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Definition: Used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing.
Number of Quotes: 90

Praying is another way of singing.
You plant in the tree the soul of lemons.
You plant in the gardens the spirit of roses.

Song for Dov Shamir
Dannie Abse

You have a beautiful classy mind but I find you physically unattractive.
Welsh Retrospective
Dannie Abse

Working women wore hats. It was the only way they would take you seriously.
Bella Abzug

Computers are still technology because we are still wrestling with it: it's still being invented; we're still trying to work out how it works. There's a world of game interaction to come that you or I wouldn't recognise. It's time for the machines to disappear. The computer's got to disappear into all of the things we use.
Douglas Adams

I think you get most of the most interesting work done in fields where people don't think they're doing art but are merely practicing a craft and working as good craftsmen. Being literate as a writer is good craft, is knowing your job, is knowing how to use your tools properly and not to damage the tools as you use them.
Douglas Adams

If you try and take a cat apart to see how it works, the first thing you have on your hands is a nonworking cat.
Douglas Adams

Look at a book. A book is the right size to be a book. They're solar-powered. If you drop them, they keep on being a book. You can find your place in microseconds. Books are really good at being books, and no matter what happens, books will survive.
Douglas Adams

Of course you can't trust what people tell you on the web anymore than you can trust what people tell you on megaphones, postcards or in restaurants. Working out the social politics of who you can trust and why is, quite literally, what a very large part of our brain has evolved to do.
Douglas Adams

One of the most important things you learn from the Internet is that there is no them out there. It's just an awful lot of us.
Douglas Adams

Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the drug store, but that's just peanuts to space.
Douglas Adams

To be frank, it sometimes seems that the American idea of freedom has more to do with my freedom to do what I want than your freedom to do what you want. I think that, in Europe, we're probably better at understanding how to balance those competing claims, though not a lot.
Douglas Adams

Wandering around the web is like living in a world in which every doorway is actually one of those science fiction devices which deposit you in a completely different part of the world when you walk through them. In fact, it isn't like it, it is it.
Douglas Adams

When you write your first book aged 25 or so, you have 25 years of experience, albeit much of it juvenile experience. The second book comes after an extra year sitting in bookshops. Pretty soon, you begin to run on empty.
Douglas Adams

Working out the social politics of who you can trust and why is, quite literally, what a very large part of our brain has evolved to do.
Douglas Adams

You live and learn. At any rate, you live.
Douglas Adams

Having imagination it takes you an hour to write a paragraph that if you were unimaginative would take you only a minute.
Franklin P. Adams

Middle age occurs when you are too young to take up golf and too old to rush up to the net.
Franklin P. Adams

The trouble with this country is that there are too many politicians who believe, with a conviction based on experience, that you can fool all of the people all of the time.
Franklin P. Adams

You do not know what you can miss before you try.
Franklin P. Adams

I tell you the solemn truth, that the doctrine of the Trinity is not so difficult to accept for a working proposition as any one of the axioms of physics.
Henry Adams

Thank God, I never was cheerful. I come from the happy stock of the Mathers, who, as you remember, passed sweet mornings reflecting on the goodness of God and the damnation of infants.
Henry Adams

I have accepted a seat in the House of Representatives, and thereby have consented to my own ruin, to your ruin, and to the ruin of our children. I give you this warning that you may prepare your mind for your fate.
John Adams

I must not write a word to you about politics, because you are a woman.
John Adams

Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order.
John Adams

Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make a good use of it.
John Adams

When people talk of the freedom of writing, speaking or thinking I cannot choose but laugh. No such thing ever existed. No such thing now exists; but I hope it will exist. But it must be hundreds of years after you and I shall write and speak no more.
John Adams

The more you meditate on the laws of Moses, the more striking and brighter does their wisdom appear.
John Quincy Adams

To read the Bible is of itself a laudable occupation and can scarcely fail of being a useful employment of time; but the habit of reflecting upon what you have read is equally essential as than of reading itself, to give it all the efficacy of which it is susceptible.
John Quincy Adams

Every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success.
Scott Adams

If you drill down on any success story, you always discover that luck was a huge part of it. You can't control luck, but you can move from a game with bad odds to one with better odds. You can make it easier for luck to find you. The most useful thing you can do is stay in the game.
Scott Adams

If you have any trouble sounding condescending, find a Unix user to show you how it's done.
Scott Adams

If your goal is to lose 10 pounds, you may wake up each day with failure in mind because the goal is hard to reach, and you are progressing only by small amounts. It takes up all your willpower. I recommend that instead of a goal, you have a system.
Scott Adams

Many, if not most, career opportunities come to you through people you know. So the more people you know, the more opportunities you have. Improving your social network is a great example of a system for moving from lower odds to better odds without having a specific goal.
Scott Adams

One strategy for getting ahead is being incredibly good at a particular skill; you need to be world-class to stand out for that skill. In my case, I layered fairly average skills together until the combination became special.
Scott Adams

The most important thing when you study hypnosis is that you learn that humans are irrational. Until you understand that, hypnosis is hard to do... For me, it was this great awakening to understand that humans are deeply irrational, and it's probably the greatest influence on me in terms of my writing.
Scott Adams

The world is like a reverse casino. In a casino, if you gamble long enough, you're certainly going to lose. But in the real world, where the only thing you're gambling is, say, your time or your embarrassment, then the more stuff you do, the more you give luck a chance to find you.
Scott Adams

There's kind of a toll you have to pay with a cat; if you don't pet her for 10 minutes she'll bother you for six hours.
Scott Adams

We don't always have an accurate view of our own potential. I think most people who are frightened of public speaking and can't imagine they might feel different as a result of training. Don't assume you know how much potential you have. Sometimes the only way to know what you can do is to test yourself.
Scott Adams

You can never underestimate the stupidity of the general public.
Scott Adams

You don't have to be a person of influence to be influential. In fact, the most influential people in my life are probably not even aware of the things they've taught me.
Scott Adams

The moment when you feel like giving up is right before your breakthrough.
Victoria Arlen

You can take it for granted that I am not going to waste any time thinking about giving up how happy I am at Borussia, in the city of Dortmund, and with this team.
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang

When that glass broke and Stone Cold was making an entrance, and that roof blew off that building, that sends you higher than life or anything that I know of. It's an adrenaline rush you can't explain.
Steve Austin

If you look at films about becoming a man, coming-of-age movies are made with 12-, 16-, 40-, 50-year-olds... For a guy to feel like he's a 100 percent grown-up is almost like giving up. Like admitting that you're on your way into the grave.
Kevin Bacon

For now. But if I ever decide you're useless, you are a dead man. To be killed by you is to be desired more than a life excluded from your service. Bravo. Her Imperial Viciousness laughed with genuine feeling. Bravo!
Seeing Redd
Frank Beddor

Normally, people give up parliament because they want to do more business or spend more time with family. My wife said why don't you say you're giving up to devote more time to politics?. And it is what I have done.
Tony Benn

As a writer, you can't allow yourself the luxury of being discouraged and giving up when you are rejected, either by agents or publishers. You absolutely must plow forward.
Augusten Burroughs

Claire stretched out against the wall and kissed it. Glad to see you, too, she whispered, and pressed her cheek against the smooth surface. It almost felt like it hugged her back. Dude, it's a house, Shane said from behind her. Hug somebody who cares.
Lord of Misrule
Rachel Caine

Globalization, as defined by rich people like us, is a very nice thing... you are talking about the Internet, you are talking about cell phones, you are talking about computers. This doesn't affect two-thirds of the people of the world.
Jimmy Carter

There will be times when you just can't seem to land an acting job, and you feel like giving up. Don't! The only way to realise that dream is to keep working hard for it.
Sam Claflin

And now I'm looking at you, he said, and you're asking me if I still want you, as if I could stop loving you. As if I would want to give up the thing that makes me stronger than anything else ever has. I never dared give much of myself to anyone before - bits of myself to the Lightwoods, to Isabelle and Alec, but it took years to do it - but, Clary, since the first time I saw you, I have belonged to you completely. I still do. If you want me.
City of Glass
Cassandra Clare

I was thinking about the first time I ever saw you, he said, and how after that I couldn't forget you. I wanted to, but I couldn't stop myself. I forced Hodge to let me be the one who came to find you and bring you back to the Institue. And even back then, in that stupid coffee shop, when I saw you sitting on that couch with Simon, even then that felt wrong to me-- I should have been the one sitting with you. The one who made you laugh like that. I couldn't get rid of that feeling. That it should have been me. And the more I knew you, the more I felt it--it had never been like that for me before. I'd always wanted a girl and then gotten to know her and not wanted her anymore, but with you the feeling just got stronger and stronger until that night when you showed up at Renwick's and I knew.
City of Glass
Cassandra Clare

Is this the part where you say if I hurt her, you'll kill me?
No Simon said, If you hurt Clary she's quite capable of killing you herself. Possibly with a variety of weapons.
City of Glass
Cassandra Clare

Malachi scowled. I don't remember the Clave inviting you into the Glass City, Magnus Bane.
They didn't, Magnus said. Your wards are down.
Really? the Consul's voice dripped sarcasm. I hadn't noticed.
Magnus looked concerned. That's terrible. Someone should have told you. He glanced at Luke. Tell him the wards are down.
City of Glass
Cassandra Clare

Not everything is about you, Clary said furiously.
Possibly, Jace said, but you do have to admit that the majority of things are.
City of Glass
Cassandra Clare

There is no pretending, Jace said with absolute clarity. I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there is life after that, I'll love you then.
City of Glass
Cassandra Clare

You said you were going for a walk!? What kind of walk takes six hours?
A long one?
City of Glass
Cassandra Clare

(In politics) you need both a public and a private position.
Speech to National Multi-Housing Council released by WikiLeaks, October 7, 2016.
Hillary Clinton

You could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.
Remarks at a fundraiser, New York, September 9, 2016.
Hillary Clinton

Paradigms are like glasses. When you have incomplete paradigms about yourself or life in general, it's like wearing glasses with the wrong prescription. That lens affects how you see everything else.
Sean Covey

There are things I'd wish weren't part of ageing. But what you gain is much more than you're giving up. I don't think you come into your own until you're 35 or so.
Cindy Crawford

You have certainly exceeded my expectation. I thought you would be perfect.
Robert J. Dainard

You will never be reincarnated. Anyone nicer could not be made.
Robert J. Dainard

After The Real Thing, I thought about giving up acting because it's difficult to have a rich life outside your work when you're an actress, a private life that can survive being picked up and put down. That's what I thought, anyway.
Jennifer Ehle

A social media fast is a fast, I suppose like any other. In this case, you're simply giving up whether it be a device or a particular type of social media site. And I do this at least once weekly.
Tim Ferriss

I ain't giving up on myself, so if you give up on me, I ain't got nothing else to say for you.

Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like maybe we should be just friends turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.
The Kindly Ones
Neil Gaiman

When you see the poet laureate saying that every child should have read Ulysses and that you're just giving up on children if you think it's elitist - does that include children with special needs or whose first language isn't English?
Nick Hornby

Giving up something personal to the public, you are surrendering something.
Holly Hunter

When you're scared, you're still hanging on to life. When you're ready to die, you let it go. A sort of emptying out occurs, a giving up on the world that seems oddly familiar even if you've never done it before.
Sebastian Junger

I used to think that love was giving up everything of yourself and giving it to the other person. Now, I've realized that love is when you have somebody that doesn't make you give up half of yourself.

If I had a message to give my dad, it'd probably be, Thank you, thank you, thank you. He's helped me so much on this crazy journey. Giving up his job, being away from my mom, and being away from home for that much just because of me? It's a lot. And I thank him for it.
Chloe Kim

Life is a series of baby steps along the way and if you add up these tiny little steps you take toward your goal, whatever it is, whether it's giving up something, a terrible addiction or trying to work your way through an illness. When you total up those baby steps you'd be amazed over the course of 10 years, the strides you've taken.
Hoda Kotb

I could be, you know, the person that shows little kids that giving up isn't something that you should do.
Jessica Lynch

You could rattle the stars, she whispered. You could do anything, if only you dared. And deep down, you know it, too. That's what scares you most.
Throne of Glass
Sarah J. Maas

I hate wearin' sunglasses, to be honest with you. You don't need sunglasses in Ireland.
Tristan MacManus

I have a theory that burnout is about resentment. And you beat it by knowing what it is you're giving up that makes you resentful.
Melissa Mayer

I will never lie to you. You have my word on that.
At her first press briefing, May 1, 2020.
Kayleigh McEnany

If you mind tells your body you can't do it, you will quit. If your body is giving up, but you think you can carry on, you will naturally keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Ant Middleton

If you want to become physically stronger, you'll need healthy habits - like going to the gym. You'll also have to give up unhealthy habits - like eating junk food. Building mental strength requires healthy habits - like practicing gratitude - while also giving up unhealthy behavior, like giving up after the first failure.
Amy Morin

With a new baby, you have a bad day now and again because you're particularly tired, but most of the time, you're fine. You spend a lot of your time trying to figure out how you can get more sleep, but really, you're better off just giving up and admitting that you're not going to, so forget about it.
Deirdre O'Kane

There's no point in giving up something you enjoy unless you get something back that's even better, and quickly.
Dean Ornish

Acting isn't always about the amount of talent you have, or your ability to cry on command. The point is, how well can you take direction? How well can you put aside your own ideas or ego and listen to the ideas of the director and the people above you, while not giving up the passion and drive of that character?
Shannon Purser

I love you 3000.
From the film Avengers: Endgame, 2019.
Lexi Rabe

They say there's no second act in American lives. There's something there worth exploring. Giving up an idea of yourself, examining your failure, and seeing if that failure was the system's or yours. What does it mean to not turn out to be the person you want to be?
Scott Rudin

You cry and you scream and you stomp your feet and you shout. You say, You know what? I'm giving up, I don't care. And then you go to bed and you wake up and it's a brand new day, and you pick yourself back up again.
Nicole Scherzinger

For a long time, I thought when you do a box set, you're giving up; you're saying, OK, I don't have anything left. But now I've listened to some of the old stuff I haven't heard in 20 to 40 years with fresh ears. It's like, Oh yeah, I can see where people might want to to hear some of this stuff that didn't make it onto the records.
Bob Seger

Ever think of introducing yourself? Y.T. says.
Nah, he says, people always forget names. You can just think of me as that one guy, y'know?

Snow Crash
Neal Stephenson

It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you're associating with black people.
In a remark to V. Stiviano on an audio recording quoted in Los Angeles Times, April 27, 2014.
Donald Sterling

Winning is fun... Sure. But winning is not the point. Wanting to win is the point. Not giving up is the point. Never letting up is the point. Never being satisfied with what you've done is the point.
Pat Summitt

We are in the beginning of a mass extinction. And all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!
Speech at United Nations Climate Action Summit, New York, September 23, 2019.
Greta Thunberg

That's great you got a new cat!
Mitchell Visser

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