Definition: Human beings collectively. The state of being human. The quality of being humane; benevolence.
Number of Quotes: 19
It is among the evils of slavery that it taints the very sources of moral principle. It establishes false estimates of virtue and vice: for what
can be more false and heartless than this doctrine which makes the first and holiest rights of humanity to depend upon the color of the skin?
John Quincy Adams
More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter
hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.
Woody Allen
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
Neil Armstrong
There is enough in the world for everyone's need, but not for everyone's greed.
Frank Buchman
Is man an ape or an angel? Now I am on the side of the angels.
Benjamin Disraeli
Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
John Donne
The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.
Anatole France
Seven social sins: politics without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge
without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, and worship without sacrifice.
Mahatma Gandhi
Too seldom does the world pause to consider how much kinder and more humane business has become since women invaded the market-place.
Edith Johnson
Well-ventilated, well-lighted, and sanitarily kept workrooms, rest-rooms and other creature comforts
provided in factories, stores, and office buildings are largely the results of women's presence in industry.
Edith Johnson
Women's presence ... has done more, I believe, than labor's strikes and struggles to
shorten the working day, and improve the conditions under which work is performed.
Edith Johnson
Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.
United Nations on September 25, 1961.
John F. Kennedy
The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.
H. P. Lovecraft
There are only two kinds of men: those righteous who believe themselves sinners; the other sinners who believe themselves righteous.
Blaise Pascal
Hope springs eternal in the human breast: Man never Is, but always To be blest.
Alexander Pope
To run this business ... you need ... optimism, humanism, enthusiasm, intuition,
curiosity, love, humour, magic and fun, and that secret ingredient - euphoria.
Anita Roddick
I found one day in school a boy of medium size ill-treating a smaller boy. I expostulated, but he replied: The
bigs hit me, so I hit the babies; that's fair.
In these words he epitomized the history of the human race.
Bertrand Russell
It is preoccupation with possession, more than anything else, that prevents men from living freely and nobly.
Bertrand Russell
When a person doesn't have gratitude, something is missing in his or her
humanity. A person can almost be defined by his or her attitude toward gratitude.
Elie Wiesel