Definition: To be desired or approved of. That which is morally right; righteousness. Well.
Number of Quotes: 40
Cyberspace is - or can be - a good, friendly and egalitarian place to meet.
Douglas Adams
Hundreds of people who've never written before send in Dr. Who
scripts. They may have good ideas, but what they fail to realise
is that writing for TV is incredibly complicated. They have no idea how difficult it is and what the financial commitment is.
Douglas Adams
I think you get most of the most interesting work done in fields where people don't think they're doing art
but are merely practicing a craft and working as good craftsmen. Being literate as a writer is good craft, is
knowing your job, is knowing how to use your tools properly and not to damage the tools as you use them.
Douglas Adams
Look at a book. A book is the right size to be a book. They're solar-powered. If you drop them, they keep on being a book. You
can find your place in microseconds. Books are really good at being books, and no matter what happens, books will survive.
Douglas Adams
Nothing is more responsible for the good old days than a bad memory.
Franklin P. Adams
There are plenty of good five cent cigars in the country. The trouble is they cost a quarter.
Franklin P. Adams
What this country needs is a good five-cent nickel.
Franklin P. Adams
It is always good men who do the most harm in the world.
Henry Adams
No man likes to have his intelligence or good faith questioned, especially if he has doubts about it himself.
Henry Adams
Thank God, I never was cheerful. I come from the happy stock of the Mathers, who, as you
remember, passed sweet mornings reflecting on the goodness of God and the damnation of infants.
Henry Adams
Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make a good use of it.
John Adams
One strategy for getting ahead is being incredibly good at a particular skill; you need to be world-class to stand
out for that skill. In my case, I layered fairly average skills together until the combination became special.
Scott Adams
Wicked men obey for fear; good men, from love.
We spend most of our lives working. So why do so few people have a good time doing it?
Richard Branson
Good judgment comes from experience, and often experience comes from bad judgment.
Rita Brown
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke
Give me the avowed, the erect, the manly foe,
Bold I can meet - perhaps may turn his blow!
But of all plagues, Good Heaven, thy wrath can send,
Save, save, Oh, save me from the candid friend!
George Canning
She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it).
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland &
Through the Looking-Glass
Lewis Carroll
We are all musicians, and we're not really good musicians. But we have this gracious gift that has been
bestowed on us, and we don't want to disappoint. So I guess our biggest fear would be, just giving up.
Justin Chancellor
People aren't born good or bad. Maybe they're born with tendencies either way, but its the way you live your life that matters.
City of Glass
Cassandra Clare
I was delighted to see that you thought I was as good as I thought I was.
Noël Coward
The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.
Benjamin Disraeli
If we want to preserve the foundation of our democracy, it's vital that we find common ground that allows us to work for the
greater good of this nation. This does not mean giving up our values. This does not mean swallowing a bitter compromise.
Tulsi Gabbard
For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only
words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.
Audrey Hepburn
Only the young die good.
Oliver Herford
Success is power; because it maketh reputation of wisdom, or good fortune; which makes men either fear him or rely on him.
Thomas Hobbes
Heaven and hell suppose two distinct species of men, the good and the bad.
David Hume
Business is like sex. When it's good, it's very, very good; when it's not so good, it's still good.
George Katona
Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. My optimism, then, does not rest on the absence
of evil, but on a glad belief in the preponderance of good and a willing effort always to cooperate with the good, that it may prevail.
Helen Keller
People often feed the hungry so that nothing may disturb their own enjoyment of a good meal.
W. Somerset Maugham
I just got to a point where I was lying to myself constantly, so I had to face up to that. It was a lot
of... I don't want to use the words self sacrifice,
but that's what it felt like. It was giving up
who I thought I was and starting over from scratch and realizing the man that I am was good enough.
Ivan Moody
I thought about giving up the sport, but I have a lot of good people around me: my
wife, Nina, my family. Everybody keeps helping me to be positive and moving forward.
Amanda Nunes
Sing in the tones of prayer,
Sing till the soaring soul
Shall float above the world's control
In Freedom everywhere!
Sing for the good that is to be,
Sing for the eyes that are to see
The land where man at last is free,
O sing for Liberty!
James Riley
The 1 to 2 billion poorest in the world, who don't have food for the day, suffer from the worst disease: globalization deficiency. The way globalization is
occurring could be much better, but the worst thing is not being part of it. For those people, we need to support good civil societies and governments.
Hans Rosling
I count myself in nothing else so happy
As in a soul remembering my good friends.
Richard II
William Shakespeare
The trouble with being a hypochondriac these days is that antibiotics have cured all the good diseases.
Caskie Stinnett
No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions. He had money as well.
Margaret Thatcher
The more good I do, the more money has come in. You have to learn to give. You're not born to give. You're born selfish.
Ted Turner
I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects. A man cannot be too
careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not one who is a fool. They are all men of some intellectual power, and consequently they all appreciate me.
Oscar Wilde
The only difference between a saint and a sinner is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.
Oscar Wilde