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Definition: The regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something. A person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life. Estimate the monetary worth of (something). Consider (someone or something) to be important or beneficial; have a high opinion of.
Values: The plural form of the noun "value" and third-person singular present tense form of the verb "to value."
Number of Quotes: 13

In every era, society must strike the right balance between the freedom businesses need to compete for a market share and to make profits and the preservation of family and community values.
Hillary Clinton

A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Research! A mere excuse for idleness; it has never achieved, and will never achieve any results of the slightest value.
Benjamin Jowett

The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.
Harper Lee

I don't believe in principles. Principles are only excuses for what we want to think or what we want to do.
Compton Mackenzie

A fine glass vase goes from treasure to trash, the moment it is broken. Fortunately, something else happens to you and me. Pick up your pieces. Then, help me gather mine.
The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration
Vera Nazarian

Stop competing on price; compete on value. Deliver total consumer solutions, rather than just your piece of the solution.
Faith Popcorn

Competitive strategy is about being different. It means deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of values.
Michael Porter

Whenever we have compromised on our principles, we and our customers have been the losers.
Marcus Sieff

The timid man yearns for full value and asks a tenth. The bold man strikes for double value and compromises on par.
Mark Twain

Business doesn't have to choose between making profit and protecting the environment, between economic success and ethical responsibility, between satisfying the customer and meeting the demands of other stakeholders. In other words, we don't have to make a choice between profits and principles.
Jeroen van der Veer

If we all say the same thing, then I think the government has to listen. But because no one is saying it, I become singled out, even though what I'm saying is common sense. It's very essential values that we all have to protect. But in Chinese society, people are giving up on protecting these values.
Ai Weiwei

Examinations are of no value whatsoever. If a man is a gentleman, he knows quite enough, and if he is not a gentleman, whatever he knows is bad for him.
Oscar Wilde

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