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Definition: Form a mental image or concept of.
Imagines: The third-person singular present tense form of the verb "to imagine."
Number of Quotes: 22

There is a piece of me that likes to fondly imagine my maverick and rebellious nature. But, more accurately, I like to have a nice and cosy institution that I can rub up against a little bit.
Douglas Adams

Having imagination it takes you an hour to write a paragraph that if you were unimaginative would take you only a minute.
Franklin P. Adams

We don't always have an accurate view of our own potential. I think most people who are frightened of public speaking and can't imagine they might feel different as a result of training. Don't assume you know how much potential you have. Sometimes the only way to know what you can do is to test yourself.
Scott Adams

To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.
Thomas Edison

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.
Albert Einstein

Things are pretty, graceful, rich, elegant, handsome, but, until they speak to the imagination, not yet beautiful.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

What is the imagination? Only an arm or weapon of the interior energy; only the precursor of the reason.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Yet America is a poem in our eyes; its ample geography dazzles the imagination, and it will not wait long for metres.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like maybe we should be just friends turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.
The Kindly Ones
Neil Gaiman

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

Langston Hughes

The moment a person forms a theory his imagination sees in every object only the traits which favour that theory.
Thomas Jefferson

He who has imagination without learning has wings but no feet.
Joseph Joubert

We differ, blind and seeing, one from another, not in our senses, but in the use we make of them, in the imagination and courage with which we seek wisdom beyond the senses.
Helen Keller

Imagination is the voice of daring. If there is anything Godlike about God it is that. He dared to imagine everything.
Henry Miller

The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n.

John Milton

Organizations with decision-making speed and imagination will thrive as nobody can claim to have a monopoly over creativity.
Narayana Murthy

They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
Edgar Allan Poe

You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream ...
All that you see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

Edgar Allan Poe

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope, which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities.
Dr. Seuss

I dream for a living.
Steven Spielberg

Skill without imagination is craftsmanship and gives us many useful objects such as wickerwork picnic baskets. Imagination without skill gives us modern art.
Tom Stoppard

If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.
William Arthur Ward

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