Full Name: Stage name of Jean-Baptiste Poquelin
Birthdate: January 15, 1622
Birthplace: Paris, France
Date of Death: February 17, 1673
Occupation: Actor and Playwright
Profile: Considered one of the great masters of comedy. Best known for
Le Misanthrope and
Tartuffe ou L'Imposteur.
Number of Quotes: 4
Age will bring all things, and everyone knows, Madame, that twenty is no age to be a prude.
Allow me, then, Mademoiselle, to place today on the altar of your charms, the offering of my heart, which aspires to and strives after no
other glory than for the rest of its life to be, Mademoiselle your very humble, very obedient and very faithful servant and husband.
It is public scandal that gives offence, and it is no sin to sin in secret.
Nearly all men die of their medicines, and not of their illnesses.