Because the Internet is so new, we still don't really understand what it is. We mistake it for a type of
publishing or broadcasting, because that's what we're used to. So people complain that there's a lot of rubbish
online, or that it's dominated by Americans, or that you can't necessarily trust what you read on the Web.
Douglas Adams
Hundreds of people who've never written before send in Dr. Who
scripts. They may have good ideas, but what they fail to realise
is that writing for TV is incredibly complicated. They have no idea how difficult it is and what the financial commitment is.
Douglas Adams
I think that the digital media are interesting enough in their own right to be worth originating something in.
Douglas Adams
People wanted me to do a CD-ROM of Hitchhiker's,
and I thought, No, no.
I didn't want to just sort of reverse-engineer yet another
thing from a book I'd already written. I think that the digital media are interesting enough in their own right to be worth originating something in.
Douglas Adams
The press is the hired agent of a monied system, and set up for no other purpose than
to tell lies where their interests are involved. One can trust nobody and nothing.
Henry Adams
He had been kicked in the head by a mule when young, and believed everything he read in the Sunday papers.
George Ade
Television - a device that permits people who haven't anything to do to watch people who can't do anything.
Fred Allen
Television is a new medium, and I have discovered why it's called a new medium - because nothing is well done.
Fred Allen
The duty of a newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
Mencken's Dictionary of Quotations
The moment when you feel like giving up is right before your breakthrough.
Victoria Arlen
Never answer an anonymous letter.
Yogi Berra
I read the newspaper avidly. It is my one form of continuous fiction.
Aneurin Bevan
When a dog bites a man, that isn't news. It often happens. But if a man bites a dog, that is news.
John B. Bogart
The funny thing is better TV shows don't cost that much more than lousy TV shows.
Warren Buffett
The market will pay better to entertain than educate.
Warren Buffett
Journalism largely consists in saying Lord Jones Dead
to people who never knew Lord Jones was alive.
G. K. Chesterton
A Harvard professor told me that if there was no Gallup poll there'd be no Bill Clinton.
Financial Times
Jim Clifton
Literature is the art of writing something that will be read twice; journalism what will be read once.
Cyril Connolly
Television is more interesting than people. If it were not, we should have people standing in the corners of our rooms.
Alan Coren
Time has convinced me of one thing. Television is for appearing on, not for looking at.
Noël Coward
A social media fast
is a fast, I suppose like any other. In this case, you're simply giving up
whether it be a device or a particular type of social media site. And I do this at least once weekly.
Tim Ferriss
When I started out, people were afraid of parish priests. Now they're afraid of newspaper editors.
Michael D. Higgins
Being in jail is by far the hardest thing I have ever done. During the past several days, I have had a lot of time to think
and I believe that I am learning and growing from this experience ... I would hope going forward that the public and the media
will focus on more important things like the men and women serving our country in Iraq and other places around the world.
Paris Hilton
The media ... is like an oil painting. Close up, it looks like nothing on earth. Stand back and you get the drift.
Bernard Ingham
The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.
Thomas Jefferson
Media people should have long noses like an elephant to smell out politicians, mayors, prime ministers
and businessmen. We need to know the reality, the good and the bad, not just the appearance.
Dalai Lama
I will never lie to you. You have my word on that.
At her first press briefing, May 1, 2020.
Kayleigh McEnany
The science should not stand in the way of this.
Referring to school reopenings in a news briefing, July 16, 2020.
Kayleigh McEnany
Television brought the brutality of war into the comfort of the living room. Vietnam
was lost in the living rooms of America - not the battlefields of Vietnam.
Marshall McLuhan
The medium is the message.
Marshall McLuhan
A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier.
H. L. Mencken
Journalism is to politician as dog is to lamppost.
H. L. Mencken
Whenever I see a newspaper, I think of the poor trees. As trees they provide beauty, shade and shelter. But, as paper, all they provide is rubbish.
Yehudi Menuhin
Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.
Jim Morrison
I don't give a damn what the media critics say. It's what your readers say. If you haven't got any readers, you're only talking to yourself.
Rupert Murdoch
You can't shame or humiliate modern celebrities. What used to be called shame and humiliation is now called publicity.
P. J. O'Rourke
On average, five times as many people read the headlines as read the body copy.
David Ogilvy
There is one category of advertising which is totally uncontrolled and flagrantly
dishonest: the television commercials for candidates in Presidential elections.
David Ogilvy
Television has made dictatorship impossible, but democracy unbearable.
Shimon Peres
For a politician to complain about the press is like a ship's captain complaining about the sea.
Enoch Powell
Accuracy is to a newspaper what virtue is to a lady, but a newspaper can always print a retraction.
Adlai Stevenson
Freedom of the press in Britain means freedom to print such of the proprietor's prejudices as the advertisers don't object to.
Hannen Swaffer
We must try to find ways to starve the terrorist and the hijacker of the oxygen of publicity on which they depend.
Margaret Thatcher
We shall not be diverted from our course. To those waiting with bated breath for that favourite media
catch-phrase, the U-turn, I have only this to say. You turn if you want; the lady's not for turning.
Margaret Thatcher
The only qualities essential for real success in journalism are ratlike cunning, a plausible manner, and a little literary ability.
Nicholas Tomalin
I became a newspaperman. I hated to do it, but I couldn't find honest employment.
Mark Twain
It is a free press ... There are laws to protect the freedom of the press's
speech, but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press.
Mark Twain
You try to tell me anything about the newspaper business! Sir! I have been through it from Alpha to Omega,
and I tell you the less a man knows the bigger the noise he makes and the higher the salary he commands.
Mark Twain
News is what a chap who doesn't care much about anything wants to read. And it's only news until he's read it. After that it's dead.
Evelyn Waugh