhere or to do something. An invitation.
Invites - The third person singular present form of the verb "to invite."
Inviting - Offering the promise of an attractive or enjoyable experience.
Involve - Have or include (something) as a necessary or integral part or result.
Ireland - An island of the British Isles, lying west of Great Britain. Approximately four fifths of the area of Ireland forms the Republic of Ireland, with the remaining one fifth forming Northern Ireland. The Republic of Ireland.
Irrational - Not logical or reasonable. An irrational number or quantity; a surd.
Itself - Used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a thing or animal previously mentioned as the subject of the clause.

Topic J
Jail - A place for the confinement of people accused or convicted of a crime. Put (someone) in jail.
Japan - A country in East Asia; population 126,600,000 (estimated 2015); official language, Japanese; capital, Tokyo.
Jazz - A type of music of black American origin which emerged at the beginning of the 20th century.
Jealous - Feeling or showing an envious resentment of someone or their achievements, possessions, or perceived advantages.
Jerk - A quick, sharp, sudden movement. Informal derogatory. Move or cause to move with a jerk. Meat or fish that has been seasoned or marinated in a blend of chili, allspice, and other ingredients and barbecued over a wood fire. Season or marinate (meat or fish) in a blend of chili, allspice, and other ingredients and barbecue it over a wood fire. Cure (meat) by cutting it into strips and drying it.
Jerked - The past participle and past tense form of the verb "to jerk."
Jerking - The present participle form of the verb "to jerk."
Jerks - The plural form of the noun "jerk" and the third person singular present form of the verb "to jerk."
Jesus Christ - The central figure of the Christian religion. The Messiah. The Saviour. God in the flesh.
Jew - A member of the people and cultural community whose traditional religion is Judaism and who trace their origins through the ancient Hebrew people of Israel to Abraham. Bargain with someone in a miserly or petty way.
Jews - The plural form of the noun "Jew."
Job - A paid position of regular employment. Do casual or occasional work. Prod or stab. An act of prodding, thrusting, or wrenching. (In the Bible) a prosperous man whose patience and piety were tried by undeserved misfortunes, and who, in spite of his bitter lamentations, remained confident in the goodness and justice of God.
Join - Link; connect. A place or line where two or more things are connected or fastened together.
Joke - A thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline. Make jokes; talk humorously or flippantly.
Journalism - The activity or profession of writing for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or preparing news to be broadcast.
Journey - An act of travelling from one place to another. Travel somewhere.
Joy - A feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Rejoice.
Judge - A public officer appointed to decide cases in a law court. Form an opinion or conclusion about.
Judgment - The ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions.
Just - Based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair. Exactly.
Justice* - The quality of being fair and reasonable.

Topic K
Keep - Have or retain possession of. Food, clothes, and other essentials for living.
Kill - Cause the death of (a person, animal, or other living thing). An act of killing, especially of one animal by another. (In place names, especially in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania) a stream, creek, or tributary.
Kind - A group of people or things having similar characteristics. Having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.
Kindness - The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. A kind act.
King - The male ruler of an independent state, especially one who inherits the position by right of birth. Make (someone) king.
Kings - The plural form of the noun "king."
Kiss - Touch or caress with the lips as a sign of love, sexual desire, or greeting. A touch or caress with the lips.
Know - Be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information.
Knowing - The present participle form of the verb "to know." Showing or suggesting that one has knowledge or awareness that is secret or known to only a few people. Experienced or shrewd, especially excessively or prematurely so. Done in full awareness or consciousness. The state of being aware or informed.
Knowledge* - Facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.
Known - The past participle form of the verb "to know." Recognized, familiar, or within the scope of knowledge.
Knows - The third person singular present form of the verb "to know."

Topic L
Ladder - A structure consisting of a series of bars or steps between two upright lengths of wood, metal, or rope, used for climbing up or down something. A vertical strip of unraveled fabric in tights or stockings; a run. (With reference to tights or stockings) develop or cause to develop a run.
Ladders - Plural noun and third person present of ladder.
Dalai Lama - Buddhist leader.
Language - The principal method of human communication, consisting of words used in a structured and conventional way and conveyed by speech, writing, or gesture.
Last - Coming after all others in time or order; final. On the last occasion before the present; previously. The last person or thing; the one occurring, mentioned, or acting after all others. (Of a process, activity, or state) continue for a specified period of time. A shoemaker's model for shaping or repairing a shoe or boot.
Last Words* - A person's final articulated words said prior to death.
Late - Doing something or taking place after the expected, proper, or usual time. After the expected, proper, or usual time.
Laugh - Make the spontaneous sounds and movements of the face and body that are the instinctive expressions of lively amusement and sometimes also of derision. An act of laughing.
Laurel - Any of a number of shrubs and other plants with dark green glossy leaves. An aromatic evergreen shrub related to the bay tree, several kinds of which form forests in tropical and warm countries. Bestow an award or praise on (someone) in recognition of an achievement.
Laurels - Plural noun and third person present of laurel.
Law - The system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties. A hill, typically one that is round or conical in shape.
Lawful - Conforming to, permitted by, or recognized by law or rules.
Laws - Plural noun of law.
Lawyer - A person who practises or studies law, especially (In the UK) a solicitor or a barrister or (In the USA) an attorney. Practise law; work as a lawyer.
Lay - Past of lie. Put (something) down gently or carefully. The general appearance of an area of land. Not ordained into or belonging to the clergy. A short lyric or narrative poem meant to be sung.
Lazy - Unwilling to work or use energy.
Leader - The person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.
Learn - Gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in (something) by study, experience, or being taught.
Least - Smallest in amount, extent, or significance. The smallest amount, extent, or significance. To the smallest extent or degree. Used in names of very small animals and plants, e.g. least shrew.
Leave - Go away from. (In snooker, croquet, and other games) the position in which a player leaves the balls for the next player. Time when one has permission to be absent from work or from duty in the armed forces. (Of a plant) put out new leaves.
Leaves - Plural noun of leaf and third person present of leave.
Legacy - An amount of money or property left to someone in a will. Denoting or relating to software or hardware that has been superseded but is difficult to replace because of its wide use.
Leisure - Time when one is not working or occupied; free time.
Lend - Grant to (someone) the use of (something) on the understanding that it will be returned.
Less - A smaller amount of; not as much. A smaller amount or quantity of something. To a smaller extent; not so much. Before subtracting (something); minus. Of lower rank or importance.
Lesser - Not so great or important as the other or the rest. Lower in terms of rank or quality. Used in names of animals and plants which are smaller than similar kinds, e.g. lesser spotted woodpecker, lesser celandine.
Liberties - Plural noun of liberty.
Liberty - The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behaviour, or political views.
Lies* - False statements made with deliberate intent to deceive. Intentional untruths; falsehoods. Tell a lie or lies.
Life - The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
Light - The natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible. Provide with light or lighting; illuminate. Having a considerable or sufficient amount of natural light; not dark. Of little weight; not heavy. Come upon or discover by chance.
Lightning - The occurrence of a natural electrical discharge of very short duration and high voltage between a cloud and the ground or within a cloud, accompanied by a bright flash and typically also thunder. Very quick.
Like - Having the same characteristics or qualities as; similar to. In the same way that; as. Used with reference to a person or thing of the same kind as another. (Of a person or thing) having similar qualities or characteristics to another person or thing. Used in speech as a meaningless filler or to signify the speaker's uncertainty about an expression just used. Find agreeable, enjoyable, or satisfactory. The things one likes or prefers.
Liked - Past participle and past tense of like.
Likes - Plural noun of like.
Limit - A point or level beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass. Set or serve as a limit to.
Listen - Give one's attention to a sound. An act of listening to something.
Literate - Able to read and write. A literate person.
Literature* - Written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit.
Author - A writer of a book, article, or document.
Autobiography - An account of a person's life written by that person.
Biography - An account of someone's life written by someone else.
Book - A written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers. Reserve (accommodation, a place, etc.); buy (a ticket) in advance.
Books - Plural noun and third person present of book.
Drama - A play for theater, radio, or television. An exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances.
Fiction - Literature in the form of prose, especially novels, that describes imaginary events and people.
Grammar - The whole system and structure of a language; morphology and syntax.
Journalism - The activity or profession of writing for media outlets.
Literature - Written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit.
Non-fiction - Prose that is informative or factual rather than fictional.
Other - Used to refer to something that is distinct or different.
Play - A dramatic work for the stage or to be broadcast; engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation.
Poetry - Literary work in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature.
Read - To comprehend the meaning of written or printed matter by interpreting the characters or symbols of which it is composed.
Reading - The action or skill of reading. A town in Berkshire, southern England, on the River Kennet near its junction with the River Thames; population 142,300 (est. 2009).
Satire - When human stupidity or vice is attacked through humour, irony, exaggeration or ridicule.
Story - An account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment.
Word - A single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed. Express (something spoken or written) in particular words. Used to express agreement or affirmation.
Words - Plural noun and third person present of word.
Write - Mark letters, words, or other symbols on a surface, typically paper, with a pen, pencil, or similar implement.
Writing - The activity or skill of writing.
Little - Small in size, amount, or degree (often used to convey an appealing diminutiveness or express an affectionate or condescending attitude). A small amount of. To a small extent.
Live - Remain alive. Not dead or inanimate; living. As or at an actual event or performance.
Living - An income sufficient to live on or the means of earning it. Alive.
Logic - Reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.
Logical - Of or according to the rules of logic or formal argument. Characterized by or capable of clear, sound reasoning. (Of an action, development, decision, etc.) natural or sensible given the circumstances.
Lonely - Sad because one has no friends or company.
Long - Measuring a great distance from end to end. A long period. For a long time. Have a strong wish or desire.
Look - Direct one's gaze toward someone or something or in a specified direction. An act of directing one's gaze in order to see someone or something. Used to call attention to what one is going to say.
Lord - A master or can also be a translation of the divine name for God.
Lose - Be deprived of or cease to have or retain (something). Become unable to find (something or someone). Fail to win.
Loses - Third person present of lose.
Lost - Past and past participle of lose. Unable to find one's way; not knowing one's whereabouts.
Love* - An intense feeling of deep affection. Feel deep affection for (someone).
Low - Of less than average height from top to bottom or to the top from the ground. A low point, level, or figure. In or into a low position or state. (Of a cow) make a characteristic deep sound. A sound made by cattle; a moo.
Lower - Less high in position. Situated on less high land or toward the sea. In or into a lower position. Move (someone or something) in a downward direction. Look angry or sullen; frown.
Lowers - The third person singular present form of the verb "to lower."
Loyal - Giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.
Luck - Success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions.
Lunch - A meal eaten in the middle of the day, typically one that is lighter or less formal than an evening meal. Eat lunch.
Lustre - A gentle sheen or soft glow. The manner in which the surface of a mineral reflects light. Glory or distinction.
Luxury - A state of great comfort or elegance, especially when involving great expense. Luxurious or of the nature of a luxury.

Topic M
Ma - One's mother (Informal).
Mad - Mentally ill; insane. Very; extremely. Make (someone) mad. Mutual (or mutually) assured destruction. Moroccan dirham(s).
Made - Past and past participle of make. Made or formed in a particular place or by a particular process.
Magic - The power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces. Having or apparently having supernatural powers. Move, change, or create by or as if by magic.
Magical - Relating to, using, or resembling magic. Beautiful or delightful in a way that seems removed from everyday life.
Make - Form (something) by putting parts together or combining substances; create. The manufacturer or trade name of a product.
Makes - Third person singular present tense of the verb "make."
Making - The process of making or producing something.
Makings - The plural noun form of "making." Essential qualities or ingredients needed for something. Paper and tobacco for rolling a cigarette. Money made; earnings or profit.
Man - An adult male human being. (Of personnel) work at, run, or operate (a place or piece of equipment) or defend (a fortification). Used, irrespective of the sex of the person addressed, to express surprise, admiration, delight, etc., or for emphasis.
Management - The process of dealing with or controlling things or people.
Manager - A person responsible for controlling or administering all or part of a company or similar organization. A person who controls the activities, business dealings, and other aspects of the career of an entertainer, athlete, group of musicians, etc. A person in charge of the activities, tactics, and training of a sports team.
Managers - Plural noun of manager.
Mankind* - Human beings considered collectively; the human race.
Manuscript - A book, document, or piece of music written by hand rather than typed or printed.
Many - A large number of. A large number of people or things. The majority of people.
Marketing - The activity or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.
Marriage - The legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship (historically and in some jurisdictions specifically a union between a man and a woman).
Martial Arts - Any of the various forms of fighting and self-defense that are widely practiced.
Materialism - A tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values.
Mathematics - The abstract science of number, quantity, and space.
Matter - Physical substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit; (In physics) that which occupies space and possesses rest mass, especially as distinct from energy. Be important or significant.
Maxim - A short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct.
May - Expressing possibility. The hawthorn or its blossom. The fifth month of the year, in the northern hemisphere usually considered the last month of spring.
Me - Used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself as the object of a verb or preposition. (In tonic sol-fa) the third note of a major scale. Maître (title of a French advocate). A medical condition of unknown cause, with fever, aching, and prolonged tiredness and depression, typically occurring after a viral infection. Maine (In official postal use). Medical Examiner. Middle English.
Mean - Intend to convey or refer to (a particular thing); signify. Unwilling to give or share things, especially money; not generous. The value obtained by dividing the sum of several quantities by their number; an average. (Of a quantity) calculated as a mean; average.
Meaning - What is meant by a word, text, concept, or action. Intended to communicate something that is not directly expressed.
Media* - Plural of medium. The main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the internet) regarded collectively. An intermediate layer in the wall of a blood vessel or lymphatic vessel. An ancient region of Asia to the south-west of the Caspian Sea, corresponding approximately to present-day Azerbaijan, north-western Iran, and north-eastern Iraq. Originally inhabited by the Medes, the region was conquered in 550 BC by Cyrus the Great of Persia.
Medicine* - The applied science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.
Meditate - Focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.
Meet - Arrange or happen to come into the presence or company of (someone). A gathering of riders and hounds before a hunt begins. Suitable or proper.
Memorandum - A written message in business or diplomacy.
Memory - The faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information.
Men - Plural of man.
Mental - Relating to the mind. Relating to disorders of the mind.
Mentally - In a manner relating to the mind.
Merely - Just; only.
Metaphysics - The branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, identity, time, and space.
Method - A particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established one. Orderliness of thought or behavior; systematic planning or action. Short for method acting.
Methods - Plural noun of method.
Middle - The point or position at an equal distance from the sides, edges, or ends of something. At an equal distance from the extremities of something; central. (In cricket, tennis, etc.) strike (the ball) with the middle of the bat, racket, or club.
Might - Past of may. Used tentatively to ask permission or to express a polite request.
Military - Relating to or characteristic of soldiers or armed forces. The armed forces of a country.
Militia - A military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency.
Mind* - The element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought. Be distressed, annoyed, or worried by.
Mine - Used to refer to a thing or things belonging to or associated with the speaker. (Used before a vowel) my.
Minute - A period of time equal to sixty seconds or a sixtieth of an hour. A sixtieth of a degree of angular measurement (Symbol: ').
Minutes - Plural noun of minute.
Miracle - An extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.
Mirror - A surface, typically of glass coated with a metal amalgam, which reflects a clear image. (Of a surface) show a reflection of.
Mischief - Playful misbehaviour, especially on the part of children.
Misfortune - Bad luck.
Miss - Fail to hit, reach, or come into contact with (something aimed at). A failure to hit, catch, or reach something. A title prefixed to the name of an unmarried woman or girl, or to that of a married woman retaining her maiden name for professional purposes. A miscarriage.
Mistake - An act or judgment that is misguided or wrong. Be wrong about.
Mistakes - Plural noun and third person present of mistake.
Mistress - A woman in a position of authority or control. A woman (other than the man's wife) having a sexual relationship with a married man.
Misunderstood - Incorrectly interpreted or understood.
Mock - Tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner. Not authentic or real, but without the intention to deceive. An object of derision.
Mocker - A person who mocks someone or something.
Mockeries - Plual noun of mockery.
Mockery - Teasing and contemptuous language or behavior directed at a particular person or thing. An absurd misrepresentation or imitation of something. Ludicrously futile action.
Mocking - Making fun of someone or something in a cruel way; derisive.
Mocks - Plural noun and third person present of mock.
Modest - Unassuming in the estimation of one's abilities or achievements.
Mom - One's mother (Informal).
Moment - A very brief period of time.
Money* - A current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes; coins and banknotes collectively. Legal tender.
Monster - A large, ugly, and frightening imaginary creature. Criticize or reprimand severely.
Monsters - Plural noun and third person present of monster.
Moon - The natural satellite of the earth, visible (chiefly at night) by reflected light from the sun. Behave or move in a listless and aimless manner.
Morals and Ethics*
Morals* - A person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do.
Ethics* - Moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.
More - A greater or additional amount or degree of. A greater or additional amount of something. Forming the comparative of adjectives and adverbs, especially those of more than one syllable. The language of the Mossi people of Burkina Faso, a member of the Gur family of languages with about 4 million speakers.
Morning - The period of time between midnight and noon, especially from sunrise to noon. Short for Good Morning.
Moses - Brought the Ten Commandments down from Mount Sinai. Generally regarded as the author of the Torah or Pentateuch (The first five books of the Christian Bible).
Most - Greatest in amount, quantity, or degree. The greatest amount or quantity. Forming the superlative of adjectives and adverbs, especially those of more than one syllable.
Mostly - As regards the greater part or number. Usually; generally.
Mother - A woman in relation to her child or children. Bring up (a child) with care and affection.
Mother Teresa - Saint.
Mother's Day - A day of the year (the second Sunday in May) on which mothers are honored by their children.
Mother-in-Law - The mother of one's husband or wife.
Motivation* - The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.
Mourn - Feel or show sorrow for the death of (someone), typically by following conventions such as the wearing of black clothes.
Move - Go in a specified direction or manner; change position. A change of place, position, or state.
Moved - Past participle and past tense of move.
Movement - An act of changing physical location or position or of having this changed. A change or development.
Moves - Plural noun and third person present of move.
Moving - In motion. Producing strong emotion, especially sadness or sympathy.
Much - A great amount or quantity of. A great amount or quantity. To a great extent; a great deal.
Murder - The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. Kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation.
Music* - Vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.
Must - Something that should not be overlooked or missed. Be obliged to; should (expressing necessity). Grape juice before or during fermentation. Mustiness, dampness, or mould. A condition of heightened aggression and unpredictable behaviour occurring annually in certain male animals, especially elephants and camels, in association with a surge in testosterone level, equivalent to the rutting season of deer and some other mammals. (Of a male elephant or camel) in a condition marked by heightened aggression and unpredictable behaviour that usually occurs annually in association with a surge in testosterone level.
Mutual - (Of a feeling or action) experienced or done by each of two or more parties towards the other or others. A mutual building society or insurance company.
My - Belonging to or associated with the speaker. Used in various expressions of surprise.
My Life - Used for emphasizing that something is the best, worst, etc., that you have ever experienced.
My Own - Belonging to oneself or itself.
Myself - Used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself as the object of a verb or preposition when he or she is the subject of the clause.
Mysterious - Difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify. (Of a location) having an atmosphere of strangeness or secrecy. (Of a person) deliberately enigmatic.
Mystery - Something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain. A handicraft or trade, especially when referred to in indentures.
Myth - A traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.

Topic N
Naked - (Of a person or part of the body) without clothes.
Nap - Sleep lightly or briefly, especially during the day. A short sleep, especially during the day.
Naps - Plural noun and third person present of nap.
Nation* - A large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory.
Natural - Existing in or derived from nature; not made or caused by humankind. A person having an innate talent for a particular task or activity.
Nature* - The phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations.
Necessity - The state or fact of being required.
Need - Require (something) because it is essential or very important rather than just desirable. Circumstances in which something is necessary; necessity.
Needing - Gerund or present participle of need.
Needs - Plural noun of need.
Negative - Consisting in or characterized by the absence rather than the presence of distinguishing features. A word or statement that expresses denial, disagreement, or refusal. Refuse to accept; reject.
Neglect - Fail to care for properly. The state of being uncared for.
Negotiate - Obtain or bring about by discussion.
Neither - Used before the first of two (or occasionally more) alternatives (the others being introduced by nor) to indicate that they are each untrue or each does not happen. Not the one nor the other; not either. Not the one nor the other of two people or things.
Nervous - Easily agitated or alarmed. Anxious or apprehensive.
Network - An arrangement of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines. A group or system of interconnected people or things. Connect as or operate with a network. Interact with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.
Networks - The plural form of the noun "network" and the third person singular present form of the verb "to network."
Never - At no time in the past or future; not ever.
New - Produced, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time; not existing before. Newly; recently.
New Year's Day - The first day of the year; in the modern western calendar, January 1.
News - Newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent events.
Night - The period from sunset to sunrise in each twenty-four hours. Short for goodnight. During the night; at night.
No - Not any. Used to give a negative response. Not at all; to no extent. Not. A negative answer or decision, especially in voting. The chemical element nobelium. Variant spelling of noh.
Nobel Laureates* - A person or organization awarded the Nobel Prize.
Nobody - No person; no one. A person of no importance or authority.
Noise - A sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant or that causes disturbance. Talk about or make known publicly.
None - Not any. By no amount; not at all.
Non-fiction - Prose writing that is informative or factual rather than fictional.
Normal - Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected. The usual, typical, or expected state or condition.
Not - Contraction of the adverb nought. Used with an auxiliary verb or be to form the negative. A Boolean operator with only one variable that has the value one when the variable is zero and vice versa. (Of paper) not hot-pressed, and having a slightly textured surface.
Nothing - Not anything; no single thing. Having no prospect of progress; of no value. Not at all.
Nought - The digit 0; zero. Nothing.
Now - At the present time or moment. As a consequence of the fact. Fashionable or up to date.
Number - An arithmetical value, expressed by a word, symbol, or figure, representing a particular quantity and used in counting and making calculations and for showing order in a series or for identification. A quantity or amount. Amount to (a specified figure or quantity); comprise. Mark with a number or assign a number to, typically to indicate position in a series.
Numbers - Plural noun and third person present of number.

Topic O
Obedience - Compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another's authority. Observance of a monastic rule.
Obedient - Complying or willing to comply with an order or request; submissive to another's authority.
Obey - Submit to the authority of (someone) or comply with (a law).
Obituary - A notice of a death, especially in a newspaper, typically including a brief biography of the deceased person.
Object - A material thing that can be seen and touched. Say something to express one's opposition to or disagreement with something.
Objects - Plural noun and third person present of object.
Observe - Notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant. Make a remark.
Observed - Past participle and past tense of observe.
Obstacle - A thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress.
Obstacles - Plural noun of obstacle.
Occult and Supernatural*
Occult - Mystical, supernatural, or magical powers, practices, or phenomena. Involving or relating to mystical, supernatural, or magical powers, practices, or phenomena. Cut off from view by interposing something.
Supernatural - (Of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature. Manifestations or events considered to be of supernatural origin, such as ghosts.
Occupation - A job or profession. For the sole use of the occupiers of the land concerned.
Odd - Different from what is usual or expected; strange. (Of whole numbers such as 3 and 5) having one left over as a remainder when divided by two.
Odds - The plural form of the noun "odd." The ratio between the amounts staked by the parties to a bet, based on the expected probability either way. The chances or likelihood of something happening or being the case. Superiority in strength, power, or resources; advantage.
Office - A room, set of rooms, or building used as a place for commercial, professional, or bureaucratic work.
Old - Having lived for a long time; no longer young.
Once - On one occasion or for one time only. At some time in the past; formerly. As soon as; when.
Only - And no one or nothing more besides; solely. Alone of its or their kind; single or solitary. Except that; but.
Opening - A space or gap that allows passage or access. Coming at the beginning of something; initial.
Opinion - A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
Opportunities - The plural form of the noun "opportunity."
Opportunity - A time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.
Oppress - Keep (someone) in subjection and hardship, especially by the unjust exercise of authority.
Optimize - Make the best or most effective use of (a situation or resource).
Ordain - Make (someone) a priest or minister; confer holy orders on. Order (something) officially. (Of God or fate) decide (something) in advance.
Ordained - Past participle and past tense of ordain.
Order - The arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method. Give an authoritative instruction to do something.
Orders - Plural noun and third person present of order.
Organization - (UK organisation) An organized group of people with a particular purpose, such as a business or government department.
Organizations - (UK organisations) Plural noun of organization.
Organize - (UK organise) Arrange into a structured whole; order. Coordinate the activities of (a person or group of people) efficiently. Form (a number of people) into a labor union, political group, etc. Arrange or form into a living being or tissue. Make arrangements or preparations for (an event or activity); coordinate. Take responsibility for providing or arranging.
Organized - (UK organised) Past tense and past participle of organize.
Organizer - (UK organiser) A person who organizes.
Organizers - (UK organisers) Plural noun of organizer.
Organizes - (UK organises) Third person present of organize.
Organizing - (UK organising) Present participle of organize.
Origin - The point or place where something begins, arises, or is derived.
Originality - The ability to think independently and creatively.
Other - Denoting a person or thing that is different or distinct from one already mentioned or known about. A person or thing that is different or distinct from one already mentioned or known about. View or treat (a person or group of people) as intrinsically different from and alien to oneself.
Others - Pronoun and third person present of other.
Ought - Used to indicate duty or correctness, typically when criticizing someone's actions. Archaic term for nought. Variant spelling of aught.
Our - Belonging to or associated with the speaker and one or more other people previously mentioned or easily identified.
Out - Moving or appearing to move away from a particular place, especially one that is enclosed or hidden. Non-standard contraction of out of. Not at home or at one's place of work. A way of escaping from a problem or dilemma. Reveal the sexual or gender identity of (a person).
Outing - A trip taken for pleasure, especially one lasting a day or less. The practice of revealing the sexual or gender identity of a person.
Outings - Plural noun of outing.
Outs - Plural noun and third person present of out.
Over - Extending directly upwards from. Expressing passage or trajectory across an area. Finished or complete. A sequence of six balls bowled by a bowler from one end of the pitch, after which another bowler takes over from the other end.
Overflowing - Flooding or flowing over a surface or area. (Of a container) so full that the contents go over the sides.
Own - Used with a possessive to emphasize that someone or something belongs or relates to the person or thing mentioned. Something that belongs to the person or thing mentioned. Have (something) as one's own; possess.
Owned - Past participle and past tense of own.
Owning - Present participle of own.
Owns - Third person present of own.

Topic P
Pa - One's father (Informal).
Pacifism - The belief that war and violence are unjustifiable and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means.
Pacifist - A person who believes that war and violence are unjustifiable. Holding the belief that war and violence are unjustifiable.
Pagan - (Especially in historical contexts) a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main or recognized religions. (Especially in historical contexts) holding or constituting religious beliefs other than those of the main or recognized religions. A town in Burma (Myanmar), situated on the River Irrawaddy south-east of Mandalay. It is the site of an ancient city, founded in about AD 849, which was the capital of a powerful Buddhist dynasty from the 11th to the end of the 13th centuries.
Pain - Highly unpleasant physical sensation caused by illness or injury. Cause mental or physical pain to.
Painting - The action or skill of using paint, either in a picture or as decoration. A painted picture.
Paradox - A seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which when investigated may prove to be well founded or true.
Parent - A person's father or mother. Be or act as a parent to (a child).
Part - An amount or section which, when combined with others, makes up the whole of something. (Of two things) move away from each other. To some extent; partly (often used to contrast different parts of something).
Particular - Used to single out an individual member of a specified group or class. Especially great or intense. An individual item, as contrasted with a universal quality. A detail.
Particularly - To a higher degree than is usual or average. So as to give special emphasis to a point; specifically.
Particulars - Plural noun of particular.
Parties - Plural noun and third person present of party.
Parts - Plural noun and third person present of part.
Party - A social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment. Enjoy oneself at a party or other lively gathering, typically with drinking and music. Divided into parts of different tinctures.
Pass - Move or cause to move in a specified direction. An act or instance of moving past or through something. Said when one does not know the answer to a question, for example in a quiz. A route over or through mountains.
Passion - Strong and barely controllable emotion. The suffering and death of Jesus.
Passions - Plural noun of passion.
Passover - The major Jewish spring festival which commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, lasting seven or eight days from the 15th day of Nisan.
Past - Gone by in time and no longer existing. The time before the moment of speaking or writing. To or on the further side of. So as to pass from one side of something to the other.
Path - A way or track laid down for walking or made by continual treading. The course or direction in which a person or thing is moving. A course of action or conduct.
Paths - Plural noun of path.
Patience - The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
Patriotic - Having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one's country.
Pay - Give (someone) money that is due for work done, goods received, or a debt incurred. Suffer a loss or other misfortune as a consequence of an action. The money paid to someone for regular work.
Pays - Third person present of pay.
Peace* - Freedom from disturbance; tranquillity. Used as a friendly greeting. Leave.
Penetrate - Go into or through (something), especially with force or effort.
People - Human beings in general or considered collectively. (Of a group of people) inhabit (a place). Plural of person.
Peoples - The plural form of the noun "people."
Perceive - Become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand. Interpret or look on (someone or something) in a particular way; regard as.
Perceived - Past participle and past tense of perceive.
Perceives - Third person present of perceive.
Perception - The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.
Perfect - Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be. Make (something) completely free from faults or defects; make as good as possible. The perfect tense.
Permanent - Lasting or intended to last or remain unchanged indefinitely. A perm for the hair.
Perplexity - Inability to deal with or understand something. A complicated or baffling situation or thing. An entangled state.
Perseverance - Persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
Persevere - Continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no indication of success.
Persist - Continue in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
Person - A human being regarded as an individual.
Personal - Of, affecting, or belonging to a particular person rather than to anyone else. Of or concerning one's private life, relationships, and emotions rather than matters connected with one's public or professional career. An advertisement or message in the personal column of a newspaper; personal ad.
Personality - The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character.
Persons - Plural noun of person.
Perspiration - The process of sweating. Sweat.
Perspire - Give out sweat through the pores of the skin as a result of heat, physical exertion, or stress.
Pessimism - A tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen. A belief that this world is as bad as it could be or that evil will ultimately prevail over good.
Pessimist - A person who tends to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen.
Pet - A domestic or tamed animal kept for companionship or pleasure. Stroke or pat (an animal) affectionately.
Pets - Plural noun and third person present of pet.
Philosophy* - The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.
Chinese Philosophy - Philosophy written in the Chinese tradition of thought.
Greek Philosophy - Philosophy written in the Greek tradition of thought.
Roman Philosophy - Philosophy written in the Roman tradition of thought.
Physics - The branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. The subject matter of physics includes mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound,
Picture - A painting or drawing. Represent in a photograph or picture.
Pity - The feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the sufferings and misfortunes of others. Feel sorrow for the misfortunes of.
Place - A particular position, point, or area in space; a location. Put in a particular position.
Plagiarize - Take (the work or an idea of someone else) and pass it off as one's own.
Plan - A detailed proposal for doing or achieving something. Decide on and make arrangements for in advance.
Plant* - A living organism typically growing in a permanent site, absorbing water and inorganic substances and synthesizing nutrients by photosynthesis.
Play - A dramatic work for the stage or to be broadcast; engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation.
Pleasure - A feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment. Used or intended for entertainment rather than business. Give sexual enjoyment or satisfaction to.
Poetry - Literary work in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature.
Point - The tapered, sharp end of a tool, weapon, or other object. Direct someone's attention towards something by extending one's finger or something held in one's hand.
Poison - A substance that is capable of causing the illness or death of a living organism when introduced or absorbed. Administer poison to (a person or animal), either deliberately or accidentally.
Poker - A metal rod with a handle, used for prodding and stirring an open fire. A card game played by two or more people who bet on the value of the hands dealt to them. A player wins the pool either by having the highest combination at the showdown or by forcing all opponents to concede without a showing of the hand, sometimes by means of bluff.
Police - The civil force of a state, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order. (Of a police force) have the duty of maintaining law and order in or at (an area or event).
Polish - Make the surface of (something) smooth and shiny by rubbing it. A substance used to give something a smooth and shiny surface when rubbed in. Relating to Poland, its inhabitants, or their language. The Western Slavic language of Poland, spoken by more than 40 million people.
Political - Relating to the government or public affairs of a country. Relating to the ideas or strategies of a particular party or group in politics. Interested in or active in politics.
Politician - A person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of an elected office.
Politicians - Plural noun of politician.
Politics* - The activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power.
Pollute - Contaminate (water, the air, etc.) with harmful or poisonous substances.
Pond - A small body of still water formed naturally or by artificial means. Hold back or dam up (flowing water or another liquid) to form a pond.
Poor - Lacking sufficient money to live at a standard considered comfortable or normal in a society.
Pope(s) - The Bishop of Rome as head of the Roman Catholic Church. Parish priests of the Orthodox Church in Russia and the Balkans.
Popular - Liked or admired by many people or by a particular person or group. (Of cultural activities or products) intended for or suited to the taste, understanding, or means of the general public rather than specialists or intellectuals.
Popularity - The state or condition of being liked, admired, or supported by many people.
Port - A town or city with a harbour or access to navigable water where ships load or unload. A strong, sweet dark red (occasionally brown or white) fortified wine, originally from Portugal, The side of a ship or aircraft that is on the left when one is facing forward. Turn (a ship or its helm) to port. An opening in the side of a ship for boarding or loading. Transfer (software) from one system or machine to another. The position required by an order to port a weapon. A suitcase or travelling bag.
Position - A place where someone or something is located or has been put. Put or arrange (someone or something) in a particular place or way.
Positive - Consisting in or characterized by the presence rather than the absence of distinguishing features. A desirable or constructive quality or attribute.
Possess - Have as belonging to one; own.
Possession - The state of having, owning, or controlling something. An item of property; something belonging to one.
Possessions - Plural noun of possession.
Possible - Able to be done or achieved. A potential candidate for a job or team.
Posterity - All future generations of people.
Potential - Having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future. Latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness.
Poverty - The state of being extremely poor.
Power - The ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way. Supply (a device) with mechanical or electrical energy.
Practical - Of or concerned with the actual doing or use of something rather than with theory and ideas. An examination or lesson in which theories and procedures learned are applied to the actual making or doing of something.
Practice - The actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as opposed to theories relating to it.
Practiced - Expert, typically as the result of much experience.
Practise - (USA practice) Perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to acquire, improve or maintain proficiency in it.
Practised - (USA practiced)Expert, typically as the result of much experience.
Praise - Express warm approval or admiration of. The expression of approval or admiration for someone or something.
Praised - Past participle and past tense of praise.
Prayer - A solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or another deity.
Preach - Deliver a sermon or religious address to an assembled group of people, typically in church.
Precious - Of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly. Used as a term of address for a beloved person.
Predestined - (Of an outcome or course of events) determined in advance by divine will or fate.
Predilection - A preference or special liking for something; a bias in favour of something.
Prejudice - Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Give rise to prejudice in (someone); make biased.
Prepare - Make (something) ready for use or consideration.
Present - In a particular place. The period of time now occurring.
Preserve - Maintain (something) in its original or existing state. A sweet food made with fruit preserved in sugar, such as jam or marmalade.
Preserved - Past participle and past tense of preserve.
Preserves - Plural noun and third person present of preserve.
Preserving - Gerund or present participle of preserve.
President - The elected head of a republic.
Presidents - Plural noun of president.
Press - Newspapers or journalists viewed collectively. To apply weight or force steadily. Move or cause to move into a position of contact with something by exerting continuous physical force. A device for applying pressure to something in order to flatten or shape it or to extract juice or oil. Put someone or something to a specified use, especially as a temporary or makeshift measure. A forcible enlistment of men, especially for the navy.
Prestige - Widespread respect and admiration felt for someone or something on the basis of a perception of their achievements or quality.
Pretend - Behave so as to make it appear that something is the case when in fact it is not. Not really what it is represented as being; imaginary.
Pride - A feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired. Be especially proud of (a particular quality or skill).
Principal - First in order of importance; main. The most important or senior person in an organization or group.
Principle - A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behaviour or for a chain of reasoning.
Principles - Plural noun of principle.
Priority - The fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important than others.
Prison - A building in which people are legally held as a punishment for a crime they have committed or while awaiting trial. Imprison.
Private - Belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group of people only. The lowest rank in the army, below lance corporal or private first class.
Proactive - (Of a person, policy, or action) creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened.
Proactivity - The act, characteristic, or habit of thinking and acting so as to prepare for, intervene in, or control expected events, especially negative or challenging.
Problem - A matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome. Denoting or relating to people whose behaviour causes difficulties to themselves and others.
Problems - Plural noun of problem.
Procrastinate - Delay or postpone action; put off doing something.
Produce - Make or manufacture from components or raw materials. Agricultural and other natural products collectively.
Produces - Third person present of produce.
Product - An article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale.
Profession - A paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification.
Progress - Forward or onward movement towards a destination. Move forward or onward in space or time.
Promotion - The publicization of a product, organization, or venture so as to increase sales or public awareness. A publicity campaign for a particular product, organization, or venture. The activity or business of organizing publicity campaigns.
Promotions - Plural noun of promotion.
Prompt - (Of an event or fact) cause or bring about (an action or feeling). An act of assisting or encouraging a hesitating speaker.
Prompts - Plural noun and third person present of prompt.
Proof - Evidence or argument establishing a fact or the truth of a statement. Able to withstand something damaging; resistant. Make (fabric) waterproof.
Proper - Denoting something that is truly what it is said or regarded to be; genuine. Satisfactorily or correctly. The part of a church service that varies with the season or feast.
Property - A thing or things belonging to someone; possessions collectively.
Prophet - A person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God.
Proposition - A statement or assertion that expresses a judgment or opinion. Make a suggestion of sex to (someone), especially in an unsubtle way.
Prosper - Succeed in material terms; be financially successful.
Proverbs* - Short, well-known pithy sayings, stating a general truth or piece of advice. A book of the Bible containing maxims attributed mainly to Solomon.
Providence - The protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power. The state capital of Rhode Island, a port on the Atlantic coast; population 171,557 (est. 2008). It was founded in 1636 as a haven for religious dissenters.
Psychology* - The study of human behaviour.
Public - Of or concerning the people as a whole. Ordinary people in general; the community.
Publicity - Notice or attention given to someone or something by the media.
Punctual - Happening or doing something at the agreed or proper time.
Punish - Inflict a penalty or sanction on (someone) as retribution for an offence, especially a transgression of a legal or moral code.
Pure - Not mixed or adulterated with any other substance or material.
Purpose - The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. Have as one's intention or objective.
Pursuit - The action of following or pursuing someone or something. An activity of a specified kind, especially a recreational or athletic one.

Topic Q
Quality - The standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something. Of good quality; excellent.
Quantity - The amount or number of a material or abstract thing not usually estimated by spatial measurement.
Question - A sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information. Ask (someone) questions, especially in an official context.
Quit - Leave (a place), usually permanently. Rid of. Used in names of various small songbirds found in the Caribbean area, e.g. bananaquit, grassquit.
Quite - To the utmost or most absolute extent or degree; absolutely; completely. To a certain or fairly significant extent or degree; fairly. Expressing agreement with or understanding of a remark or statement.

Topic R
Race - A competition between runners, horses, vehicles, etc. to see which is the fastest in covering a set course. Compete with another or others to see who is fastest at covering a set course or achieving an objective. Each of the major groupings into which humankind is considered (In various theories or contexts) to be divided on the basis of physical characteristics or shared ancestry. A ginger root.
Ran - Past tense of run.
Rare - (Of an event, situation, or condition) not occurring very often. (Of meat, especially beef) lightly cooked, so that the inside is still red.
Rate - A measure, quantity, or frequency, typically one measured against another quantity or measure. Assign a standard or value to (something) according to a particular scale. Scold (someone) angrily. Variant spelling of ret.
Rather - Used to indicate one's preference in a particular matter. Used to express emphatic affirmation, agreement, or acceptance.
Reaction - Something done, felt, or thought in response to a situation or event.
Read - Look at and comprehend the meaning of (written or printed matter) by interpreting the characters or symbols of which it is composed.
Reading - The action or skill of reading. A town in Berkshire, southern England, on the River Kennet near its junction with the River Thames; population 142,300 (est. 2009).
Reader - A person who reads or who is fond of reading.
Real - Actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed. Really; very. The basic monetary unit of Brazil since 1994, equal to 100 centavos.
Reality - The state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.
Realize - (UK realise) Become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand clearly. Cause (something desired or anticipated) to happen. Fulfill. Give actual or physical form to. Use (a linguistic feature) in a particular spoken or written form. Add to or complete (a piece of music left sparsely notated by the composer). Make (money or a profit) from a transaction. (Of goods) be sold for (a specified price); fetch. Convert (an asset) into cash.
Realized - (UK realized) Past participle and past tense of realize.
Realizes - (UK realises) Third person present of realize.
Realizing - (UK realising) Present participle of realize.
Reason - A cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event. Think, understand, and form judgments logically.
Rebel - A person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or leader. Rise in opposition or armed resistance to an established government or leader.
Recognize - Identify (someone or something) from having encountered them before; know again.
Reconcile - Restore friendly relations between.
Recreation - Activities done for pleasure and enjoyment.
Refinement - The process of removing impurities or unwanted elements from a substance.
Reflect - (Of a surface or body) throw back (heat, light, or sound) without absorbing it. Think deeply or carefully about.
Reflecting - Gerund or present participle of reflect.
Reflection - The throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it.
Refuse - Indicate or show that one is not willing to do something. Matter thrown away or rejected as worthless; rubbish.
Regard - Consider or think of in a specified way. Attention to or concern for something.
Regret - Feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that one has done or failed to do). A feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over an occurrence or something that one has done or failed to do.
Relationship - The way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected.
Religion* - The belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.
Holy Bible* - The inspired Word of God.
Agnostic, Atheist, and Pagan
Agnostic - A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God.
Atheist - A person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
Pagan - (Especially in historical contexts) a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main or recognized religions. (Especially in historical contexts) holding or constituting religious beliefs other than those of the main or recognized religions. A town in Burma (Myanmar), situated on the River Irrawaddy south-east of Mandalay. It is the site of an ancient city, founded in about AD 849, which was the capital of a powerful Buddhist dynasty from the 11th to the end of the 13th centuries.
Angel - A spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God, conventionally represented in human form with wings and a long robe.
Apostle, Disciple, and Prophet
Apostle - Each of the twelve chief disciples of Jesus Christ.
Disciple - A personal follower of Christ during his life, especially an Apostle.
Prophet - A person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God.
Bible* - The inspired Word of God.
Bible - The inspired Word of God.
Bless - To confer or invoke divine favour upon; ask God to look favourably on.
Jesus Christ - The central figure of the Christian religion. The Messiah. The Saviour. God in the flesh.
Christian - A person who has received Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
Church - The Body of Christ; a building used for public Christian worship.
Clergy - The body of all people ordained for religious duties, especially in the Christian Church.
Denomination - A recognized autonomous branch of the Christian Church.
devil - (In Christian and Jewish belief) the supreme spirit of evil; satan. Act as a junior assistant for a barrister or other professional.
Divine - Of or like God or a god. A cleric or theologian. Discover (something) by guesswork or intuition.
Evil - Profoundly immoral and wicked. Profound immorality and wickedness, especially when regarded as a supernatural force.
Evils - Plural noun of Evil.
Faith - Complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Said to express surprise or emphasis.
God - Our Holy Father. (In Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being. Used for emphasis or to express emotions such as surprise, anger, or distress.
Heaven - A place regarded in various religions as the abode of God (or the gods) and the angels, and of the good after death, often traditionally depicted as being above the sky.
Hell - A place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering, often traditionally depicted as a place of perpetual fire beneath the earth where the wicked are punished after death. Used for emphasis or to express anger, contempt, or surprise.
Jesus Christ - The central figure of the Christian religion. The Messiah. The Saviour. God in the flesh.
Lord - A master or can also be a translation of the divine name for .
Miracle - An extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.
Passover - The major Jewish spring festival which commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, lasting seven or eight days from the 15th day of Nisan.
Prayer - A solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or another deity.
Preach - Deliver a sermon or religious address to an assembled group of people, typically in church.
Religion - The belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.
Religious - Relating to or believing in a religion. A person bound by monastic vows.
Religious Leader(s) - A person or persons recognised by a religious body as having some authority within that body.
Augustine - Saint.
Amy Carmichael - Missionary.
Dalai Lama - Buddhist leader.
Pope(s) - The Bishop of Rome as head of the Roman Catholic Church. Parish priests of the Orthodox Church in Russia and the Balkans.
Saint(s) - People acknowledged as holy or virtuous and regarded in Christian faith as being in heaven after death.
Mother Teresa - Saint.
Desmond Tutu - Archbishop.
Repent - Feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing or sin.
Sin - An immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law. Commit a sin. Sine.
Soul - The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being.
Spiritual - Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
Theology - The study of the nature of God and religious belief.
Remain - Continue to exist, especially after other similar people or things have ceased to do so.
Remedy - A medicine or treatment for a disease or injury. Set right (an undesirable situation).
Remember - Have in or be able to bring to one's mind an awareness of (someone or something from the past).
Renewal - An instance of resuming something after an interruption.
Repent - Feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing or sin.
Replace - Take the place of.
Repose - A state of rest, sleep, or tranquillity. Be situated or kept in a particular place. Place something, especially one's confidence or trust, in.
Representative - Typical of a class, group, or body of opinion. A person chosen or appointed to act or speak for another or others.
Representatives - Plural noun of representative.
Reputation - The beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.
Require - Need for a particular purpose.
Research - The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. Investigate systematically.
Resemble - Have a similar appearance to or qualities in common with (someone or something); look or seem like.
Resource - A stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively. Provide with resources.
Resourceful - Having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.
Resources - Plural noun and third person present of resource.
Respect - A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. Admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
Respectfully - With deference and respect. Used to express politeness to mitigate the effect of a refusal or disagreement.
Responsible - Having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one's job or role.
Rest - Cease work or movement in order to relax, sleep, or recover strength. An instance or period of resting. The remaining part of something. Remain or be left in a specified condition.
Restrain - Prevent (someone or something) from doing something; keep under control or within limits.
Restructure - To change the makeup, organization, or pattern of. Organize differently. Convert (the debt of a business in difficulty) into another kind of debt, typically one that is repayable at a later time.
Restructured - Past participle and past tense of restructure.
Restructuring - A reorganization of a company with a view to achieving greater efficiency and profit, or to adapt to a changing market.
Result - A thing that is caused or produced by something else; a consequence or outcome. Occur or follow as the consequence of something.
Results - The plural noun and third person singular present form of "result" and the verb "to result."
Retire - Leave one's job and cease to work, typically on reaching the normal age for leaving service. A movement in which one leg is raised at right angles to the body until the toe is in line with the knee of the supporting leg.
Revenge - The action of hurting or harming someone in return for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands. Inflict hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong done to oneself.
Reverence - Deep respect for someone or something. Regard or treat with deep respect.
Reverse - Move backward. Going in or turned toward the direction opposite to that previously stated. A complete change of direction or action. The opposite or contrary to that previously stated.
Revolution - A forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system.
Reward - A thing given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement. Give something to (someone) in recognition of their services, efforts, or achievements.
Rich - Having a great deal of money or assets; wealthy.
Rid - Make someone or something free of (a troublesome or unwanted person or thing).
Ridden - Past participle of ride.
Ride - Sit on and control the movement of (an animal, especially a horse), typically as a recreation or sport. Be carried or supported by (something with a great deal of momentum). Be full of or dominated by. Yield to (a blow) so as to reduce its impact. Have sex with. Annoy, pester, or tease. A journey made on horseback, on a bicycle or motorcycle, or in a vehicle. A person giving someone a lift in their vehicle. A motor vehicle. The quality of comfort or smoothness offered by a vehicle while it is being driven, as perceived by the driver or passenger. A path, typically one through woods, for riding horses. A roller coaster, merry-go-round, or other amusement ridden at a fair or amusement park. An act or instance of having sex. A cymbal used for keeping up a continuous rhythm.
Rider - A person who is riding or who can ride something, especially a horse, bicycle, motorcycle, or snowboard. A condition or proviso added to something already said or decreed. An addition or amendment to a document, especially a piece of legislation. A small weight positioned on the beam of a balance for fine adjustment.
Riders - Plural noun of rider.
Rides - Plural noun and third person present of ride.
Ridiculous - Deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd.
Riding - Present participle of ride.
Ridings - Plural noun of riding.
Rids - Third person present of rid.
Right - Morally good, justified, or acceptable. To the furthest or most complete extent or degree (used for emphasis). That which is morally correct, just, or honourable. Restore to a normal or upright position. Used to indicate agreement or to acknowledge a statement or order.
Rights - Plural noun and third person present of right.
Ripple - A small wave or series of waves on the surface of water, especially as caused by a slight breeze or an object dropping into it. (Of water) form or flow with a series of small waves on the surface.
Risk - A situation involving exposure to danger. Expose (someone or something valued) to danger, harm, or loss.
Risks - Plural noun and third person present of risk.
Rivalry - Competition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field.
Robber - A person who commits robbery.
Robbery - The action of taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force.
Rode - Past tense of ride.
Roman Philosophy - Philosophy written in the Roman tradition of thought.
Romance - A feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. Try to gain the love of; court. Relating to or denoting the group of Indo-European languages descended from Latin, principally French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Catalan, Occitan, and Romanian. The romance languages considered as a group.
Room - Space that can be occupied or where something can be done. Share a room, house, or flat, especially a rented one at a college or similar institution.
Rooms - Plural noun and third person present of room.
Round - Shaped like or approximately like a circle or cylinder. Shaped like or approximately like a sphere. A circular piece of a particular substance. An act of visiting each of a number of people or places. Variant of around. Pass and go around (something) so as to move on in a changed direction. Alter (a number) to one less exact but more convenient for calculations.
Ruin - The physical destruction or disintegration of something or the state of disintegrating or being destroyed. Reduce (a building or place) to a state of decay, collapse, or disintegration.
Rule - One of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct or procedure within a particular area of activity. Exercise ultimate power or authority over (an area and its people).
Run - Move at a speed faster than a walk, never having both or all the feet on the ground at the same time. An act or spell of running.
Rural - In, relating to, or characteristic of the countryside rather than the town.

Topic S
Sacrifice - An act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to a deity. Offer or kill as a religious sacrifice.
Sad - Feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy. Seasonal affective disorder.
Sail - A piece of material extended on a mast to catch the wind and propel a boat or ship or other vessel. Travel in a boat with sails, especially as a sport or recreation.
Saint - A person acknowledged as holy or virtuous and regarded in Christian faith as being in heaven after death.
Saints - Plural noun of saint.
Sale - The exchange of a commodity for money; the action of selling something.
Same - Identical; not different. Of an identical type; exactly similar. The same thing as something previously mentioned. (Chiefly in formal or legal use) the person or thing just mentioned. Similarly; in the same way.
Sarcasm - The use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
Satire - The use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
Satisfaction - Fulfilment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this.
Satisfactory - Fulfilling expectations or needs; acceptable, though not outstanding or perfect.
Say - Utter words so as to convey information, an opinion, a feeling or intention, or an instruction. Used to express surprise or to draw attention to a remark or question. An opportunity for stating one's opinion or feelings.
Scandal - An action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage.
Scarce - (Especially of food, money, or some other resource) insufficient for the demand.
Scarcely - Only just; almost not. Only a very short time before. Used to suggest that something is unlikely to be or certainly not the case.
Scene - The place where an incident in real life or fiction occurs or occurred.
School - An institution for educating children. Send to school; educate. (Of a Xhosa) educated and westernized. A large group of fish or sea mammals. (Of fish or sea mammals) form a large group.
Science and Technology*
Science - The systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.
Technology - The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
Sciences - Plural of science. A branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws.
Scold - Remonstrate with or rebuke (someone) angrily. A person who nags or grumbles constantly (typically used of a woman).
Scribbling - The action of writing or drawing something carelessly or hurriedly.
Sea - The expanse of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface and surrounds its land masses. Single European Act.
Search - Try to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly. An act of searching for someone or something.
Season - Each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) marked by particular weather patterns and daylight hours, resulting from the earth's changing position with regard to the sun. Add salt, herbs, pepper, or other spices to (food).
Seasons - Plral noun and third person present of season.
Season(s) - Each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) marked by particular weather patterns and daylight hours, resulting from the earth's changing position with regard to the sun. Add salt, herbs, pepper, or other spices to (food). Plral noun and third person present of season.
Spring - The season in the northern hemisphere (March-May) and southern hemisphere (September-November).
Summer - The warmest season in the northern hemisphere (June-August) and southern hemisphere (December-February).
Autumn - The season in the northern hemisphere (September-November) and southern hemisphere (March-May).
Winter - The coldest season in the northern hemisphere (December-February) and southern hemisphere (June-August).
Seat - A thing made or used for sitting on, such as a chair or stool. Arrange for (someone) to sit somewhere. A place in an elected legislative or other body.
Secret - Not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others. Something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others.
Seek - Attempt to find (something).
Select - Carefully choose as being the best or most suitable. (Of a group of people or things) carefully chosen from a larger number as being the best or most valuable.
Self - A person's essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as the object of introspection or reflexive action. (Of a trimming or cover) of the same material and colour as the rest of the item.
Self-aware - Having conscious knowledge of one's own character and feelings.
Self-confidence - A feeling of trust in one's abilities, qualities, and judgment.
Self-determining - (Of a country) having the power or freedom to form its own government. (Of a person) having the power or freedom to control their own life.
Self-esteem - Confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect.
Self-help - The use of one's own efforts and resources to achieve things without relying on others.
Self-improvement - The improvement of one's knowledge, status, or character by one's own efforts.
Self-regard - Regard or consideration for oneself; self-respect.
Self-reliance - Reliance on one's own powers and resources rather than those of others.
Self-sacrifice - The giving up of one's own interests or wishes in order to help others or advance a cause.
Selfish - (Of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for other people; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.
Sell - Give or hand over (something) in exchange for money. An act of selling or attempting to sell something.
Senile - (Of a person) having or showing the weaknesses or diseases of old age, especially a loss of mental faculties.
Sentiment - A view or opinion that is held or expressed.
Separation - The action or state of moving or being moved apart. The division of something into constituent or distinct elements.
Serene - Calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil. An expanse of clear sky or calm sea.
Serious - Demanding or characterized by careful consideration or application.
Serve - Perform duties or services for (another person or an organization). (In tennis and other racket sports) an act of hitting the ball or shuttlecock to start play.
Service - The action of helping or doing work for someone. Perform routine maintenance or repair work on (a vehicle or machine).
Set - Put, lay, or stand (something) in a specified place or position. A group or collection of things that belong together or resemble one another or are usually found together. Group (pupils or students) in sets according to ability. Fixed or arranged in advance.
Settlement - An official agreement intended to resolve a dispute or conflict.
Sex* - (Chiefly with reference to people) sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse. Determine the sex of.
Shall - (In the first person) expressing the future tense.
Shape - The external form, contours, or outline of someone or something. Give a particular shape or form to. Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe.
Shatter - Break or cause to break suddenly and violently into pieces.
She - Used to refer to a woman, girl, or female animal previously mentioned or easily identified. A female; a woman.
Shine - (Of the sun or another source of light) give out a bright light. A quality of brightness produced when light is reflected on something.
Ship - A large boat for transporting people or goods by sea. Transport (goods or people) on a ship. A romantic pairing between two characters in a fictional series, often one that is supported or portrayed by fans rather than depicted in the series itself. Support or have a particular interest in a romantic pairing between two characters in a fictional series, often when this relationship is one portrayed by fans rather than depicted in the series itself.
Shoot - Kill or wound (a person or animal) with a bullet or arrow. A young branch or sucker springing from the main stock of a tree or other plant. Used as a euphemism for shit.
Shoots - Plural noun of shoot.
Should - Used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness, typically when criticizing someone's actions.
Show - Allow or cause (something) to be visible. A spectacle or display, typically an impressive one.
Sight - The faculty or power of seeing. Manage to see or observe (someone or something); catch an initial glimpse of.
Signal - A gesture, action, or sound that is used to convey information or instructions, typically by prearrangement between the parties concerned. Convey information or instructions by means of a gesture, action, or sound. Striking in extent, seriousness, or importance; outstanding.
Signalling - Gerund or present participle of signal.
Silence - Complete absence of sound. Prohibit or prevent from speaking.
Silliness - Lack of common sense or judgment; foolishness.
Silly - Having or showing a lack of common sense or judgment; absurd and foolish. A foolish person (often used as a form of address).
Simple - Easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty. A medicinal herb, or a medicine made from one. Used to convey that something is very straightforward.
Sin - An immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law. Commit a sin. Sine.
Sincere - Free from pretence or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings.
Sincerity - The absence of pretence, deceit, or hypocrisy.
Sing - Make musical sounds with the voice, especially words with a set tune. An act or spell of singing.
Sister - A woman or girl in relation to other daughters and sons of her parents.
Sisters - Plural noun of sister.
Situation - A set of circumstances in which one finds oneself; a state of affairs.
Situations - Plural noun of situation.
Size - The relative extent of something; a thing's overall dimensions or magnitude; how big something is. Alter or sort in terms of size or according to size. Having a specified size; sized. A gelatinous solution used in glazing paper, stiffening textiles, and preparing plastered walls for decoration. Treat with size to glaze or stiffen.
Skate - An ice skate or roller skate. Move on ice skates or roller skates in a gliding fashion. A typically large marine fish of the ray family with a cartilaginous skeleton and a flattened diamond-shaped body. An uncouth and disreputable man.
Skill - The ability to do something well; expertise. A particular ability. Train (a worker) to do a particular task.
Skilled - Having or showing the knowledge, ability, or training to perform a certain activity or task well. Based on knowledge or experience; showing expertise. (Of work) requiring special abilities or training.
Skills - Plural noun and third person present of skill.
Skin - The thin layer of tissue forming the natural outer covering of the body of a person or animal. Remove the skin from (an animal or a fruit or vegetable).
Slang* - A type of language consisting of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal, are more common in speech than writing, and are typically restricted to a particular context or group of people. Attack (someone) using abusive language.
Slave - A person who is the legal property of another and is forced to work for and obey them; an enslaved person. Work excessively hard.
Slavery - The state of being a slave. The practice or system of owning slaves. A condition compared to that of a slave in respect of exhausting labor or restricted freedom.
Slaves - Plural noun and third person present of slave.
Sleep - A condition of body and mind that typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the eyes are closed, the postural muscles relaxed, the activity of the brain altered, and consciousness of the surroundings practically suspended. Be in a state of sleep; be asleep.
Slight - Small in degree; inconsiderable. Insult (someone) by treating or speaking of them without proper respect or attention. An insult caused by a failure to show someone proper respect or attention.
Small - Of a size that is less than normal or usual. Insignificant; unimportant.
Smart - (Of a person) clean, tidy, and well dressed. (Of a wound or part of the body) feel or cause a sharp stinging pain. Sharp stinging pain.
Smile - Form one's features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed. A pleased, kind, or amused facial expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed.
Smoking - The action or habit of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of tobacco by sucking on the end of a lit cigarette, cigar, pipe, etc. Emitting smoke or visible vapour.
Sober - Not affected by alcohol; not drunk. Make or become sober after drinking alcohol.
Soccer - A form of football played by two teams of eleven players with a round ball which may not be handled during play except by the goalkeepers.
Social - Relating to society or its organization. An informal social gathering, especially one organized by the members of a particular club or group.
Social Media - Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.
Society - The aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community.
Sociology* - The study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society.
Solemn - Formal and dignified.
Solitude - The state or situation of being alone. A lonely or uninhabited place.
Soluble - (Of a substance) able to be dissolved, especially in water. (Of a problem) able to be solved.
Solution - A means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation.
Solve - Find an answer to, explanation for, or means of effectively dealing with (a problem or mystery).
Solved - Past participle and past tense of solve.
Some - An unspecified amount or number of. An unspecified number or amount of people or things. To some extent; quite a lot.
Someone - An unknown or unspecified person; some person.
Something - A thing that is unspecified or unknown. Used for emphasis with a following adjective functioning as an adverb.
Sometime - At some unspecified or unknown time. Former.
Sometimes - Occasionally, rather than all of the time.
Son - A boy or man in relation to either or both of his parents.
Soon - In or after a short time. Early. Used to indicate one's preference in a particular matter.
Sorrow - A feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others. Feel or display deep distress.
Sort - A category of things or people with a common feature; a type. Arrange systematically in groups; separate according to type.
Soul - The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being.
Sound - Vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear. Emit or cause to emit sound. In good condition; not damaged, injured, or diseased. Soundly. Ascertain (the depth of water in the sea, a lake, or a river), typically by means of a line or pole or using sound echoes. A long surgical probe, typically with a curved, blunt end. A narrow stretch of water forming an inlet or connecting two wider areas of water such as two seas or a sea and a lake.
Source - A place, person, or thing from which something originates or can be obtained. Obtain from a particular source.
Sources - Plural noun and third person present of source.
Space - A continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied. Position (two or more items) at a distance from one another.
Sparkle - Shine brightly with flashes of light. A glittering flash of light.
Speak - Say something in order to convey information or to express a feeling.
Speaking - The action of conveying information or expressing one's feelings in speech. Used for or engaged in speech.
Special - Better, greater, or otherwise different from what is usual. A thing, such as a product or broadcast, that is designed or organized for a particular occasion or purpose.
Specials - Plural noun of special.
Specific - Clearly defined or identified. Relating to or connected with species or a species. (Of a duty or a tax) levied at a fixed rate per physical unit of the thing taxed, regardless of its price. Of or denoting a number equal to the ratio of the value of some property of a given substance to the value of the same property of some other substance used as a reference, such as water, or of a vacuum, under equivalent conditions. A medicine or remedy effective in treating a particular disease or part of the body. A precise detail.
Speech - The expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds.
Speed - The rate at which someone or something moves or operates or is able to move or operate. Move quickly.
Spell - Write or name the letters that form (a word) in correct sequence. A form of words used as a magical charm or incantation. A short period. Allow (someone) to rest briefly by taking their place in an activity. A splinter of wood.
Spirit* - The non-physical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul. Convey rapidly and secretly.
Spirits - Plural noun and third person present of spirit.[Body, Mind, and Spirit*]
Spiritual - Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
Sport and Recreation*
Baseball - A ball game played between two teams of nine on a diamond-shaped circuit of four bases. It is played chiefly as a warm-weather sport in the USA and Canada.
Basketball - A game played between two teams of five players in which goals are scored by throwing a ball through a netted hoop fixed at each end of the court.
Bodybuilding - The practice of strengthening and enlarging the muscles of the body through exercise.
Boxing - The act, technique, or profession of fighting with the fists.
Cricket - A game played on a large grass field with ball, bats, and two wickets, between teams of eleven players.
Cycle - Ride a bicycle.
Exercise - Activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness.
Fishing - The activity of catching fish, either for food or as a sport.
Football - Any of various forms of team game involving kicking (and in some cases also handling) a ball, in particular (In the UK) soccer or (In the USA) American football.
Golf - A ball and club game in which players attempt to hit balls into a series of holes with as few strokes as possible.
Hockey - Three variations: Ice, Field, and Street. Two opposing teams try to score a ball or puck into a net using sticks.
Martial Arts - Any of the various forms of fighting and self-defense that are widely practiced.
Poker - A metal rod with a handle, used for prodding and stirring an open fire. A card game played by two or more people who bet on the value of the hands dealt to them. A player wins the pool either by having the highest combination at the showdown or by forcing all opponents to concede without a showing of the hand, sometimes by means of bluff.
Recreation - Activities done for pleasure and enjoyment.
Run - Move at a speed faster than a walk; make a regular journey; be in charge of; manage.
Sail - Travel in a boat with sails, especially as a sport or recreation.
Skate - Move on ice skates or roller skates in a gliding fashion.
Soccer - A form of football played by two teams of eleven players with a round ball.
Sport - An activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.
Wrestling - The sport or activity of grappling with an opponent and trying to throw or hold them down on the ground.
Spring - The season in the northern hemisphere (March-May) and southern hemisphere (September-November).
Squeeze - Firmly press (something soft or yielding), typically with one's fingers. Manage to get into or through a narrow or restricted space. Obtain (something) from someone with difficulty. An act of pressing something with one's fingers. A strong financial demand or pressure, typically a restriction on borrowing, spending, or investment in a financial crisis. A molding or cast of an object, or an impression or copy of a design, obtained by pressing a pliable substance around or over it.
Squeezed - Past participle and past tense of squeeze.
Squeezes - Plural noun and third person present of squeeze.
Squeezing - Present participle of squeeze.
St. Valentine's Day - February 14, a day to send a card to a person one loves or is attracted to.
Staff - All the people employed by a particular organization. Provide (an organization, business, etc.) with staff. A mixture of plaster of Paris, cement, or a similar material, used for temporary building work.
Stage - A point, period, or step in a process or development. Present a performance of (a play or other show).
Stall - A stand, booth, or compartment for the sale of goods in a market or large covered area. An individual compartment for an animal in a stable or barn, enclosed on three sides. (Of a motor vehicle or its engine) stop running, typically because of an overload on the engine. Stop or cause to stop making progress.
Stalled - Past participle and past tense of stall.
Stalling - Gerund or present participle of stall.
Stalls - Plural noun and third person present of stall.
Stamina - The ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort.
Stand - Have or maintain an upright position, supported by one's feet. An attitude towards a particular issue; a position taken in an argument.
Standard - A level of quality or attainment. Used or accepted as normal or average.
Stands - Plural noun and third person present of stand.
Standstill - A situation or condition in which there is no movement or activity at all.
Start - Begin or be reckoned from a particular point in time or space. The point in time or space at which something has its origin; the beginning. Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, an agreement between the US and the Soviet Union to limit and reduce strategic nuclear weapons, first signed in 1991.
State* - A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. The particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time. A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. The civil government of a country. Express something definitely or clearly in speech or writing. Present or introduce (a theme or melody) in a composition.
States - Plural noun and third person present of state.
Statesman - A skilled, experienced, and respected political leader or figure.
Statistic - A fact or piece of data obtained from a study of a large quantity of numerical data. Another term for statistical.
Statistical - Relating to the use of statistics.
Statistics - Plural noun of statistic.
Stay - Remain in the same place. Remain in a specified state or position. A period of staying somewhere, in particular of living somewhere temporarily as a visitor or guest. A curb or check.
Stayed - Past participle and past tense of stay.
Staying - Gerund or present participle of stay.
Stays - Plural noun and third person present of stay.
Steer - Guide or control the movement of (a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft), for example by turning a wheel or operating a rudder. The type of steering of a vehicle. Another term for bullock.
Sticker - An adhesive label or notice, generally printed or illustrated. A determined or persistent person.
Still - Not moving or making a sound. Deep silence and calm; stillness. Up to and including the present or the time mentioned; even now (or then) as formerly. Make or become still; quieten. An apparatus for distilling alcoholic drinks such as whisky.
Stimulate - Raise levels of physiological or nervous activity in (the body or any biological system).
Stock - The goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a shop or warehouse and available for sale or distribution. (Of a product or type of product) usually kept in stock and thus regularly available for sale. Have or keep a supply of (a particular product or type or product) available for sale.
Stock Market - A stock exchange. A place where stocks, bonds, or other securities are bought and sold.
Stoic - A person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining. A member of the ancient philosophical school of Stoicism.
Stoical - Enduring pain and hardship without showing one's feelings or complaining.
Stoicism - The endurance of pain or hardship without the display of feelings and without complaint. An ancient Greek school of philosophy founded at Athens by Zeno of Citium.
Stoics - Plural noun of stoic.
Stone - Hard solid non-metallic mineral matter of which rock is made, especially as a building material. Throw stones at.
Stop - (Of an event, action, or process) come to an end; cease to happen. A cessation of movement or operation.
Stories - Plural noun of story.
Story - An account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment. Variant spelling of sorey.
Strategic - Relating to the identification of long-term or overall aims and interests and the means of achieving them. Carefully designed or planned to serve a particular purpose or advantage. Relating to the gaining of overall or long-term military advantage.
Strategies - Plural noun of strategy.
Strategy - A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim.
Strength - The quality or state of being physically strong.
Stress - Pressure or tension exerted on a material object. Give particular emphasis or importance to (a point, statement, or idea) made in speech or writing.
Strict - Demanding that rules concerning behaviour are obeyed and observed.
Strictly - In a way that involves rigid enforcement or that demands obedience.
Striking - Attracting attention by reason of being unusual, extreme, or prominent. Dramatically good-looking or beautiful. (Of an employee) on strike. The action of striking.
Strong - Having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks.
Struggle - Make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction. A forceful or violent effort to get free of restraint or resist attack.
Stubborn - Having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.
Study - The devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge of an academic subject, especially by means of books.
Stuff - Matter, material, articles, or activities of a specified or indeterminate kind that are being referred to, indicated, or implied. The basic constituents or characteristics of something or someone. Fill (a receptacle or space) tightly with something. Used to express indifference toward or rejection of (something).
Stupid - Having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense. A stupid person (often used as a term of address).
Stupidity - Behaviour that shows a lack of good sense or judgment. The quality of being stupid or unintelligent.
Style - A particular procedure by which something is done; a manner or way. Design or make in a particular form.
Sublime - Of very great excellence or beauty. (Of a solid substance) change directly into vapour when heated, typically forming a solid deposit again on cooling.
Succeed - Achieve the desired aim or result.
Success - The accomplishment of an aim or purpose.
Successful - Accomplishing an aim or purpose. Having achieved popularity, profit, or distinction.
Succession - A number of people or things of a similar kind following one after the other.
Suffer - Experience or be subjected to (something bad or unpleasant).
Suggest - Put forward for consideration.
Suicide - The action of killing oneself intentionally. Intentionally kill oneself.
Suitable - Right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose, or situation.
Summer - The warmest season in the northern hemisphere (June-August) and southern hemisphere (December-February).
Superior - Higher in rank, status, or quality. A person superior to another in rank or status, especially a colleague in a higher position.
Supernatural* - (Of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature. Manifestations or events considered to be of supernatural origin, such as ghosts.
Support - Bear all or part of the weight of; hold up. A thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright.
Supported - Past tense and past participle of support.
Supreme - (Of authority or an office, or someone holding it) superior to all others. A rich cream sauce.
Supreme Being - A name for God.
Surely - Used to emphasize the speaker's firm belief that what they are saying is true and often their surprise that there is any doubt of this.
Surrender - Stop resisting to an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority. The action of surrendering to an opponent or powerful influence.
Survive - Continue to live or exist, especially in spite of danger or hardship.
Susceptibility - The state or fact of being likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing.
Susceptible - Likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing.
Swallow - Cause or allow (something, especially food or drink) to pass down the throat. An act of swallowing something, especially food or drink. A migratory swift-flying songbird with a forked tail and long pointed wings, feeding on insects in flight.
Sweet - Having the pleasant taste characteristic of sugar or honey; not salt, sour, or bitter. A small shaped piece of sweet food made with sugar.
Synergy - The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
System - A set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole.

Topic T
Tact - Skill and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues.
Taint - A trace of a bad or undesirable quality or substance. Contaminate or pollute (something). The perineum.
Taints - Plural noun and third person present of taint.
Take - Lay hold of (something) with one's hands; reach for and hold. A scene or sequence of sound or vision photographed or recorded continuously at one time.
Takes - Plural noun and third person present of take.
Talent - Natural aptitude or skill.
Talk - Speak in order to give information or express ideas or feelings; converse or communicate by spoken words. Communication by spoken words; conversation or discussion.
Tall - Of great or more than average height, especially (with reference to an object) relative to width.
Taste - The sensation of flavour perceived in the mouth and throat on contact with a substance. Perceive or experience the flavour of.
Taught - Past participle and past tense of teach.
Tax - A compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers' income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions. Impose a tax on (someone or something).
Teach - Impart knowledge to or instruct (someone) as to how to do something. A teacher.
Team - A group of players forming one side in a competitive game or sport. Come together as a team to achieve a common goal. Match or coordinate a garment with (another).
Teams - Plural noun and third person present of team.
Teamwork - The combined action of a group, especially when effective and efficient.
Technology* - The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
Tell - Communicate information to someone in spoken or written words. (Especially in poker) an unconscious action that is thought to betray an attempted deception. (In the Middle East) an artificial mound formed by the accumulated remains of ancient settlements.
Temper - A person's state of mind seen in terms of their being angry or calm. Improve the hardness and elasticity of (steel or other metal) by reheating and then cooling it.
Temporary - Lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent. A person employed on a temporary basis, typically an office worker who finds employment through an agency.
Temptation - The desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise.
Ten - Equivalent to the product of five and two; one more than nine; 10. A group or unit of ten people or things. Ten years old.
Tenderly - With gentleness, kindness, and affection. In a way that is easy to cut or chew; softly.
Tens - Plural noun of ten.
Mother Teresa - Saint.
Term - A word or phrase used to describe a thing or to express a concept, especially in a particular kind of language or branch of study. Give a descriptive name to; call by a specified term.
Terms - Plural noun and third person present of term.
Terrible - Extremely bad or serious.
Terror - Extreme fear.
Terrorism - The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Test - A procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is taken into widespread use. A movable hearth in a reverberating furnace, used for separating gold or silver from lead. Take measures to check the quality, performance, or reliability of (something), especially before putting it into widespread use or practice.
Tests - Plural noun and third person present of test.
Testimony - A formal written or spoken statement, especially one given in a court of law.
Than - Used to introduce the second element in a comparison. Introducing the second element in a comparison.
Thank - Express gratitude to (someone), especially by saying Thank you.
Thank God - Used as an expression of relief.
Thank You - A polite expression used when acknowledging a gift, service, or compliment, or accepting or refusing an offer. An instance or means of expressing thanks.
Thankful - Pleased and relieved. Expressing gratitude and relief.
Thanksgiving - An annual national holiday marked by religious observances and a traditional meal.
Theatrical - Relating to acting, actors, or the theatre. A professional actor or actress.
Theft - The action or crime of stealing.
Them - Used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to two or more people or things previously mentioned or easily identified. Those.
Then - At that time; at the time in question.
Theology - The study of the nature of God and religious belief.
Theory - A supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.
Thereby - By that means; as a result of that.
Therefore - For that reason; consequently.
Thin - With opposite surfaces or sides that are close or relatively close together. With little thickness or depth. Make or become less dense, crowded, or numerous.
Thing - An object that one need not, cannot, or does not wish to give a specific name to.
Things - Plural noun of thing.
Think - Have a particular opinion, belief, or idea about someone or something. An act of thinking.
Thinking - The process of considering or reasoning about something. Using thought or rational judgment; intelligent.
Thinks - Plural and third person present of think.
Those - Plural form, pronoun, and determiner of that.
Thought - Past and past participle of think. An idea or opinion produced by thinking, or occurring suddenly in the mind.
Thousand - The number equivalent to the product of a hundred and ten; 1,000. (Also m, M).
Thousand Years - A millennium (plural millennia or millenniums) is a period of one thousand years, sometimes called a kiloannum (ka), or kiloyear (ky).
Threat - A statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done.
Three - Equivalent to the sum of one and two; one more than two; 3. (Also iii, III).
Through - (With reference to public transport) continuing or valid to the final destination. Moving in one side and out of the other side of (an opening, channel, or location). Expressing movement into one side and out of the other side of an opening, channel, or location.
Throw - An act of throwing something. Propel (something) with force through the air by a movement of the arm and hand. An act of throwing something.
Thrown - Past participle of throw.
Time* - The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. Plan, schedule, or arrange when (something) should happen or be done.
Times - Noun and plural noun of time. Multiplied by.
Timid - Showing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened.
Tired - In need of sleep or rest; weary.
Today - On or in the course of this present day. This present day.
Together - With or in proximity to another person or people. Self-confident, level-headed, or well organized.
Tolerate - Allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one dislikes or disagrees with) without interference.
Toll - A charge payable for permission to use a particular bridge or road. The number of deaths, casualties, or injuries arising from particular circumstances, such as a natural disaster, conflict, or accident. Charge a toll for the use of (a bridge or road).
Tolls - Plural noun and third person present of toll.
Tomorrow - On the day after today. The day after today.
Too - To a higher degree than is desirable, permissible, or possible; excessively.
Too Much - An intolerable, impossible, or exhausting situation or experience.
Took - Past tense of take.
Tool - A device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function. Impress a design on (leather, especially a leather book cover).
Top - The highest or uppermost point, part, or surface of something. Highest in position, rank, or degree. Exceed (an amount, level, or number); be more than. At the most. A conical, spherical, or pear-shaped toy that can be set to spin with a quick twist. Tongan pa'anga.
Top Quotes* - The most important groups of words taken from a text or speech in a particular year.
Topic - A matter dealt with in a text, discourse, or conversation; a subject. That part of a sentence about which something is said, typically the first major constituent.
Topics - Plural noun of topic.
Touch - Come into or be in contact with. An act of touching someone or something.
Tough - (Of a substance or object) strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough handling. A rough and violent man. Endure a period of hardship or difficulty.
Tradition - The transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way. A doctrine believed to have divine authority though not in the scriptures.
Traditional - Existing in or as part of a tradition; long-established.
Traditionally - As part of a long-established custom, practice, or belief; typically. In a way that is based on a particular tradition.
Traditions - Plural noun of tradition.
Tragic - Causing or characterized by extreme distress or sorrow. A boring or socially inept person, typically having an obsessive and solitary interest.
Train - Teach (a person or animal) a particular skill or type of behavior through practice and instruction over a period of time. Point or aim something, typically a gun or camera, at. A series of railroad cars moved as a unit by a locomotive or by integral motors. A succession of vehicles or pack animals traveling in the same direction.
Trains - Plural noun and third person present of train.
Training - The action of teaching a person or animal a particular skill or type of behavior. The action of undertaking a course of exercise and diet in preparation for a sporting event.
Transcendent - Beyond or above the range of normal or physical human experience. Surpassing the ordinary; exceptional. (Of God) existing apart from and not subject to the limitations of the material universe.
Transient - Lasting only for a short time; impermanent. A person who is staying or working in a place for a short time only. A momentary variation in current, voltage, or frequency.
Trash - Waste material; refuse. Damage or destroy.
Travel - Go from one place to another, typically over a distance of some length. The action of travelling.
Treasure - A quantity of precious metals, gems, or other valuable objects. Keep carefully (a valuable or valued item).
Treat - Behave toward or deal with in a certain way. Give medical care or attention to; try to heal or cure. An event or item that is out of the ordinary and gives great pleasure.
Treated - Past participle and past tense of treat.
Treats - Plural noun and third person present of treat.
Triumph - A great victory or achievement. Achieve a victory; be successful.
Trouble - Difficulty or problems. Cause distress or anxiety to.
True - In accordance with fact or reality. Truly. Bring (an object, wheel, or other construction) into the exact shape or position required.
Trust - Firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something. Believe in the reliability, truth, or ability of.
Try - Make an attempt or effort to do something. An effort to accomplish something; an attempt. Turkish lira (or lire).
Tumor - A swelling of a part of the body, generally without inflammation, caused by an abnormal growth of tissue, whether benign or malignant.
Desmond Tutu - Archbishop.
Two - Equivalent to the sum of one and one; one less than three; 2. A group or unit of two people or things. Two years old.
Twos - Plural noun of two.
Tyrant - A cruel and oppressive ruler.

Topic U
Ugly - Unpleasant or repulsive, especially in appearance.
Uncouth - Lacking good manners, refinement, or grace.
Underestimate - Estimate (something) to be smaller or less important than it really is. An estimate that is too low.
Understand - Perceive the intended meaning of (words, a language, or a speaker).
Understands - Third person present of understand.
Understood - Past participle and past tense of understand.
Unique - Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else. A unique person or thing.
United - Joined together politically, for a common purpose, or by common feelings. Used in names of soccer and other sports teams formed by amalgamation.
Unity - The state of being united or joined as a whole.
Universe - All existing matter and space considered as a whole; the cosmos. The universe is believed to be at least 10 billion light years in diameter and contains a vast number of galaxies; it has been expanding since its creation in the Big Bang about 13 billion years ago.
Unix - A widely used multiuser operating system.
Unless - Except if (used to introduce the case in which a statement being made is not true or valid).
Unlikely - Not likely to happen, be done, or be true; improbable.
Unnecessary - Not needed. More than is needed; excessive.
Unsatisfactory - Not satisfactory; not good enough. Unsafe.
Until - Up to (the point in time or the event mentioned). Up to the point in time or the event mentioned.
Up - Towards a higher place or position. From a lower to a higher point of (something). A period of good fortune or positive mood. Directed or moving towards a higher place or position. A period of good fortune or positive mood. Do something unexpectedly. Upper Peninsula (of the state of Michigan).
Upset - Make (someone) unhappy, disappointed, or worried. An unexpected result or situation. Unhappy, disappointed, or worried.
Urban - In, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city.
Us - Used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people as the object of a verb or preposition. United States.
Usage - The action of using something or the fact of being used. The way in which a word or phrase is normally and correctly used. Habitual or customary practice, especially as creating a right, obligation, or standard.
Usages - Plural noun of usage.
Use - Take, hold, or deploy (something) as a means of accomplishing or achieving something; employ. The action of using something or the state of being used for a purpose.
Useful - Able to be used for a practical purpose or in several ways. Very able or competent in a particular area.
Usefulness - The quality or fact of being useful.
User - A person who uses or operates something, especially a computer or other machine. A person who takes illegal drugs; a drug user. A person who manipulates others for personal gain. The continued use or enjoyment of a right.
Users - Plural noun of user.
Uses - Third person present of use.

Topic V
Valentine - A card sent on St. Valentine's Day, February 14, to a person one loves or is attracted to.
Valentine's Day - (St. Valentine's Day) February 14, a day to send a card to a person one loves or is attracted to.
Valid - (Of an argument or point) having a sound basis in logic or fact; reasonable or cogent.
Valour - Great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle.
Value - The regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something. Estimate the monetary worth of.
Values - Plural noun and third person present of value.
Vanish - Disappear suddenly and completely. Gradually cease to exist. Become zero.
Vast - Of very great extent or quantity; immense. An immense space.
Very - In a high degree. Actual; precise (used to emphasize the exact identity of someone or something).
Vice - Immoral or wicked behaviour. As a substitute for.
Victim - A person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.
Victory - An act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition. The flagship of Lord Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar.
View - The ability to see something or to be seen from a particular place. Look at or inspect.
Views - Plural noun and third person present of view.
Violate - Break or fail to comply with (a rule or formal agreement).
Violence - Behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
Virtue - Behaviour showing high moral standards.
Vision - The faculty or state of being able to see. Imagine.
Vote - A formal indication of a choice between two or more candidates or courses of action, expressed typically through a ballot or a show of hands. Give or register a vote.
Vulgar - Lacking sophistication or good taste.

Topic W
Wage - A fixed regular payment earned for work or services, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis. Carry on (a war or campaign).
Wake - Emerge or cause to emerge from a state of sleep; stop sleeping. Hold a vigil beside (someone who has died). A watch or vigil held beside the body of someone who has died, sometimes accompanied by ritual observances including eating and drinking. (In some parts of the UK) a festival and holiday held annually in a rural parish, originally on the feast day of the patron saint of the church.
Wake Up - The act of transitioning from a state of sleep or unconsciousness to a state of wakefulness or consciousness. To become aware or attentive to a particular situation or issue.
Wakes - Plural noun and third person present of wake.
Waking - The state of being awake and conscious.
Walk - Move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once. An act of travelling or an outing on foot.
Want - Have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for. A lack or deficiency of something.
War* - A state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country. Engage in a war.
Warm - Of or at a fairly or comfortably high temperature. Make or become warm. (The warm) a warm place or area.
Warning - A statement or event that warns of something or that serves as a cautionary example.
Waste - Use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose. (Of a material, substance, or by-product) eliminated or discarded as no longer useful or required after the completion of a process. An act or instance of using or expending something carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose.
Way - A method, style, or manner of doing something; an optional or alternative form of action. At or to a considerable distance or extent; far (used before an adverb or preposition for emphasis).
Ways - Plural noun of way.
Weak - Lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; having little physical strength or energy.
Weakness - The state or condition of lacking strength or being weak.
Wealth - An abundance of valuable possessions or money.
Weapon - A thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage.
Wear - Have (something) on one's body as clothing, decoration, or protection. Clothing suitable for a particular purpose or of a particular type. Bring (a ship) about by turning its head away from the wind.
Weather* - The state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time as regards heat, cloudiness, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc. Wear away or change the appearance or texture of (something) by long exposure to the atmosphere.
Weight - A body's relative mass or the quantity of matter contained by it, giving rise to a downward force; the heaviness of a person or thing. Hold (something) down by placing a heavy object on top of it.
Weird - Suggesting something supernatural; unearthly. Induce a sense of disbelief or alienation in someone.
Welcome - An instance or manner of greeting someone. Used to greet someone in a polite or friendly way. Greet (someone arriving) in a polite or friendly way. (Of a guest or new arrival) gladly received.
Well - In a good or satisfactory way. In good health; free or recovered from illness. Used to express a range of emotions including surprise, anger, resignation, or relief. A shaft sunk into the ground to obtain water, oil, or gas. (Of a liquid) rise up to the surface and spill or be about to spill.
Were - Second person singular past, plural past, and past subjunctive of be.
What - Asking for information specifying something. To what extent?
Whatever - Used to emphasize a lack of restriction in referring to any thing or amount, no matter what. Used for emphasis instead of "what" in questions, typically expressing surprise or confusion. At all; of any kind (used for emphasis). Said as a response indicating a reluctance to discuss something, often implying indifference.
Where - In or to what place or position. At, in, or to which (used after reference to a place or situation).
Wherever - In or to whatever place (emphasizing a lack of restriction). Used for emphasis instead of "where" in questions, typically expressing surprise or confusion. In every case when.
Whether - Expressing a doubt or choice between alternatives.
Which - Asking for information specifying one or more people or things from a definite set. Used referring to something previously mentioned when introducing a clause giving further information.
While - A period of time. During the time that; at the same time as. During which. Pass time in a leisurely manner. Until.
Whisper - Speak very softly using one's breath rather than one's throat, especially for the sake of secrecy. A soft or confidential tone of voice; a whispered word or phrase.
Who - What or which person or people. World Health Organization.
Whole - All of; entire. A thing that is complete in itself. Used to emphasize the novelty or distinctness of something.
Why - For what reason or purpose. (With reference to a reason) on account of which; for which. Expressing surprise or indignation. A reason or explanation.
Wife - A married woman considered in relation to her spouse.
Wild - (Of an animal or plant) living or growing in the natural environment; not domesticated or cultivated. A natural state or uncultivated or uninhabited region. Behave in an unrestrained or violent manner.
Will - Expressing the future tense. The faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action. Make or try to make (someone) do something or (something) happen by the exercise of mental powers.
Willingness - The quality or state of being prepared to do something; readiness.
Willpower - Control exerted to do something or restrain impulses.
Wills - Plural noun and third person present of will.
Win - Be successful or victorious in (a contest or conflict).
Wind - The perceptible natural movement of the air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing from a particular direction. Cause (someone) to have difficulty breathing because of exertion or a blow to the stomach. Move in or take a twisting or spiral course. A twist or turn in a course.
Winning - Gaining, resulting in, or relating to victory in a contest or competition. Money won, especially by gambling.
Winnings - Plural noun of winning.
Winter - The coldest season in the northern hemisphere (December-February) and southern hemisphere (June-August).
Wisdom* - The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.
Wise - Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment. The manner or extent of something.
Wish - Feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that cannot or probably will not happen. A desire or hope for something to happen.
Wit - The capacity for inventive thought and quick understanding; keen intelligence. Have knowledge.
With - Accompanied by (another person or thing). Possessing (something) as a feature or accompaniment.
Without - In the absence of. Outside. Without it being the case that.
Woman - An adult female human being.
Women - Plural noun of woman.
Wonder - A feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar. Desire to know something; feel curious.
Word - A single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed. Express (something spoken or written) in particular words. Used to express agreement or affirmation.
Words - Plural noun and third person present of word.
Work - Activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result. Be engaged in physical or mental activity in order to achieve a result; do work.
Works - Plural noun and third person present of work.
World - The earth, together with all of its countries and peoples.
World-class - (Of a person, thing, or activity) of or among the best in the world.
Worn - Past participle of wear. Damaged and shabby as a result of much use. Very tired.
Worried - Anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems.
Worries - Third person present of worry.
Worry - Feel or cause to feel anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems. The state of being anxious and troubled over actual or potential problems.
Worrying - Causing anxiety about actual or potential problems; alarming.
Worse - Of poorer quality or lower standard; less good or desirable. Less well or skilfully. A more serious or unpleasant event or situation.
Worth - Equivalent in value to the sum or item specified. The level at which someone or something deserves to be valued or rated.
Would - Past of will, in various senses.
Wrestling - The sport of grappling with an opponent and trying to throw or hold them down on the ground.
Write - Mark (letters, words, or other symbols) on a surface, typically paper, with a pen, pencil, or similar implement.
Writing - The activity or skill of writing.
Wrong - Not correct or true; incorrect. In an unsuitable or undesirable manner or direction. An unjust, dishonest, or immoral act. Act unjustly or dishonestly towards.

Topic X

Topic Y
Year - The time taken by the earth to make one revolution around the sun. The period of 365 days (or 366 days in leap years) starting from the first of January, used for reckoning time in ordinary circumstances.
Years - Plural noun of year.
Years Ago - Tends to imply a long time.
Yesterday - On the day before today. The day before today.
You - Used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing.
Young - Having lived or existed for only a short time. Offspring, especially of an animal before or soon after birth.
Your - Belonging to or associated with the person or people that the speaker is addressing.
Yours - Used to refer to a thing or things belonging to or associated with the person or people that the speaker is addressing. Used in formulas ending a letter.
Yourself - Used to refer to the person being addressed as the object of a verb or preposition when they are also the subject of the clause.
Youth - The period between childhood and adult age.

Topic Z
Zest - Great enthusiasm and energy. Scrape off the outer coloured part of the peel of (a piece of citrus fruit) for use as flavouring.

*  All Topics