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Definition: Measuring a great distance from end to end. A long period. For a long time. Have a strong wish or desire.
Number of Quotes: 8

Books are sharks... because sharks have been around for a very long time. There were sharks before there were dinosaurs, and the reason sharks are still in the ocean is that nothing is better at being a shark than a shark.
Douglas Adams

Every man who has at last succeeded, after long effort, in calling up the divinity which lies hidden in a woman's heart, is startled to find that he must obey the God he summoned.
Henry Adams

As much as I converse with sages and heroes, they have very little of my love and admiration. I long for rural and domestic scene, for the warbling of birds and the prattling of my children.
John Adams

Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.
John Adams

Informed decision-making comes from a long tradition of guessing and then blaming others for inadequate results.
Scott Adams

The world is like a reverse casino. In a casino, if you gamble long enough, you're certainly going to lose. But in the real world, where the only thing you're gambling is, say, your time or your embarrassment, then the more stuff you do, the more you give luck a chance to find you.
Scott Adams

You said you were going for a walk!? What kind of walk takes six hours?
A long one?
City of Glass
Cassandra Clare

For a long time, I thought when you do a box set, you're giving up; you're saying, OK, I don't have anything left. But now I've listened to some of the old stuff I haven't heard in 20 to 40 years with fresh ears. It's like, Oh yeah, I can see where people might want to to hear some of this stuff that didn't make it onto the records.
Bob Seger

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